Why are most women dumb? Pic somewhat related

Why are most women dumb? Pic somewhat related.

They don't seem engaged in intellectual activities, a lot of them are whores and embrace hookup culture, very few go into STEM fields, they're extremely materialistic, listen to shit music, follow moronic celebrities, don't read newspapers, and work shitty jobs after getting their associates in psych.

What the fuck is the root of all this stupidity, and where are all of the smart ones?

They were never meant to be treated as equals. Give them an inch, and they want 20,000 miles.

They were more intelligent when they understood their place

The smart ones are usually ignored by the men. Men just want things to fuck not someone to teach how to split an atom.

Is this those two whores who do the booty shaking? I won't lie, I'd grind it into both of them RIGHT UP TO MY ANKLES.

Quite easy to answer.

It took decades to get to this point, it will take decades to change the culture again. But it will only get worse

they think they are intelligent because of jew movies

Source required.
Define dumb.

>how dare they not conform to my standard of intelligence

I don't need more information to realize you are a fascist.

t. Alize al Parisi

digits confirm

which movies?

Thinking is hard
Working is hard
Being interesting is hard
Being intellectual is hard
Reading is hard

Saying yes to chad is easy
Having men do things for you just for how you look is easy
Posting a pic on social media and being told how beautiful you are is easy
Watching an advert that says because you have a vagina, you are powerful, is easy
Make up is easy
Short skirts are easy

Majority women have it easy, majority men have it hard.

>complains that women don't go into STEM
>complains that women are too materialistic

STEM is the pinnacle of materialist thought, pleb.

people are stupid in general, not just women. speak to the average man and be amazed just how his stupidity is translated into mere words that passing as plain speech.

he's not wrong, and throwing out the buzzwords of the day won't change that.

Antifa go away. Soon we will send you to the camps.

This. Until women have children, they are children.

Women are conditioned to live out of appearances since young age. That leads them to believe they don't have to do anything besides being pretty to survive.


I need the webm of these two twerking those fat white girl asses

I apologize for , no idea who let him out of the mental asylum

Because men don't breed with the smart or self-sufficient ones, they breed with the pretty ones who latch onto them like dogs.

>Why are most women dumb?

Because they can be. There is literally no reason for women to develop their intelligence if they can get everything they want in life by just looking good enough to fuck. Dumbass guys will do everything for them, and they won't even have to lift a finger.

the overral IQ is declining due socialism.

>Makeup is easy

>Dumbass guys

>Implying it's stupid for guys to do so

roastie spotted

It is of course because they do not exist. Men are the only living creatures in this world, although it is a simulation created by women in a bigger world to use us for our precious semen.

This is why women have no personalities, no feelings and are stupid

Because they are poorly designed

He's right that men being so fucking thirsty enables women to be useless, stupid children. White knights play a part here too.

Young women aren't any dumber than young men. Maybe it's because I'm in my 30s, but honestly 99% of all people under 25 sound absolutely retarded. OP basically implies that the average young man has a STEM degree and pursue intellectual hobbies, which is a hilarious claim. The average young man cares only about porn, video games, watching sports and brain-dead Hollywood action movies.

I don't get it either. Women just seem stupid, they mostly vote based on social issues as opposed to economic ones. The reason why candidates are expected to act so nice and clean is because they have to appeal to women's emotions. That dumb "grab em by the pussy" scandal wouldn't be a blip on the radar if just men were involved.

Don't change the subject fucking swede

Is that a man in a dress, holy fucking ew

STEM-neger aub.

Evolutionary pressure and natural selection
Women never needed to use their intellect to survive, only spread their legs and pop out babies
Smarter women who did not abide by established norms and seeked out more independent lives were less likely to reproduce

Shut the fuck up you normal shit.

I would like to feel emotionally dependent and loved by a woman but it cannot be done with the current state of women. I yearn for female interaction but I am always turned down by their way of being (modern women). Fuck you

Get out

I know, but there are 10 times more smart men than women

How retarded do you have to be to complain abut women being dumb, but ignoring that the men, the leaders, are equally dumb. I'm willing to bet that even here men spend a lot more time playing video games and fapping to porn, than reading about philosophy. Do you want to discuss how to achieve actual change, or do you just want to whine about how mean and dumb girls are?

I feel like I do pretty good for myself at 22 almost 23. I've got a job as a Machinist, pays $20/hr, lift on a regular basis, don't give a fuck about sports, going to trade school, I've got a 401k and IRA, a credit score of ~790, and bank like 75% of my money

Heil fellow Weinigerbro.

>precious semen

No, semen is generally speaking a cheap and almost worthless commodity, CHAD's sperm is precious.

the jewish ones

Yes of course some men are stupid, but there are more smart men than smart women in the world, we have to remember how we are superioe

Men fuck everything including the ugly nerd girl. Women dont

What are you talking about?

Women are told they can do whatever the fuck they want and most of them become vapid sluts.

>Define dumb

He pretty much defines what he means by dumb in his OP, are you retarded?

Maybe you should yearn for some balls.

IQ means absolutely nothing if you don't put it to good use. If you have high IQ but spend all your time fapping and playing video games, then you're equally worthless as someone with a IQ of 80 or even lower. You don't deserve a participation trophy just because you were born with a high IQ.

Exactly. They just don't apply themselves

>*spends ten hours per day as a NEET posting pictures of frogs*

>Young women aren't any dumber than young men

Depends what you mean with "dumber".

There is neurobiological evidence that points towards male superiority in fields like logic, math and spatial fields and female superiority in linguistic and interpersonal fields

How can we build a white nation again when you spergs hate everything about normal everyday women? Call them out on being whores, yes. Make things equal again and get rid of their head starts, yes.

But this is Jew crap and divisive. Each thread like this is ammo for the SJWs. Grow the fuck up. You get the woman you deserve. You have no woman? Look in the fucking mirror.

Why do you care? Do you want to have an intellectual conversation with a girl? Are you gay?

>make things equal again

But men and women aren't equal

>What the fuck is the root of all this stupidity
Most women are naturally followers. They'll go along with dominant cultural trends unthinkingly. This is why some socialist worried in the 1910s that giving women the vote would make conservative parties dominate. At that time women were more conservative, religious and modest because those were the dominant cultural trends. Now with leftist media the primary cultural mover of society, most women have fallen in line with that. It's not their fault really, it's just how they are. Despite all the marchers yesterday, if cultural trends started going conservative and nationalist, most women would follow along eventually. Whatever gives them high status they'll do. (Yes not all women are like that, some men are like that... I'm talking generalizations)

>Women are dumb


>I can't convince any of them to fuck me

It truly is a conundrum to test your activated neural almonds, OP, you virginal faggot.

This. I'm bored of constantly picking out dumb things normie chicks have done.

Yes there are more intelligent men than intelligent women, there are plenty of completely fucked up men too; the median female is at least a normie or at least useful.

We don't pander to them but we have to stop making out they are the be all and end all of degeneracy.

Practically speaking the most powerful thing you can do is find a good woman, have lots of kids and raise your daughters right. Not sperg out online.

Smart women are usually ugly

>I would like to feel emotionally dependent

That's about as attractive to women as a 400 lbs landwhale is to men. Women want someone to lean on and follow, they want strength, masculinity and dominance. Any guy who can't accept that or rebels against it is as bad as those ugly feminists that criticize men for only being attracted to beautiful women. Stop looking for another mom. No other woman will ever give you unconditional support and/or accept weakness in the way you'd want her to.


This is fucking gold.

I'm talking about what people actually do with their lives. What difference does it make if males are naturally better at logic and math or have high IQ, if they spend all their time doing dumb shit? You don't deserve participation trophies or praise simply for being born with a high IQ or a superior trait. If you have an IQ of 140 but only sit in your mom's basement and play vidya, then you're worthless. Having a high IQ doesn't make you smarter by default, you still have to learn shit, you just have it a bit easier than others.

No, but they should be treated equally under the law. A rich smart guy and a dumb poor guy aren't equal either.

Equal rights, equal responsibilities, but not equalised outcomes.


Stop being an effeminate faggot, man up.

How long have you been reading philosophy there, Plato? The only thing that is going to change society is extreme resource scarcity or lots and lots of violence. Man, I just saved you YEARS of study! Either burn the food or a dude you don't like if you want "change".

You can't ask a woman why she's fat because God said no apples but she ate it anyways

Maybe I'm being misogynistic but I'm starting to believe that its because they have no accountability for what they are doing.

The courts favor them, the schools favor them, the media favors them. The most valuable men favor them. They can only get pregnant if theyre dumb or if they want. STDs are basically a none-issue, considering that most dont kill, are hide-able and more importantly the vast majority of people don't have STDs. Thats all they need. And when you have all you need, why try?

If you want girls, you gotta play the game. Trying to change it is kind of futile, and wont happen in your lifetime.


average IQ of a men and women is nearly identical,it's just distributed differently. women are mostly average while men have a greater share of geniuses and complete retards.

>but they should be treated equally under the law.

We can see the consequences of this in our every day life. No thanks.

According to this definition women are definitely dumber than men since they are less efficient. Here men literally pay 2/3 of taxes.

They don't have any accountability and never have. Men end up being responsible for women's choices. It's always been that way and likely always will. What we did in the past was limit the choices they're permitted to make so as to make the consequences for the man responsible for this bitch's decisions slightly annoying but not totally destructive. We have removed these controls and now men are having to deal with monstrous consequences caused by poor decisions women make.

they are made of rib, what did you expect, nuclear physicist ham? stop complaining and get one!
mmh... riiib

delete this

>The only thing that is going to change society is extreme resource scarcity or lots and lots of violence.

I also work out and unlike most swedes I own a gun. Wow, you can be both educated and fit and prepared, what a revelation. If you only care about violence and shun knowledge and education, then how are you any different from a nigger? A white man should eagerly embrace both sides.

But women having kids IS the smart thing to do. It's no wonder that so many women reject motherhood and choose to have a career, when people like you come along and claim they are dumb and a burden for not paying as much taxes as men. Feminists are not the only ones to blame for women rejecting motherhood.

But he's right. Basically it's EQ > IQ in today's world (and it's probably always been so). I have IQ of about 125, but I have achieved literally nothing in my life so far, because I just can't put it to good use.

I said "according to this definition".

Women shouldn't even work if they had a choice in my opinion

Women act in weird ways butI wouldn't call them stupid.
Half of this "redpilled" board is borderline retarded.
It's not enough to have a strong opinion, it needs to be supported by educated facts.

Yeah, Misato the best

How did you stumble upon this website Chad?

There are women who like to be dominating. I want an older girlfriend because the ones my age (20) are pretty much dumb, similar and sheep-like.

Gold for insecure folks like you

>There are women who like to be dominating

Yeah, they are a small minority and they only do it with men they don't respect

>I want a woman to dominate me

That's pretty gay

Exactly. Imagine that scientists examined my body and DNA, and found out that I have the perfect build for being a world class sprinter. Do I deserve any praise or special treatment for this, despite the fact that I haven even gone on a short jog during the last 20 years? Of course not.

I'd go so far to say that the mere knowledge that men have higher IQ than women is a huge disadvantage for men. I've seen so many men who seem to think that they're already perfect because they have higher IQ, and therefore don't see any need to improve themselves. Higher IQ doesn't make you smart, it only give you an advantage when it comes to learning stuff. You still have to put in the work.

Because we've failed to embrace Christianity as a culture and nation the way we should have

I did not mean dominating such as in porn or sexually, but to be emotionally dependent and to give their man a sense of (emotional) protection

Not sexually, just to be more emotionaly powerful than I am


Man, you're screwed with Russian women if you don't like how this sounds.

>just to be more emotionally powerful than I am

That's even more gay my dude, maybe you should find a guy instead.

This. As an atheist I am well aware that women should not have access to pure knowledge, Christianity is there to serve against them turning to degeneracy

I could not be this emotionally attached to a male

There selfish they put there desires needs first before others.

Girls just want have fun.

They don't look benfiting human race or others.

They look to benfit them selfs in pleasure money and life style.

They look for easy way

It's not about the access to knowledge. The problem is that we pulled the plug on religion all at once. Same with giving rights. With this new freedom, they don't know what to do with it, thus make terrible life decisions.

>Higher IQ doesn't make you smart, it only give you an advantage when it comes to learning stuff.

Yeah, it makes you good at understanding things in general. You think that's not smart?

I get what you are saying but "smart" isn't the right word for it, you are talking about not being lazy and be willing to work hard.

you meant "the ugly, fat ones are always ignored by the men" right...?

This. I am amazed how many people have access to atheism and revolt agaisnt religion without grasping why organized religions are bad. They are actually God believers who rebel against their God

What do you mean?

Hundreds of years of consumerist Jewish marketing has told them to live their lives a certain way and that by living that life they will be happy.

Russian women are the biggest enforcers of "we want a dominant man who supports me in all ways".

Fuck me that really is what most white women look like with that hokey look in the eyes. Glad I am single now. Thanks user.

It's not something we can feel. Imagine if you could just fuck a woman and make money out of it and be revered for it,she does all the real work and makes the real money, you get to just work as a travel agent or something.

Normies yes, but young men under 25 of pol are mostly not retarded. They are probably more well spoken, intelligent and often know why things are happening in the world in contrary to their peers. Im 22 and I try to enlighten as many friends as possible on this matter

Women aren't particularly intelligent to begin with. Despite having my first kid along the way, I seldom enjoy the company of a woman.
Women will try to conform to the pack as best as they can. They're very emotional, and what's worse most aren't aware how this can be used to affect their decision making process.
Additionally they lack the ability to take responsibility for their actions. I've never met a woman who can properly own up to their mistakes. Some can do it better than others, but it's not something they can do well.

Unfortunately is the same in Romania and I guess all over eastern Europe

>You have no woman? Look in the fucking mirror.

Kek. Yeah and the retarded compulsive liar drug dealer i grew up with who never cared about anything but drugs and sex and cheat and beat his GFs, he deserved to fuck all the cutest girls unlike anyone else ive ever seen, even though he's a total loser whos bald, cant hold a minimum wage job and couldnt even get gains from doing steroids

Give me a break

The women around here make me fucking sick

It's female nature to follow the strongest and richest men.
Some have woken upto the idiocy of socialism and demand just like men change to the current system.
In the US it seemed to have been succesful, Europe I am not so sure of yet.

This is a quality post.

A woman's role is to get knocked up, always has been, and always will be, and they will rarely strive farther than it takes to meet that requirement and find the highest mate genetically or socially they can acquire.

Women don't need a brain, be interesting, or have any real hobbies to meet their biological initiative.

>maybe I'm being misogynistic
Being misogynistic, sexist etc are labels and definitions for different types of discrimination. They are not arguments or rebuttals.
You might be "misogynistic" for pointing out that women are totally incapable of accepting responsibility for their actions, but this holds no bearing on whether you are being truthful or not.
In the current scenario it's best to embrace the misogyny because it's blatantly observable what you've pointed out.

wat? sauce?