Osama literally won

The stated goal of Al Qaeda was to end american hegemony in the world. the means was simply to provoke america and drag it into lengthy, costly wars, damaging the american economy and turning popular oppinion against foreign intervention. Now america has elected a president who is a protectionist, an isolationist, who doesn't believe that america should be doing a bunch of intervening around the globe, whos only stated policy is that america should focus only on its domestic affairs and needs. This is exactly what Al Qaeda wanted to achieve. The war on terror was literally won by the terrorists.

inb4 "muh seal team 6": bin Laden was 60+ and fiercely religious when he died. I doubt his death bothered him very much.

It's almost like the CIA can't be trusted or something.

literally truth-nuked the fuck out of the meme magicians LOL

Osama was literally a genius and will go down in the history books as pulling off some Trojan horse-tier meme magic

because he was right?

Amerifats foreign policy is disgusting and harming everyone

withouth the burgers the ME would still be the quiet shithole like 20 years back

There is literally zero physical evidence that he was killed in a shootout or otherwise.

>end us hegemony

Do you understand how the petrodollar works?

Here. Let me tell you. As long as OPEC requires dollars and only dollars for oil, most countries have to underwrite US debt or buy it in order to get the interest in dollars so they can buy the oil to service their energy requirements.

The world literally bankrolls the us because they need to. Only when the petrodollar is broken can we begin to talk about the breaking of us hegemony, and even then it isn't a sure thing.

Hmm, it's almost like we shouldn't be intervening in other countries problems when we have our own. Really Boggin my noggin.

>he was right
>terrorist supporter


And it's interesting how stupid you muricans are
The lobby always makes a lot of money with the wars and they never gave a fuck about spending your economies money to get profit - it's just money laundering into their own pockets

>The stated goal of Al Qaeda was to end american hegemony in the world. the means was simply to provoke america and drag it into lengthy, costly wars

Hmmm, sounds familiar.

>turning popular oppinion against teh raeps

which is why the USA (((has to))) have beef with iran and china. the euro and the yuan are being used for petro purchases. horrorz!!!1!1

you got some purty digits

You cannot win a war on terror. The whole point of the war was to jump start the economy and it worked. The war on terror will return when the economy needs another boost. War equals innovation and better economy.

Thank you Osama. At least we have ISIS so we can pretend they are still a threat when we need to.

The average burger tard on Sup Forums believes they're actually winning by Trump winning.

canadians predicted this would happen

turkey (not a petro but a big ME player) is switching to the ruble. how do you think keeping the dollar as the standard currency world wide is gonna work when Trump ends free trade? because you can not have free trade and protectionism

They'll understand when those foreign dollars start getting shipped back to the US.

I agree Sven, but I'm a conservative and pray for you Europeans to get you're shit together every day. Terrorists are like super trolls. The only proper move was not to play the game at all. Anything beyond surgical strikes backed up by real Intel. Instead we killed tons of civilians and everyone in America is apparently afraid of one thing or another. They did win.

Turkey isn't a top oil producer. It actually buys oil from isis.

>an isolationist

The most successful troll in world history?

I've been screaming this for a while. He fucking won, and hard. Well played Osama

Sup Forums drops the truth and osama is the arbiter of world peace

>Thinking OBL had anything to do with 9/11
>Thinking OBL didn't die of kidney failure in 2001/2
>Thinking OBL wasn't a CIA patsy like all the others

Educate yourself.

>Al Qaeda
> the word al-Qaeda should be translated as "the database"
>made and funded by the CIA
Looks like Captain Sweden didn't take his red pills today.

So he won, so what?

All I wanted was a sane America, if the terrorist idiot gets what he wants, go fucking wild, we're gonna eradicate radical Islam from the face of the earth anyway.


trade is already quite free, perhaps too free. most of the "trade" being "freed" is just mobilizing capital while keeping labor stuck, which means the benefits ascribed to Ricardian comparative advantage no longer apply.

perspective! srsly America stop juicing

>the means was simply to provoke america and drag it into lengthy, costly wars, damaging the american economy and turning popular oppinion against foreign intervention

this is a post-hoc rationalization. Bin Laden believed the US was a paper tiger and would withdraw influence in the middle east IMMEDIATELY after 9/11, just as we had left Lebanon when the barracks bombing occured

>this is a post-hoc rationalization
nah I heard it the first time a long, long time ago

Yes, but...

Why does God side with the terrorists?

Unless you heard it before Sept. 11, 2001, you can't exactly assert it as true.

and again we have a fpbp

and its all part of the plan for greater israel

funny how jews benefit from all these wars

>muh muslims did nuttin wrong

Of course the cracks were already showing 20 years ago:
>Salman Rushdie
>bombing of WTC
>suicide attacks in Lebanon

Just because you can not remember all the shit that happened back then doesn't mean it wasn't happening.

>fucking antifa shills

Hmm.... primitive cultures that throws fags off roofs and are worse the mexicans gangs that flay peoples faces off and put dicks in their mouths while they are alive.

> Implying this wasnt a problem that was going to lead to migration anyway