Anyone got a hi-res image of this shot?

Anyone got a hi-res image of this shot?

Other urls found in this thread:

Best image ive seen so far


I don;t get the argument tho?

why is this picture even a thing?

is it a retarded stab frommthe left again "YOU SEE THIS? DRUMPF IS FINISHED"

Looking at what now?

No see the amount of people near the tents and barriers in both pictures. Although the second photo could be from obamas... also notice the ghosting on the large building in the background

nvm the building was not there in obamas

It's ok to admit he's not as popular as Obama.

While I agree the left pictures don't represent the peak capacity, just be wary with the angle/perspective of the right pics. It's easy to underestimate the empty space in the back of the sections there. Still, looking at the CNN gigapixel, it looks like the comparison meme is slightly fake news. I mean, I think Obama had more but the difference wasn't as big as they're making it seem. Also if you look at the Obama pic, the mall doesn't have all the security fencing and sectioned off area. It's much more open which allows bigger crowds to pack in easier.

I guess it was empty eh.

It is sad because Trump is hated and Obama was loved.

I just think it's funny as Trump has claimed he had the largest ever crowd, which obv not true. The sad thing is it's not really a thing anyone is surprised about, first black president is always going to be a bigger event, why even try and claim he had the bigger crowd? Sad!

OP is a shill faggot with a fake pic

The mall was MAX CAPACITY all the way to the back

Shills are spreading photos from early morning

SPREAD THIS TO NORMIES and show them the truth

I know it's a CNN pic, but archived links won't work (it's zoomable)

Yes, it wasn't as empty as the OP pic. Still, the angle of the CNN pic makes it easy to underestimate the empty space. You can tell the front right, middle right, and very back sections are not full.

Media are lying through their teeth again. Fuck man there will be civil war int he west they don't want it any other way.

When did he claim he had the largest inauguration crowd? If he did that it was most likely to piss off the media and liberals, force them to angrily defend themselves when it's a topic that doesn't even matter.

Nah. It's just most of us don't like him. Also people tend to be more liberal in the cities.

Nah use your eyes cunt or you just prove my point.

Get up to speed, swede.


The point is that the pic of an half empty crowd was taken before the event even started, it was literally #FakeNews, no matter if theres a few empty spaces in the gigapixel. The fact remains it was a lie, it's pointless to argue how big the lie was.

i know. and it would have been angry niggers instead of stupid feminist sluts protesting if obummer didnt win either. every protest or violent actions just makes more people quietly vote trump while they act like they hate him

biggest bunch of dumb cunts and trump didnt even TRY xD which is what i am most happy about

we need headcount user

Yeah, more people showed up later, but that's also a different angle. About 5 per cent of DC voted Trump. He lost the popular vote. He just got votes in the right places. It doesn't make him any less the president, and it's a very odd thing to get upset over. The press secretary threw a shitfit about it so it's gonna be all over the news monday.


You dont know the difference between a crowd and an audience?

get up to speed, cuck

Actually agree with everything you just said. I'm really starting to get pissed with Trump and his supporters but for different reasons than the left.


It sounds like you're pretty upset the news is reporting Trump favorably.

>give tax money to private institutions, don't prosecute/break up banking monopolies
>pass healthcare bill that gives private companies a captive market



This, all you need to know is this picture circulated in the morning

>This was the largest audience to witness an inauguration. Period! Both in person and around the globe

Haha, can't even shill correctly.

Fuck off we bout to MAGA!

Mudbloods don't deserve a stake here
Females are animals and we will recant their rights.

Everyone knows Trump supporters had to work on friday. Niggers not so.

He reminded me of Reagan a lot. Cult of personality, smooth talker. Cut taxes for the middle class, put restrictions on guns, made it easier on immigrants(especially illegals.) Lots of sketchy covert shit too.

Here go:

Obama did lower the unemployment rate, I agree



I think one of Trump's big investigations should e into the 1.6 billion he had shipped to Iran for the for hostages.

It was in an unmarked plane with bills of assorted currency. This is treason. Using your tax dollars.

Things are gonna get investigated and Hillary and bongo know it.

don't fall for that 9 am picture bullshit

I agree. Obama was a right wing president who gave some speeches to appease the left. Same like all democrat candidates except for Sanders, it seems.

I seriously doubt it. Look at how he's all ready sucking up to politicians. This is just another elite family entering politics.

Is this guy really the best pick? He seems awful and angry, I'm all for Trump but this guy needs to go.

> bush looks irectly at the camera
lel the guy knows his survelliance

Sure there were far fewer trump supporters present. The had mother fucking JOBS to be at instead




why is the ground white in the new photographs. It isn't snow is it?


Nice logical fallacy. Also

>memeing lowered unemployment

Try harder.

They had to cover the grass to protect it.

Aren't you glad his supporters have jobs to go to? I am :) 2009 was rough but we're recovering and adapting to the new economy.


Just admit it... Trump is not "the greatest". He is a petty, small-minded real-estate shonk who got lucky enough (or ripped off contractors etc enough) to become very rich. He never should have gone thru' with his ego/brand-boosting bid for POTUS. Now he IS the Pres, it is all beyond him & his cronies. "Drain the swamp"? He IS the swamp!

thank you sir, that makes sense.

and in Trump's imagination!
Imagine America is great again! woo hoo!

There's no hi-res of that particular shot because it was taken from live TV.

Silly. They got jobs under Obama. Watch what happens now.

Kek. Guys, who is this?

yea its one of those HOW WILL HE EVER RECOVER bullshit pics, dont forget these are the same people that tried to make memes for hillary and we all remember how that turned out

>petty, small-minded real-estate shonk

triple slap for stupidity of expression you knob

>94 mill not in workforce
>20 trillion debt
>new economy

U wot m8

delete this!

remind me again if cities or rural people voted for trump i forgot

of course not you retard, you are australian

>implying they had lost their jobs to begin with
>dat flag


Damn thats sick as fuck thanks.

I don't know what's funnier, the fact that Trumplets are so assblasted about him having a smaller crowd, or the fact that Trump himself has nothing better to do that freak out over this. Good luck with that guy, anons.




Serious stuff and I for one am impressed that the president spoke about this burning issue at the CIA headquarters. It's important stuff.

The guardian is ridiculously biased but you cannot fake the facts.

The lulz are going to rain so hard throughout the next 4 years, even more so than during G.W.Bush's time and I for one can wait. First cognitive dissonance, then pretending it was all ironic support from Sup Forums then finally realising how retarded many of you have been.
It's going to be great :)

I hope you realize Trump wants to pass a stimulus package too. And cut taxes for the rich. What do you think that will do to the debt?

Hahaha. You are clueless


The inauguration is held in Washington DC, where 92% of the population votes for Democrats. So why would Democrats go to an anauguration to see a Republican get sworn in?

This fucking shitpost better get you banned.

I got banned for a political thread about Tomi Lahren.


This is a classic Jewish trick. Pic related shows just how fucking dishonest it is.

saw that too

Time lapse of the day. FAKE NEWS haha :D

Here's the woman's protest the next day. Wew lad.

>TFW Trump fans need to myspace angle their crowds

Trump is the greatest

go fuck a kangaroo you prison island dweller

Why do you think cutting taxes for the rich is going to have some significant impact on the debt? Debt comes from spending not taxing.




>There were less because DC is democrat and republicans work.
>It's a jewish trick It was the largest ever turnout Period.

DIDF Damage control engaged

>The lulz are going to rain so hard throughout the next 4 years
This is the thing - Trump is basically self-trolling. Anything that he even thinks might be intended to reflect badly on him, even if it's something no one else even notices or cares about, results in him sperging out. Maybe the white house needs a hugbox?

Because he also wants to increase spending.

Ah you said it like Sean Spicer so it must be true.

It's going to be a fortified hugbox/safespace with a creche for Barron and Spencer.

Dear idiot, his stimulus package he begged congress for and the QE amounted to trillions in stimulus and he promised it would bring us back to full employment quickly instead it took years

He completely failed

By his own measure

His largest spending project.... much larger than Obama care much much larger.

A complete failure

His predictions - his economic assumptions were all catastrophically wrong!!!

>ignores number of worldwide viewers who watched it online
c u c k

The only picture similar to Obama's was taken 4 hours before Trump's speech



Is he not bringing companies and jobs back to america?

>Trump is not "the greatest"
>President of the USA

Found the left wing retard lol :^)

Probably just CGI, anyway who cares?
Aside from Trump obviously.

>What is Time Zone


>Because he also wants to increase spending
No he doesn't you illiterate monkey. He wants to put niggers out of welfare and he already killed Obongocare

It's not like the media to deceive people?!?!!!?!!
Certainly never CNN surely?!
I'm shocked.

Actually, he inherited his money. He would actually have more money now if he had simply plopped his inheritance into indexed funds. Instead he did 'amazing deals.'

Hi George Soros
I notice you cut the video off an hour before it started.

Obamacare was a net positive to our budget. Republicans are passing a wreckless budget, and aren't even cutting taxes for the middle class, like under Obama, Bush, and Reagan.

How is he going to get people off of welfare?