The alt-right (as observed to "lifelong" left wing anarchist)

I made this post to attempt to speak with and understand others, these are all opinions only as perceived by me, and are subject to human fallibility, i claim no monopoly on truth.

-the alt-right seem to have developed out of a reaction to the shallow identity analysis and dogma as espoused by social media activists circa 2012
-this seemed to have replaced a shallow and dogmatic paradigm with a new one, just as shallow and prone to excommunication
-the discourse used by the left has improved in their cross-referencing to other things, their sources, and general depth
-i have not yet seen much of the alt-right, other than them using the word "SJW" or "cuck" a lot, which is kind of a petulant thing to say (i actually genuinely wish to understand the thought process of use)

books suggested to read or ignore; Bodies of Work: Essays by Kathy Acker (i used her photo because why not?), Of Grammatology by Jacques Derrida, Gender Trouble by Judith Butler

Other urls found in this thread:

the Alt-Right is a kike psyop

>the discourse used by the left has improved in their cross-referencing to other things, their sources, and general depth

What do you mean by this? Examples?

What is the point here?

also OP, you are a pseudo-intellectual

you can read 300 books with lot of "depth", you are still wrong, and you are reading unsubstantiated garbage

statistics and facts are on the right side, no need to write a fairy tale about it

> muh differance
That being said you dont need to be a genius to recognize a dead movement when you see one

why do people read retarded books that no one cares about?

go read something of actual value.

I'm referring to the expansion on ideas of theorists, historians, and other people, using data and all that jazz, having a logical analysis (i make not objective judgement upon the material on which they base it)
I guess it was to try and find a understanding of opinions that aren't mine.
sure, what do you suggest?

Could you give me an example?

Your first mistake is even entertaining the term 'alt-right'. Alt-right is the term people who don't even know the true identity of the anonymous hacker known as Sup Forums. It's like asking a Turk to define what a roach is, it's like asking a Swede for marital advice, attempting to have an honest conversation with an Aussie, or even giving a fucking leaf a (you). So here's your (you).

You have the silliest notions of the 'alt-right', even more mistaken than the mainstream media which just runs with whatever angle some intern hits on a marked up dart board when it comes to internet trends. This is why the left hasn't 'improved' because the left still doesn't understand how it lost or what it's even up against. It's trying so desperately to synthesize what is happening and what this 'thing' is that's finally resisting it. Unfortunately for them, leftists cannot really into memes. Yes, they finally get to see them on facebook but are generally not understanding them on the correct levels and are frequently posting such things as '@friend's name "omg i have no idea what this is but I knew I HAD to send it to you' *crylaughing emoji". Leftist boards are notorious for having the weakest memes. You're basically trying to jump head first into the most meme-literate philosophy without the background knowledge. It's like inviting yourself on an expedition to explore some pharaoh's tomb without knowing how to read hieroglyphs (at this point you literally need to know how to read hieroglyphs).

Now if you're asking for ''''''''''''(((alt-right)))''''''''''''''lite aka Milo, Spencer, etc. who just want to get some quick fame and some bit coin then you wont get anywhere.

>left wing anarchist

.... uhhhh


THATS a more developed theory to you? REEEE

Which is basically the bogus that formed Identity politics, and that is Actual institutionalised racism that aims to create a merit system devoid of racism without even starting said system by themselves, but it is okay to do it because you can create a huge conspiracy about white people being the supreme masters of all things. Funny thing is, you sound legitimate because you use fruity words learned in academia and still skew data to favor you, just like the Alt-Right is doing.

(I'm not an alt-rightist, just center-right)

Live here for a year. Get redpilled.

Why should we help you? You are quite literally the enemy. We have nothing to gain by sharing our understanding with you.

There's no alt-right as a single entity.

Alt-Right is a term devised literally only for American politics to find a name for right wing movement that weren't endorsed by GOP. Nazis just as well as libertarians or Buchanan-style paleocons(hi Donald).

Once you get red pilled, there's no going back.
No one here will ever become a leftist unless they get pussy whipped.

Guide us, grandmaster of memes.

You are completely correct.
They love to use the word "cuck' and "SJW" a lot.
They seem insecure.
They will always point to their "statistics"

Former left anarchist here.

To me the alt right is an identity politics which is reacting to the manner which global capitalism (with its need to be inclusive so as to no limit itself) has eroded traditional values and culture. They would not phrase it like this. But if you replaced 'the Jews' with 'glibalization' in their discourse, you would find a critique isomorphic with late 20th century leftist antiglobalization rhetoric. Back then there was much talk against homogenization of culture due to capitalism. The alt-right too rejects this but with different words and solutions.

Beware of the cat-o-nine! Crickey!

Also something I find amusing I that they chalk up the degeneration of their culture and pride therein to 'cultural marxism' when in fact this is a primary effect of neoliberal capitalism and it's desire to level the world into one gray mass for it to use up at will. I never liked Marx very much personally but it is absurd to give such credit to a minor school of thought when market morality is so clearly deciding every important decision in the world.

why are you thinking so hard about something that doesn't exist?

>left wing
Pick one

You don't seem to be very familiar with the history of political movements or how that term has been applied historically.

>it's desire to level the world into one gray mass for it to use up at will

That's literally what Marxism/Communism was about, except done in a more totalitarian fashion than with capitalism. Commie think culture and race shouldn't exist, we should all be once race, the human race, workers of the world unite, we should all be part of a monoculture with a hammer and a sickle.

Where do you think the idea that "gender is a spectrum", "race doesn't exist", "sexuality is fluid", etc. come from. It's quite literally Marxism on a cultural level, while capitalism is only the system that helps it along because trying to do anything about it would be against the "free market". And this is why both Communism and Capitalism are cancerous.

The so-called alt-right is difficult to describe because many, would-be proponents and opponents alike, seek to seize upon and define the term for themselves. The taxonomy has destabilized considerably over the last several years, and with the election simply become an incoherent term.

Ideas like this can begin as tongue-in-cheek memes, but over time take on more serious tones, resulting in cogent themes. In the detectable themes, one will find the same threads as mainstream conservatisms, such as H.L Mencken. The term itself first saw use with a clustering of paleoconservative writers at sites like VDARE and American Renaissance. The writings there served to differentiate it from mainstream conservatism with the use of appeals to ethnic nationalism, though with racial and anti-semitic undertones. This branch has been characterized as Republicanism with overt white identity politics.

Arguably, the alt-right also has roots in another movement, the so-called Dark Enlightenment from the 2000s (worth a review).

More recently the alt-right has become something entirely different. Some invoking the term have been explicitly neo-nazi in their formulations.

In my humble opinion, the alt-right is a tainted and useless term.

Basically, the "Alt-right", at it's core, is the right-wing finally starting to play the same identity politics games that the left has been for the past 50 years. They were perfectly happy to let you guys play around with it for a while to figure out how best to use it, but now that you've more or less gotten identity politics figured out and are just ironing the kinks out of it, they're stealing your playbook and starting to use it against you.

Commies may think that but it is also a very useful situation for capitalism and the great owners of the world's wealth. The concepts you enumerate may have origins on the left but they prosper only because they are profitable. Degenerates and deviants crusade for acceptance and get it because they become niche markets.

the best writers were Nazis. Heidegger, for example. read his books. Knut Hamsun as well. I know your point isn't necessarily "right wing people are all dumb", but you are straddling that line. I see more stupidity from the left than the right, actually. someone who's dumb and somewhat knows it, like the Milo following twitter kiddies, is more bearable than someone's who's dumb and thinks they're intelligent, i.e. every SJW.

>The concepts you enumerate may have origins on the left but they prosper only because they are profitable.

No, they prosper because the people who own the wealth, the institutions (media, education, etc.) want it to.

For example, that shitty female Ghostbusters movie was a flop, but the people who made it don't care because they have all the money anyway. If they can profit from it, that's secondary, and they will manipulate public opinion to make it profitable anyway.

No thing, idea, animal or otherwise persists for very long if it has a negative cost benefit ratio unless there is a great application of force to make it so. This is a principle even before the era we call capitalist. If they make one movie that flops, it is immaterial, if anything it is a loss leader so that greater numbers of people feel included and not alienated by Hollywood movies, widening the circle of people they may extract money from.

>No thing, idea, animal or otherwise persists for very long if it has a negative cost benefit ratio unless there is a great application of force to make it so.

You mean like Jews owning Hollywood, the entire mainstream media, and most of the wealth in the country?

>if anything it is a loss leader so that greater numbers of people feel included and not alienated by Hollywood movies
It is part of the same agenda they have been pushing for decades. With communism, there just wouldn't be any alternative to it. Yes, it's a loss leader to get people used to it and normalize it so that it may become accepted and profitable, even expected in the future.










