Wait so who the fuck are these goons anyway?

Wait so who the fuck are these goons anyway?

What site are they on these days?

I remember back when i lurked Sup Forums we were spergy and all >hurr we iz anonymoose le expect us

Are these the same people? Theres no fucking way I believe that

Are they 9gaggers/redditors that startred calling themselves le epic anonymouse?

What sites are they on? facebook groups?

punp :D

Millenials who were used as grunts by actual hackers/crackers that were left with the title when their masters fled with the money/lulz.

They are basically tumblr users at this point, they didnt resist any infiltration attempts after the leaders abandoned them.

Anyone that wears this mask is an auto-retard in my book. Each and every one of these clowns are huge leftists faggots.

They used to browse Sup Forums before Trump was a meme. Probably haven't gotten the memo.

>was there when anonymous started

Just more fake news.

>Are they 9gaggers/redditors that startred calling themselves le epic anonymouse?
Yes. Let's be real here. What the fuck have they done recently?


nothing, right? but im kind of interested in finding out how that shift from Sup Forums and early Sup Forums drifted to normie sites

Also like one guy with the anmoose username probably said this so HuffHuffPost published it since they appeal to the edgy leftist millennials.


Our trained hacker agents are going to ping all of your websites to death! We've also got some cool scripts from a 1337 underground IRC channel that we're not sure how to use yet, but you'll be sorry.


>regret the future

More like a good cover for disgruntled intelligence agents.
Anybody can be anonymous at this point, convenient cover to avoid the consequences.
Pol should do their own version, that says it will destroy the impersonators that work for the establishment.
They are basically useful idiots/antifa since occupy Wall Street happened.

Cant it just be any larper? Buy a guy fawkes mask and wear a hood and then you become the infamous hacker known as Sup Forums

In the exact same way normies start to imitate the language and behaviours of the boards to be cool IRL or on kikebook.

Don't know what you mean. The same way everything else that gets popular on /b or /pol does. This Mongolian scarf making site drives pop culture more than most people realize.

the name was hijacked by normies and those who would nowadays be called SJWS when we attacked scientology in 2008. They thought we were exposing the details of their horrible cult to the public out of some moral desire, when what we really wanted was tom cruise to freak out on tv, or to intercept some missives where higher ups said we were spec ops hackers sent by aliens to demoralize the faithful (that actually happened)

it's just anyone who claims that they're anonymous. it's not the same group every single time, the media just likes to make it seem that way so it's a good story. Sup Forums raided one of their chats they found once. basically the whole anonymous thing got really cringey after chanology

First of all Anonymous was subverted early on. Originally it was a free speech concentric leaderless movement started by Sup Forums. Now most who fly that banner are sjw goons.

In the early days they did actually strike fear into the cops and the establishment, hacking police emails, shutting down companies that pulled bullshit against Wikileaks and doing real protests.

Anonymous (the hacker group) was tracked down by the FBI and turned into informants (hackers for the fbi) 2010 remember them hacking Syria's internet, the core hacker group was not really anonymous, they had a quasi leadership and where more sjw than the movement as a whole. The 'leader' was busted by the fbi and entrapped the rest of his gang because he had no honor.

I've completely moved on and consider most people wearing the guy faux mask to be low level enemies to the cause these days.

hows the weather in new zealand right now

Overweight liberal turbocucks waiting for mommy to come home with a bucket of KFC

It's a honeypot that has precisely nothing to do with Sup Forums.

Somethingawful, you answered your own question.

>Wait so who the fuck are these goons anyway?

holy shit

>what if Sup Forums is a honeypot...

Do you have stairs in your house

I can assure you that the original anonymoose or whatever the fuck they called themselves do not exist anymore.


theyre redditors

Thanks Kek

>Originally it was a free speech concentric leaderless movement

More like Alan Smithee was for directors but for hackers/skiddies.

plebbit, kikebook and 9fag. Even on the /new/ days they were always being laughed at

>t. newfag

jesus christ ill bet you a million dollars you weren't even here pre-2014

I'm sure I'm not only speaking for myself here but it really is insane how I've been on here around 8 years almost, and in 08 NOBODY would've said meme or anonymous in public or the news, it actually felt super underground. But then people on Sup Forums and shit would fuck around with things for fun, hacking and changing some small stuff for lulz, and then the mask and the slogans became a shitty post ironic joke, but then probably some French and Tunisian and fuckin random teenagers from Russia and all that shit come along, they're way late to the party so they don't really get it and still think it's serious, and they have nothing else to do in their shitty second world countries so they get good at hacking and use the front of a joke that they don't even really get, then the news gets it and now it's two times distorted and they think it's a real thing. And now people just wear the mask cuz librul anarky

They're faggot millennials who have had their heads filled with Marxist bullshit at Universities. They're people who grew up learning about Anonymous off the television from dumb cunt reports who asked stupid shit like, "Who is 4 chan and what does he want?"

They're retards. The actual communists call them Useful Idiots.

Does anyone remember Operation Spacecamp?

"Anonymous" pre-2010 was the best.

Real answer:

Facebook larpers who use the Anonymous brand to capitalize on monetized social media clicks from normies.

>be cia
>be globalist
>lose job
>lead (((anonymooose))) resistance

That would only work if Trump did something retarded, like keep an unsecured private email server in his basement, or fall for an obvious phishing scam.

They were being mocked back when Scientology raids were happening, and in some cases even before that.

People these days think that "Anonymous" and Sup Forums were synonymous when that could be further from the truth.

Sup Forums is permanently porn/ylyl
9gag is irrelevant don't even mention

Reddit is still big and has fags that might try to do something. The difference nowadays is that anonymoos is not that edgy anymore, we are edgy.

the irc channels back then where the best.

if you where in them what was your alias maybe i remmeber you.

mine was:

*8 years

Nice try, I am behind 8 oogaa boogas.

theyre libcuck LARPing impostors

>Don't know what you mean. The same way everything else that gets popular on /b or /pol does. This Mongolian scarf making site drives pop culture more than most people realize.

so could we eventually influence pop culture to favour national socialism?

kek I was thinking...I don't remember any of that around here. we just used anonymoose as a scapegoat.

the fucking deep state couldnt find dirt on trump and those shitheads think they can? kek reminder that the last time they threatened to release something damaging on trump, it was just an ad for 'make donald drumpf again' hats. fucking idiots, nobody takes them seriously



just huffpo calling for violence and thuggery against republicans and their supporters... you know, par for the course.

kys yourself, m8


Are you fucking stupid? You had one job asshole


Anonymous hasn't been relevant in years, it's a LARP group for skids and liberals.

"socialism" in natsoc is not related to international marxist socialism

we are against both capitalism and communism

I remember reading that they tried fucking with Isis and Isis got a hold of one the anonymous hackers. Don't know of it's real or not but I hope it is

This. It's just goons using the Sup Forums name just like we use ebaums

The actual "group" of anonymous is literally anyone that goes on Sup Forums. This whole thing started with the fox news report.

Then Anonymous was just a Sup Forums irl meme that was pissed the fuck off at Scientologists. Some of "Anonymous" (again, these are just regular Sup Forums users we are talking about) eventually turned into a legitimate hacker group

This hack group was then hijacked by LARPING teenagers that like to sperg out and dye their hair.

>so who the fuck are these goons anyway?
shills. Seriously any old anons have long since parted ways and laid low or gotten booked for some other kind of online meddling.
>are these the same people?

>are they redditors?
I fear at this point they are pure meme. Transcendent past all real world affiliation and simply echoing through the information superhighway
>what sites are they on?


>you are going to regret the next 4 years

>anonymouse threats

its literally nothing OP. these faggots are nothing but sjws hiding behind 7 proxies, they don't even do it for the lulz anymore.

>we are against both capitalism and communism
>against capitalism
The exact reason why you are morons and why socialism is destined to fail.

A bunch of jackasses that work for the CIA at this point.

this is shilling but its advanced, intelligent shilling so I ain't even mad

>any old anons have long since parted ways
Jog on LARPer, there's still plenty of "old anons" here.

Socialism (not communism, learn to make the difference) works with heavy nationalism.
It's one of these political combos that go well together.
The weak aspects of one is counterbalanced by the strong aspects of the other, like every system should.

Only faggots wear those stupid masks, user hides in plain sight

Didn't these sad chucklefucks just the other day say they had some kind of incredible evidence that would bury trump during his inauguration? Did they ever even post anything?

>what is chanology?

rofl oh yeah, didn;t that happen like 6 times in 2016?

Yes. And they posted nothing. Unless they're saving it for their whole impeachment movement.

>Are they 9gaggers/redditors that startred calling themselves le epic anonymouse?


it died in 2012

The government.

No, I'm not shitposting.

>Anyone that wears this mask is an auto-retard in my book. Each and every one of these clowns are huge leftists faggots.

Original user was a freedom of speech anti-copyright open internet ideology actually.

This picture was widely mocked on Sup Forums, marking the end of any credibility "anonymous" unfortunately at that stage, the protests hit the mainstream news and outsiders jumped on the bandwagon.