The death of the white race is upon us

there's no possibility white people win the war. Most trump supporters are middle aged or older. Any young trump fan does not have any friends

The left has the numbers, the violence, the creativity and the determination. What do you have to resist us?

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The future.

all nazi's leave the country peacefully and you will not be harmed. Just walk away. You can put a stop to all this. Just walk away and we will spare your lives. Just walk away

>BLM and Antifa and Spic gangs vs Obese basement-dwelling Drumpfucks

Man, the next 4 years are gonna be super fun

that's crap. everyone knows the gays are the most loved group of people. Just walk away. You can't resist us. We are gay, transgender, black, asian, latino, mexican, honduran and arab. You CANT resist nazi. You have nothing. You will not send me to a camp

That's ok, you can have America. It's too brown anyways. Just let us keep Europe and we'll be cool.

What war?

Is there one I haven't heard about?

There's always going to be human races for the foreseeable future; it's human nature to stay with the tribe.

And the sun will eventually go out and the universe will implode, and all humans will be dead.

The end.


America will have a race war in the next 2 years. pick a side

Looks like the white version of this girl

We could have the numbers if you fucks would go out and get some white babies going.

Pot legalization isn't a bad thing.

If the situation in europe goes on like this white americans can expect a large surge of white refugees to help out ;)

All I can see is Autistic screeching

ew da fuq?

What race war?

Mexicans aren't one group -- Cali and Texan ones are entirely different

Blacks aren't capable of forming an united front

Leftists will be shut down by the state

I don't think you've thought this through.

why would you be given europe? you have no right to it

You think spic gangs like blacks? TOP KEK

The left has numbers (without weaponry). The right is well armed and trained. I'd wager one right winger could take out at least 100 crybaby lefties with ease. I mean shit my state still allows drum clips user.

dumbass as soon as you use your guns the military turns on you and joins the other side so you got gays, minotiries, other white people, god, hollywood, all the biggest cities AND the military and police against you.

Wow you really planned it all out didnt you?

>spic gangs

>vs intelligent, hackers that can ruin their lives by finding out who they are and releasing all their information and selling it to the highest bidder online

Ooohh, I'm so scared, what are they gonna do, push me while wearing a hanky around their face? Get real, before I shove a fucking glock down their throat.

>Spics hate Nigs

The enemy of my enemy is my friend

which is why they will work together against white people

Wrong again as the military is predominatley white my friend.

And most of that military are from thos priveledged white states that voted for Trump. So you can expect them to side with. You guessed it Trump supporters. You can only try and make yourself feel better.

>white Europeans don't have a right to Europe

And also blue lives matter. Did you forget you have alienated your own protection. I doubt they appreciate all the looting and crime you and violence your leftist friends have been propigating. Wow you really "planned that out" well didn't you?

It's cute that you believe that much in trump

He's going to improve some things but the next president is going to cuck you again

If he had the intention to drastically change this shithole for the better they'd just jfk him

good ol boys will never fight alongside trump. they will defect. most military guys go where the girls are

Sorry to burst that "safe space" of yours with reallity.

stop saying 'white people' like it means anything
it's bad enough that all these retards believe in it.

Gingers aren't white they are their own race.

Don't worry I'll take care of it

The good ol' boys are those red neck Trump supporters.

they understand why we are fighting. they understand that they contributed to pain in inner cities and their guilt will eventually turn them to our side. You have no hope. NONE

Also most military guys go where freedom is. They could give a shit less where the pussy is at. Mostly because the left is filled with beta pussies just jumping in line following sjw pussy around hoping if they're a "good boy" they'll get some action.

Trump wanted a military escort for the parade with tanks and everything. how's that for freedom

MTV makes a "Dear White People" commercial because whitey is defeated obviously.

So woke.

Sounds like a country that knows how to display their military in a way that tells terroist groups like ISIS and other countries that we won't be pushed around. Just like most countries did in WW2.

And if your truly a leftist that cares abput values you'd be on board with sending that message to grouos like ISIS who persecute and murder gays and disrespect womens rights.

>vs intelligent, hackers that can ruin their lives by finding out who they are and releasing all their information and selling it to the highest bidder online
Not to mention most gun owners and military veterans in the country.
The left haven't thought their socialist revolution through.
And 52 percent of white women voted for Trump. You really think the "good ol' boys" will ever fight for the left - especially against the legitimate government?

Girls can be taken, or likely will go where the real men and food are.



let this sink in for a moment. Take away Commiefornia and Jew York and Trump wins by 5 million. most of American doesn't like you.
Gen Z, the ones comming of age right now are the most conservative generation since WW2.

they hate your degeneracy, they were the victims of it and believe me they won't be siding with you.

liberal you're fucked. the demographics you preach about are based on projection of CURRENT immigration models. guess what that shit is all over with.

Trump deports 2-3 million criminal illegals and sends the H1B visas over stays home (half of the illegals). plus Trump said he wants more white immigrants (CPAC 2013).

I'm sure our eurobros would love for us to take the Poles they don't want or the waiting to explode Ukrainian refugee crisis. which might be as many as 2 million.

sorry lib but you're fucked.
your Antifa and other communist groups will soon be labeled domestic terrorists.
we will control the supreme court the at least a generation and we control every branch of government.

your ideology is finished, sit back and watch it burn.

It sounds like you are the one with no hope. Trying to rarionalize some far fetched outcome? And honestly it sounds rather far fetched. Sorry friend, you're not seeing the whole picture.

yeah isis is scared of military parades. that'll scare them

oh look more "trump facts" that are not grounded in actual reality

yeah just take away 5 million people. that's how wars work

>52% of white women voted Trump.

We'll be fine bud.

No they're afraid of the Trump administration because they won't be funding ISIS under the table for proxy wars against russia anymore.

Mad Dog Mattis is literally going to be set loose on ISIS.

too bad most of them look like pic related

Oh so you like the fact that ISIS kills gays and women on a regular basis? Good to know which side your on.

>Implying USA is all there is to the white race.

You haven't grown up to have to defend your country for millenia against random invaders and wage wars on your home turf every 50 years or so.

Learn from the Balkanites. You have to really learn to appreciate your home turf before you can have the mentality of a defender.

t. Montenigger

how about you go home and make your country nice

By the way those aren't "Trump facts" those are real world facts. Not everything is so 2 dimensional you lump of shit.

>Intelligent haxors from the party that didn't change their passwords since 08
P.S. who are you going to dox us to if there's all out war and we just stick together. We'd just pat each other's backs when the others learned one of them called you a faggot

>neither side will do shit irl
>right will fade into obscurity with time
>left will prevail
>Sup Forums will be infested by normies
>trump will do 1 term if not impeached/resigned

That's adorable

Canadians dont care about nationalism as much as Americans, or are you german? Either way it doesnt matter lmao

>Any young trump fan does not have any friends.

I hear this A LOT on the Internet, but I am so happy to live in the South.

I live in the wealthiest part of Austin and even here, not liking Trump means you're a fucking faggot.

Trump supporter here.
>surrounded by blacks
>convince 18year old senior blacks to vote trump
>go 2/5
>Entire hood supports trump 100%


Fucking up your country, destabilizating the middle east and invading europe twice

We rather take every sharia shitskin than you tbqh

military and police love Trump. try again.

>thinking for a second that force of numbers could overcome memes
You're done.

>Fucking up your country,

America is the strongest military and economic state in the world.

> destabilizating the middle east and invading europe twice

Not bad things, you fucking faggot.

>We rather take every sharia shitskin than you tbqh


>most military guys go where the girls are
they don't go for the SJW girls.


That is beccause young america is nonwhite.

she's cute :3