Imagine a world without jews

Imagine a world without jews

Other urls found in this thread:,_New_York

/thread, jews are literally the inventor of civilization

H3H3 showin Israel. Jewish country, 3rd world tier shithole.

Came to post this.

Would be a world without degeneracy

A world in perfect harmony? I do, every day. You will all burn one day, and you know it.


>invented something


>Israelis are literally shitting on the street

Fucking kikes.

How about just imagining a world without people.


Sup Forums btfo'd

huh wow really activated my almon- oh wait, the chinks weren't in contact with the jews and didn't live like that, so you're wrong

What did they contribute to?
We already had civilization when they were dirty gypsies rampaging throughout ancient Egypt.
We did and can exist without them, they can't exist without us: they are basically parasites, and we're their host.

>a world without jews
No degeneracy.
No multiculturalism.
No racemixing.
No cultural marxism.
Just plain open race war against the dark brood.


what if i told you that its not the jews fault west collapsed just like it isnt lions fault that he strikes down a limping gazelle


Wont hurt to try again my aryan brothers.

I want that

Go ahead, tell me about their contributions.
Tell me about how they shaped our civilization.

Imagen a world without hues

I knew that picture looked familiar

But jews dont do manual labor

that's a comfy looking hat.

they r god's chosen ppl and they have holy books. and they invented nukes. wise and chosen ppl.

Ironically the poorest town in my ENTIRE COUNTRY is conprised of Hungarian Jews.,_New_York