MILO: ‘I’m What the Future of Conservative Politics Has to Look Like’

What did he mean by this?

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It goes from jewish to jewish
neat, only brings the people closer to a second shoah

I'm not comfortable with the idea of my untouched anus being taken to pound town. Isn't there another way I can be conservative?

basically, not conservative

A nigger loving faggot?

This guy is just trying to push his own public image onto everyone, trying to make himself out to be more important than he actually is.

He's basically admitting to being a subversive element.


Lauren Southern, Gavin, Milo and Spencer. The four horsemen of the shillpocalypse. Nobody really likes them or wants to be associated with them but they like to claim that they are our leaders. Fuck them all.

Milo Yiannopoulos. No no wait, sorry, Milo Hanrahan. No no wait, sorry, Milo Andreas Wagner. The Catholic, no no wait, sorry, jewish journalist who thinks conservatives should spend their days bitching about feminists and sucking dick. It's the future!!!

AIDS ridden jew faggot no thanks

I wonder what's going to happen when Milo realizes he's spent his entire career converting people to a homophobic, anti-semitic movement.

Oh, sweet irony.

That he's a narcissist who sees the only value of political movements only as vehicles to build his ego.

He said once "social conservatism is dead". I wonder what the word conservative even means to him then. Probably nothing more than Chicago/Austrian economics memes and trolling feminists and trannies.

a nigger-loving jewish fag

I'm a narcissistic homosexual, this political movement is all about ME!
You all have to be like ME
You all have to adore ME
You all have to worship ME

I agree it's probably all about the economic aspect, he's probably hard libertarian about social aspects in the 'do whatever' way.

This useful idiot just stopped being useful

He was good for the young dumb woman vote and the fag vote, now he's only good as a tree ornament

I thought he faded away when he got banned from Twitter?
Everyone except his twink blowjob crew stopped talking about him.

When will people stop giving this piece of shit attention? He just latches himself on to any edgy cause that will give him attention. Completely inauthentic and devoid of principles. Not even that great of a debater either.

Its ironic because economic conservatism got BTFO in this election in favor of protectionism. He has nothing of any intellectual value to offer, his only worth comes from his "I'm gay so I can hate on trans people" gimmick.

sweet thoughtcrime allemangebro

>I wonder what the word conservative even means to him

It means hedonistic.

>Its ironic because economic conservatism got BTFO in this election in favor of protectionism.

Economic conservatism gained more than it lost in this election

+smaller government
+lower taxes
-(((free trade)))

It goes from Jewish leftists of 40 years ago to Jewish leftists of 20 years ago. Yay, thanks kike!

>What did he mean by this?

Y'all a bunch of a attention seeking faggots

God hates fags and fag enablers

That's fair I suppose

>caring about e-celebs who pose as intellectuals while doing nothing more than going after the weekly bottom of the barrel dumb American college SJW
>caring about e-celebs at all in genereal


I wonder what his last thoughts will be once he gets shoved on the gas chamber

>Oy vey goyim, so we took over the republican party as neocons
>So what that we are subversive jews who care more about Israel
>Yes, we send YOUR sons & treasure abroad to fight jewry's enemies
>Evil whitey voted for Trump, we got kicked out of our places
>Whitey made us irrelevant
....along comes jewish faggot...
>Yes, goyim, I, a jewish faggot who loves BBC, am the future of "conservatism"!
>Whitey, you must again place us on pedestals
>Listen to our pronouncements of what is and is not "conservative"
>Because nothing screams "conservative!!!" more than a subversive jewish faggot who puts Israel first
>Trust me, goyim, I'm your friend

This kike needs to die of fast-acting AIDS. Or a grease fire. That would be faster. Also, probably shouldn't look at pic related...

hes an idiot who got popular becasue hes a faggot who debates retards by attacking low hanging fruit

He always is shilling degenerate "rebellious gays" like William S. Burroughs. He's he definition of someone who would need to be gassed in a NatSoc society.

>Religion: Roman Catholic

He's not catholic. He pretended to be Catholic to get a job at a Catholic newspaper.

>Is he really Catholic? He never was before. I think it was one of his shape-shifting things to go with writing for the Catholic Herald, from which I hear he’s been dropped.

>by attacking low hanging fruit

But both parties do this