Trump is the President of the People

>Trump is the President of the People

Oh... wait..

Other urls found in this thread:


>Obama is the worst President in American history.

uh.... damn.. looks like he isn't!

OP is a faggot


i watched it from a comfy vidya stream

Trump vs clinton

fuck off leaf, if you're in Montreal give me your address so I can fuck your tight little commie butthole

now that trump is elected, the day of the rake is nigh upon us

that's because Republicans have jobs

>comparing shitty rainy day to clear skies for attendance of something

wew lads

>that pic was taken like 8 hours before you cuck

lets have 6 fucking threads of the same fucking post. fucking idiots

Fuck off leaf.

You mean more people showed up for the Democratic presidents inauguration then the Republican presidents inauguration?

In Washington, DC of all places?

Well, I never...

Well Trump did lose the vote. Less people like him than Clinton. This much is obviously clear.

Fucking dumb leaf missing the point...

>fucking with perspective
Don't try to deny that fewer people showed up to Trump's rally. The first two pics by the OP are from the same perspective and show that Obama had a much higher turnout.
Shitposting aside, being popular doesn't make you a good president.
Obama had a high turnout because of the excitement of the "first black president" meme.
Couple that with D.C. being overwhelmingly democrat and you have a much more populated inauguration.

Fake news faggot cuck


>if we change the perspective, it makes it harder to determine which crowd is larger

obama didnt have a bunch of faggots causing a ruckus neither

lets compare arrests

not to mention


>leafs are truly the kings of autism.

>bad president
>people protest to delegitimize his presidency

>good president
>everyone gathers in joyous occasion to celebrate


will you pls ban ur self thanks

these pictures are the difference between a party with supporters who work for a living,and a party with supporters who sit on welfare there whole lives


The same could be said about Drumpf supporters with higher crowds than Hillary.

She won the popular vote after all.

>less people like him then clinton

now lets take away the clinton supporters who like her because she was born with a vagina.then we'll have a real popular vote

>using the word drumpf

>thinks intelligent people are going to listen to his opinion

Oh sorry. Plumpf

If less showed up, it's because all of Trump's supporters had to drive in from their states, while DC cucks would show up to Obama's.

So in summary...

>DC is 90% Democrat, more people voted third party combined than Trump in DC
>On a Friday at noon
>Poorfags with nojobz and nolife vote Democrat at about a 55-40 clip
>Photo has been clearly debunked multiple times as being shown well before speech took place

But don't let facts get in your way, they never have with libshits, why start now?

its trump,you retarded piece of liberal shit

go back to pissing in your adult diapers and drinking out of a sippy cup like the overgrown child you and the rest of the people who dont like donald trump are

That's Plumph to you


Fuck off back to /freech/, goonfag.
freech DOT net/senpai/res/49039.html

As long as the left continues to lie they will continue to lose.

Try being more honest next time OP.

that's clearly been shooped.

this is the real image

a crowd of 250,000 does not look that big spread out over the mall.

What is Obama leaf going to do now with no more Obama?

Why should I care. He won.

because she didn't have one but if she did she'd probably get more people to show up.

>Trump is the President of the People
He still is, they just haven't realized it yet

Fewer Canadians speak proper English than Americans.


So you realize perspective can alter the image, but not the time of day? Retard.

no matter how many pictures from 6am you post
you still lost susan!
8 years of trump incoming!


>if we change the time of the ceremony when the picture was taken, we can make Obama look better

>implying there is only one real image

It's not shooped.

You're picture is just earlier than the other one. Fast forward through the stream and you'll see it fill in far more than your picture shows.

and everyone went to work and made money ~ the end

"The People" are at work.

I can never decide if threads like this are cheap-leaf-vpn-ameri-false-flag or if the bleeding-heart retardation and straw-grasping up here is really that bad.

The only honest and sensible reaction of Trump supporter here.

They're probably just a little off-put about Trumps cabinet of goldman sachs bankers, oil company executives, and billionaire heiresses.

Didn't stop them from coming to Trump's big ass rallies did it ?

The lower turnout compared to Obama is a reflection of the fact that Trump lost the popular vote to a one of the most hated presidential candidates in modern history, while Obama won in a landslide.

I really, really like that your criminal lost
which of course, makes you a loser also


>tight butthole

>What are the demographics of Washington DC?


DC is a cesspool populated by the establishment and their lackeys seeking handouts. Do you really think we expected a massive turnout in the heart of the enemies territory you tremendous fucking faggot?

I'd bet money if asked yesterday you'd be hyping it, saying it was gonna be yuge

This country is headed for civil war, the only thing I'm hyping up is the amount of salt you lefties have been providing.

How long have you been working at CNN? Tell Anderson Cooper to stop flooding Sup Forums with his gay interracial porn.

He is a president of the working people

this image was shown at about 10:15 on msnbc. ceremony didnt start till 11:30? turmp didnt speak till noon?

comin for ya. its head shaving time, motherfucking fascists.

Regardless it was a blowout and embarrassment to the nation and title of president

What has he actually said to make you believe that?