Dismal Inaugural Turnout?

Donald Trump is the most controversial president to date, one of the most hated in 30 years.

Why did people not go to his inauguration? For a couple reasons.

1. Safety
Throughout the President's campaign, multiple riots broke out at his rallies, the threat of getting caught in the middle of very intolerant and aggressive 'peaceful protesters' is quite scary. As well as this, the President is an enemy of radical Islamic terror. He declared total annihilation. Given recent history, a large gathering of supporters for your greatest enemy when you excel at killing large gatherings of people is like a mad man's wet dream. People didn't go because of that small voice that says "maybe today, here, is that day"

2. Location
Washington, D.C. and all surrounding areas (Baltimore, northern Virginia) are largely liberal. Donald Trump had 8% of the African-American vote compared to Clinton's 88%). Washington D.C. is 46% African-American.

Here is CNNs' take on it.


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White people work, niggers use welfare.

Hence the turn out.

isnt DC like 80% democrat

90%, actually.

An important piece I forgot to mention.


The photo on the right was taken 1 hour before the inauguration began. They were still filling the mall.

CNN knows this. They lie, and WE all know that.

Remember the first time CNN was caught faking pictures? They lightened George Zimmerman's picture to make him appear white, and used on darling little Trayvon's graduation photo.

CNN is really lousy at lying

Trump supporters have jobs

Most of Trumps supporters, including my self were at work. I don't give a shit what (((CNN))) has to say about it.

It was a big turnout you fake news faggot.

I make enough to get by. You think I'm gonna waste money on a plane ticket to watch one speech live when I can do it for free at home?


This article states that at the same times recorded, Trump had significantly lower numbers arrive. Can you provide data to back up your claims?

Lower numbers than who, obama? Considering dc voted 91% hillary and surrounding areas as well, and that obama was the first black president in history, yeah obviously he wont reach those numbers. It wasnt a bad turnout by any means. Not record breaking but who cares. As violent and hateful as the left has been lately its not surprising some decided to sit it out and just watch at home either. Different times, different circumstances.

vox btfo

>Binyamin Appelbaum
>fucking BINYAMIN
How can one echo so damn hard?

So republicans are lazy and can't be bothered to leave their recliners?

2 weeks ago
>okay guys, what can we do to make trump look really bad because we hate him?
>well, we can take really early photos of his inaugural turnout and compare them to obama's turnout during his speech
>then we can post it everywhere
>good idea

Dumbass you thought CNN would be truthful? That pic on the right was taken way earlier in the day

People didn't go because contrary to what this board actually believe, no one likes him. He lost the popular vote and has a very high unfavorable rating.


Learn how to do research. Obama's second inaugural was a million. Trumps was 900,000. Bill Clintons was 250,000. So you are talking out of your ass. Maybe you should shut the fuck up and get some actual facts

first was a nigger it was something amazing too see and the niggers with no job were proud.

whites are the prime supporters of trump and they are the minority so ~~~~

quality over quantity anyway did you see the inauguration? all those beautiful white people in the camera really makes me think and smile

I was going to go, but I was genuinely afraid of bombs going off or people getting mowed down.

Liberals have been scaring me lately.

>comparing sizes

literally muh dick

So many CTR niggers today


>Not that much people
>Some people werent looking happy
>Was raining

This agony is hilarious to watch

fuck off kike

That's less than an hour before his speech and it didn't get any better.

>kite strings slit throats, kill 3

Look at the time on the tweet. Do they have a time machine?

The fuck are you talking about idiot?

Holy shit. Are you fucking drumpftards that stupid you don't know what fucking time zones are?

He already won, faggot. Yes, there isn't a swarm of shiftless niggers there. Meanwhile, actual Americans with jobs were working.

You are a nigger, right?

Oh, and nice cherry pick on the pictures, faggot.

The chinese make glass imbedded string to sell to Indians. The Indians use this string to fly kites and take down other peoples kites during some holiday. Sometimes these kites fly over roadways and cut motorcyclists or children that are watching the kites through open car windows.

So by your logic these ppl didn't have jobs?

Remember a lot of those are his employees. Just like at his rallys.

And stop calling ppl kike. Donald loves the jews. Hes not racist.

Anyone else notice when there is a bunch of niggers there the photos look like detroit?