Can India become a superpower?

>What would make them likely to ascend?
>Who'd be their main rival/competitor?
>Would they be stopped mid life cycle like ussr was ?

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do you realize how fucking poor India is relative to it's population size?

It's never going to be a super power

Frankly they should aim at just being a "not as poverty stricken" country

Modi is on the right track building toilets, but he still isn't promoting contraception.

Instead he wants to flood the west with Indians

they are already a super pooper power

but no, india will NEVER be a player in international affairs because they are a third world shithole full of ignorant peasants with a thin layer of educated self obsessed brahmins on top

they cant even convince their horde of untermensch to shit in a toilet.

New Zealand will colonise pluto before that happens

India is barely centralized enough to be referred to as a country let alone a superpower

India has been the home of several powerful empires and was home to the indus valley civilization. the land has potential.

" powerful empires" by poo in loo standards.

they wouldnt stand a chance against any contemporary chinese or european state, militarily, economically, or even culturally.

by every measure india has always been a third tier power.

>what would make them likely to ascend
When the elevation of their streets goes up from all the POO


i wasnt talking contemporarily, i meant in the past.

they were basicallly up tp par in the middle ages.


>>What would make them likely to ascend?
> Create a much, much larger middle class
> Create much better infrastructure
> Continue industrializing
> Keep gdp growth higher than China's

>>Who'd be their main rival/competitor?
> China, Pakistan, maybe Russia

>>Would they be stopped mid life cycle like ussr was ?
They are democratic and capitalist so they're chances of stagnation and collapse aren't nearly as high as the USSR, that said the poos are easily the most diverse country on Earth so it's entirely possible they'll be stuck at literal shithole status for decades.

Go back to india pajeet

look at muh flag much ?

Being the key word there. If they never united they might have had a chance as sovereign kingdoms.

>What would make them likely to ascend?
Going back to individual kingdoms and trading with eachother before globally trading. Keep a federation or something but ruling over a single landmass like that isn't something easy for any man to do, and cohesion works best within separated racial groups. Caucasians up north, mongoloids in the east and dravadians in the center/south should manage their own, not eachother. That's why there's still poo in loo, because low IQ half breeds won't listen to the ruling elite who're some other ethnic/racial group member, besides also being poor and stupid.


India would wipe the floor with any European nation.

Most European nations have


That's why he said to go back.

>Who'd be their main rival/competitor?

The loo, of course

This highlights the issue. India's biggest enemy right now is India.

Do you think any of that matters when a Mach 24 MIRV'd nuclear missile comes crashing down from the heavens? And French rifles are atrocious, they are replacing them with German ones.

>Modi is on the right track building toilets, but he still isn't promoting contraception.
He won't do it because it would lead to an increase in Muslim population.

>Instead he wants to flood the west with Indians
It's called 'brain drain' and it hurts India more because all highly educated Indians move outside India, He is doing everything to stop prople from moving out.

Sup Forums can laugh all they want but India will rise again. You can see whyte bois getting cucked all over the world by Mudslimes. That is why they often project against strong Hindu nations which have rich culture like India. Before British colonisation, India had the biggest share of world GDP throughout world history. It's just 60 years since we got indipendence and growth rates are 8%. How much are your shitty countries growing by? Let me guess: 1% with 0% interest loans? LMAO.

Arms contracts can be tricky. Only France has been reliable ally during war but you can never say. Developing inhouse tech is worthwhile. Most attempts in the beginning are bad

Do they even work for their intended purpose? What's their effective range before getting shot down?

Yup. Egoism and selfish desires hinder the general population from success as a people, and they're too diverse to function normally as a single group. They have like 20 recognized "official" languages. At least in China, there's some cohesion because they're all mongoloids and speak one language and have a common ethnic tie, distinct from koreans and japs. India has 3 different races living in it, they will never get along as a whole to cooperate. India, as well as Brazil, are proof that multiculturalism is not a good thing, especially on the large scale.

>>What would make them likely to ascend?

Billion deaths, possible maybe with flooding and the various health issues that can kill off large populations very quickly.

Otherwise it'll never happen.

>Before British colonisation, India had the biggest share of world GDP throughout world history.
Wasn't India ruled my afghani mughals at the time before brit colonization?

I really hope they can become a superpower without fucking their culture like everyone else.

>What's their effective range before getting shot down?

Nothing is shooting down a ballistic missile during the terminal phase. Nobody has the capability to reliably shoot down an ICBM after it is launched. Least of all the Europeans.

With a graphene nose cone, tailless design, laser-ring gryo, MIRV capabilities, and advanced solid propellant there is nothing anyone can do against it. This is the cutting edge. US minuteman doesn't even have these features due to its age and high cost of upgrade, which Congress has been reluctant to fund.

Yes. The later Mughals were actually not bad. They were all born in India. Akbar for eg. was secular. Muslims even hate him here and call him a Hindu.

Read this by ex. supreme court chief justice:

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What makes you think Indians would be willing to fight? Modi just banned high denomination bills, making most people who didn't trust a bank lose their entire life savings and possibly their only way of life. How did the Indians take it? Modi is still running the country.

Truth is, Indians are just as cucked as the western world. They've been indoctrinated to accept external authority through the same psychological techniques that are currently being employed by western Governments on their own people.

>The later Mughals were actually not bad
They tried to genocide you guys at least 5-6 times.

It's surely just a coincidence that the range of the missiles are marked in different shades of brown

They can't even hold a candle to China, so no.

Its already super power.

I was talking about specific kings. It went downhill later in the tenure I agree. Hindu population recovered after that by a lot and Muslims aren't allowed to do shit here. They hold no real power

ha ha ah lol

I hope so. Superpower Poos would be a whole lot better than superpower Chinks. Poos are lower IQ and pretty spergy, but they seem to at least be higher ancestry, they have a cooler culture and share a partial Indo-European ancestry which is pretty based. Fuck I might even want to visit there some time if the country ever stops smelling like poo.

No, the jobs that India dominates (call center jobs) will soon be automated. Jobs leave the US to go to shitty countries (like India), then soon won't exist at all. India is at about it's peak right now, and my god is it shitty (figuratively and literally).

>>What would make them likely to ascend?
More free market action. Culling of their low IQ pop/eugenics programs of some sort, even if that just means letting poor people starve in large numbers for a few years.

>>Who'd be their main rival/competitor?
Themselves. Seriously.

>>Would they be stopped mid life cycle like ussr was ?
Not as long as they can get their economy in shape. If they falter out, go full retard commie mode and try to project 10x as much military force as they should across the globe then sure they might.

>>What would make them likely to ascend?
only a lack of corruption
therefore they will never ascend

Holy shit it's real

depends on how the league of b-list countries works out
(they really should consider a change from SA to somebody else)

thanks to the laws of human nature
1st worlds tend to gang up and beat the 2nd and 3rd (see pol if unconvinced)
it's an uphill climb

Pic related soon

You really need some propaganda to Super Power mate, like this

Yes, it is brother. Yes it is.

Meant to say higher empathy, not higher ancestry.

They're a huge part of the worlds population.

Doesn't that in itself make them a superpower?

Never, have you ever met or interact with any people from India on a faily basis user??? They have no morals or ethics, they value cheating above all other traits.

Doesn't that makes us brown Anglos, guess we are more Anglos than you Emu slaves.

Pretty sure that swastika has nothing to do with the Nazis because of the little dots in between the arms. That's a religious symbol.

We are secular nation, the swastika is because we are 'Aryavarta (land of the Aryans)' and sheeit.

>We are secular nation

Yeah, sure you are. Is that why your country is still divided up in the Hindu caste system and why a large portion of the country still thinks that a incredibly dirty river is holy and will heal people and not make them sick?

The nation i.e. the government and constitution is secular and not the people, geez you really need some democracy lessons Evan.

Caste system is to keep the dalit niggers separate


>a large body of people, associated with a particular territory, that is sufficiently conscious of its unity to seek or to possess a government peculiarly its own

The nation is the people, not the rulers, Pajit. Your nation is religious to the core, no matter what the stance of the government is. And even then, are you telling me there are "untouchables" in the government?

Modi belongs to one of the lower castes. Just saying

Most caste generalisations are 100% true

>And even then, are you telling me there are "untouchables" in the government?
Modi is a dalit and he is the fucking Prime Minister. So yes.

Brahmins seem pretty based. I looked into the Brahmin book a little (I need to read it thoroughly some time) and it seemed quite similar to old Greco-Roman Stoicism which is pretty neat, Aurelius was one of my favourite philosophers of all time.


Do you post on Indiachan?

Not while they need to be bribed to not shit in the streets


I read that India has worse economic indicators than Africa if you treated it as a single country. Can we stop the "India=China" meme?

lel yeah, I recognised you from that wojak jalikattu edit.
now don't tell me you're that namefag

We are the 7th richest country on the globe, please shed your commie tears elsewhere.

I'm not the namefag

you absolutely cannot use the word "rich" to describe India

I told you to shed your commie tears anywhere else, Shillary.

>we are 7th richest!
t. pajeet from the 159th richest country on the earth

>Wanting everybody to have more income
>Not Commies
Pick one you Abbo.

>implying dalits and muslims are humans

>he fell for the nominal meme
PPP is objectively superior

You fucking braindead pajeet
You have to divide that GDP with the billions of other street shitters too you know?

>superpower by 2020

>You have to divide that GDP with the billions of other street shitters too you know?

Gee, just stop spreading your commie agenda. Just because you are too pussy to ever own a free laborer of your own doesn't mean we are too.

Possibly mass eugenics and genocide of subhumans and populace with shitty genes would cause the next generation to begin the ascension. There's 1 billion people, half of whom shit on streets and act like niggers. India needs ethnic cleansing.

China and Pakistan.

Possibly. The Jews have been screwing India much harder than they screwed Europe till date. The entire vedic Indian populace has been diluted and destroyed, too much rampant poverty and government control, India needs yo become fascist to become a superpower.

Modi is an Israeli shill and he's turning India into an authoritarian police state as each day passes by. India is soon going to enter a Communist cycle once cashless societies are implemented here.

This. Indus valley civilization was the birth place of all other civilizations. Most of European discoveries were blatantly ripped off from the Vedas which are way too ahead of our time. Sanskrit is the mother of many major European languages including Greek and Latin. We were the richest country on this planet before the Brits invaded us. The Vedas are literally the red pill, but in written form. The Vedas are older than civilization itself. Indus Valley was literally a much a Paradise, compared to pre-modern era.

There's evidence proving the Indus civilization's disappearance was related to atom bombs due to the radioactive levels present around the dig sites.

If the ancient Indian populace wasn't genocided, raped and diluted by the muslims, destroyed and looted by the Jews and Brits, we would be far above the every other country. Its sad to see how such a great nation and people could be destroyed and be turned into worthless shadows of their former selves.

>You have to divide that GDP with the billions of other street shitters too you know?
Kek. You can literally buy people for 100-150$ here. It's Ancapistan

We're already there, convict

>There's evidence proving the Indus civilization's disappearance was related to atom bombs due to the radioactive levels present around the dig sites.

There's high levels of radioactivity round the excavation sites and literal radioactive skeletons have been found at the dig sites.

>Culling of their low IQ pop/eugenics programs of some sort, even if that just means letting poor people starve in large numbers for a few years.

Planned parenthood. Literally eugenics. But Sup Forums doesn't like abortion and wanted Trump elected so nah.

>killig white children is fine because we're kill nigling children as well

Every white life is sacred these days, we don't have the same problems India has these days.

But niggers are killed significantly more to the point where near half of them are aborted in some neighborhoods. It's a net gain. White trash gets killed, niggers get killed in huge numbers.

If you were pragmatic, you'd support abortion.

India hasn't really had an industrial Revolution. They've copied bits from the west and tried making shitty clones.

Even the USSR couldn't make a supercarrier.

The Indians have an ex Soviet carrier.

They're a rank below 70s USSR.

The only countries that can build relatively advanced carriers are USA, UK, France and Japan. Even Japan would struggle to build a 99,000 ton carrier.

Indians are a service sector powerhouse with hundreds of millions of people living in poverty and shitting in the streets.

When they manage to have decent export economy with hi tech industrial base making hi tech quality goods (USA,Germany,Japan,UK,France,Italy) them they can develop into an organic superpower.

India didn't exist as a whole country. Sikh empire, mughals, Muslims, Bangladeshis, Nepalis.
They were were a rag tag group of ancient societies that had degraded into insignificance, a shadow of their former selves.

The Brits came along and conquered them all and gave them a boost by unifying the country and calling it India, and bringing them kicking and screaming into the modern world with railways, roads, telecommunications and fucking toilets and sewers.

Without Britain India would not exist, but probably some greater Pakistani empire of Muslims instead.

There isn't a black and white line between pragmatism and morality. Fact is abortion is murder. You may consider them white trash but ultimately we need every white we can get. A white life is worth a lot more than a nigger life anyway, we don't want to trade 1 for 1 or 1.1 for 1. That's still a horrible loss for us.

You can get niggers that are worth more than dumb whites. Your are assigning value based on race when some blacks are smarter than some whites.

Abortion kills the poor.

You've already essentially admitted that murder is okay if the victim isn't white. Why should a nigger be spared just because this nigger happens to have white skin?

You obviously aren't looking for a pragmatic solution at all, and your morality isn't coming into play at all.

The purpose of getting rid of niggers is to have less violent retards. So why not just get rid of violent retards?

Don't pretend to be moral. Own the fact that you are trying to be a fucking monster.

I'm pro white because whites are pro white and niggers will kidnap and torture my daughters for being white. Niggers have high in group preference and high criminality and love raping blond girls so that's just not going to fly. I have no love for niggers and I'd rather see niggers themselves victimized in some purge then allow this continual situation of niggers preying on innocent whites. We need a solution to the nigger problem.

Poor whites are better than rich niggers because niggers aren't part of my tribe and every society has poor. Looking after our down trodden (to a degree) is part of what makes white societies great.

> t. retard