Sup Forums BTFO looks like love does trump hate!!!!!

Sup Forums BTFO looks like love does trump hate!!!!!

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da be playin'

Two niggers happy that the white American taxpayer will fund their excessive lifestyle.

Pretty much. Melanoma and Trump are about as autistic as two people can get. What an embarassment! Oh well.. 4 years or (likely) less. I can deal with it I guess. The deplorables have spoken!


>"i'm going to shank you hard with my big black pulsating shaft after this Nigger"
>leans in and smiles

Trump never buttons up his jackets

those are some tall women


I'd Ben fucking happy, that I don't have to run this Shit show anymore, especially after I left this country in such a mess


Melania no gover bagina

Michel govers da benis

On the left people that know how to behave themselves on important events
On the right niggers

He left the country in great shape. The ONLY people here that are complaining are racists, and unskilled losers who want their 1950s factory job back. For a large majority of the US, the past 8 years have been fantastic. This is why Obama has a higher approval rating when leaving office than Trump does when just starting. Only the non-competitive people here have had a tough time over these past 8 years, and largely because of their own poor choices.

manlet detected. 180cm/6feet aint tall bruh!

>Trump is perform 9D chess with-in his mind, planning and plotting every move

>lol drumpf

Trying too hard desu

Sshh you're ruining this safe space, Trump had the biggest crowd ever didn't you hear?

His wife doesn't fuck him anymore and he can't get rid of her now, which is why he's always so angry and eats shit comfort food. Thus his neck continues to expand, making it even more unlikely that his wife will fuck him, and the cycle continues.


Take note kids

Trump doesn't relax around blacks

Trump was never the answer, /pol really fucked up on this one . Oh well, hopefully we don't get too fucked these next 4 years.

im a 5'5 female

>Trump and Michelle wore red tie and dress respectively while Barack and Melania wore blue tie and dress respectively
Is this a winkwinknudgenudge to wife swapping between the presidents?

i agree obama did a great job, but talking of the people in the rust belt as 'losers' because globalisation completely fucked their future up, thousands of lives were ruined due to this, just because they dont live in the cities doesnt make them hillbillys or non-human. show a bit more respect

Melania is so beautiful! Thank you Slovenia! She makes a wonderful American mother!

Somebody get those Chimps out of the photo with a ride to Chicago, Dearborn, MI, OR Kenya.



The only reason that niggers happy is cause hes back on welfare

Fucking shit replied to the wrong post

Harambe looks jealous of Melenia's shoes. She is staring at her shoes. look.


>taking shit seriously vs cool infantile nigger attitude