Ever Consider a Career in Youtube News Commentary?

>Choose a news article
>Read it for your viewers
>Give your own opinion
>Be funny and/or insightful

If you browse Sup Forums a lot surely you have a lot of opinions on politics. Why not put it in video form and earn some of that Youtube dosh?

I considered it myself but I have an ugly accent.

Other urls found in this thread:


I feel most people here aren't charismatic enough to be youtube personalities

>play sjw video
>pause video every few minutes and laugh about it
>people throw money at you

e-celeb bubble has to burst soon or not?

I like creating infographics more

I love when I check months later and my image is everywhere

I'd work for infowars. I feel like Owen Shroyer needs some help out there in the field. But yeah, look at my flag.

>>pause video every 2 seconds and laugh about it
fixed that for you

>e-celeb bubble has to burst soon or not?
patreon and stupid people who give away money means e-celebs will never go away

If you don't have a shit voice you should seriously consider it. Get a ripped Premiere Pro or something and spend an hour learning basic editing, it's easy. Have a half decent mic and don't mumble.

Also take note of how these youtubers clickbait their titles and the thumbnail (you need 50 subscribers I think? before you too can do a custom one)

Ask for advice rather than staying a moneyless loser if you don't have ideas for presentation style/logo or whatever.

Start now and improve along the way.

Also the market's all out of a true Sup Forums view since Jim fucked off. Sargon etc are influenced by Sup Forums by insert a lot of poz.

Anyone taking it over with some jokes and a decent voice will become rich.

>but I have an ugly accent.
Sargon's friend has a heavy portuguese accent but is fairly poplar

Do a vocaroo reading a paragraph of an SJW article?

>ugly accent

Don't let that stop you, any accent will set you apart. Bitches love accents.

Charisma is a bonus but seems overrated, just need to have an authentic personality, facts and opinions.

A comfy setting if you're showing your face (styx or comfy colin robertson)

Be articulate or speak off the cuff. If you can't speak off the cuff so great, make sure to do your homework or have notes.

Here's an idea for a persona: antifa getup with full facemask (to protect identity) hawking the worst SJW shit you can find. Provide links to the real stuff and pretend you really believe it. Reference earlier things you have discussed.

Basically all of the worst SJW parts of leftism inside one character.

World economy 2100: everybody just making money off of YouTube videos

That's 2012 - 2069, replaced by trash economy in 2070.

You sound like you've already thought it through.

Do it already. I wanna see how it goes

The important thing is to suck up to bigger youtubers and hope to get promoted by them.
Also always make it seem like you are close to homelessness and may have to quit making videos at any time to get the donations rolling. Even if you already make six figures, keep the illusion up that you are eating dog food.
Also never have anindependent opinion. Your youtube success is based on being a spokesperson for your tribe. You must not step an inch from it. Either be a hardcore ideologue or be a nobody.
Also repeat your self frequently. If you could say it in 3 minutes, say it in 50 minutes instead. Most people are idiots who can't digest compressed data.
Good luck on your career!

Yes, DO IT.

You should be 's manager

Every bump turns 1 neet into a youtube terrorist

You mean something like this?



Obviously I meant something less faggy

Here's my bump for you

Patreon though. People just love giving money to cool people with 50 times their net worth.

I give $2/month to Sam Hyde

$1 to Molyneux.

>$1 to Molyneux
and only that one time

I'm a student

Thank for the tip user, been considering doing this for a while.

Are you up for doing that vocaroo? I bet you're selfconscious about it because it's different but it would work out just great.

I used to upload vids on YouTube and one hot topic was Sup Forums's favorite anorexic bitch: Ms Skeltal. I made a video about her and it got about 1500 views or so. I got nothing but hate. But I did get views and attention from it.

Goes to show you that YouTube "can" draw attention to people but you have to have everything set up right for that to happen. At the time, I had a nice computer, my demeanor was different, etc.

Will I return to make more vids? Maybe if the time were right. And that may be right now. If anyone knows of a good recording software for Window$, I'd appreciate it since last time I recorded for YT it was on a Mac

Nah we've got 8 years senpai

This. I want to work for them. I feel like I could piss a lot of people off. I already do it for free.


Also get a twitter for it and spam follow people.

Every 24-48 hours use a tool to clear everyone who didn't follow back and repeat the procedure.

Takes 5 mins if you use something like re-follow.

Best spam following practices: find a person whose followers would probably like you. Put out a tweet clearly relevant to them and/or the person they're following. Then follow a bunch of his followers (use a tool, manual is tedious) and set the screen to people who have more than 500 and an influence ratio below 1.5 (meaning if they follow 1500 people they have 1000 followers). With time (account age and follower numbers) you can follow up to 1000 people a day which is the hard limit. 25-50% will follow back.

That's a guaranteed minimum of 250 new followers a day for 5 mins of effort.

I will never suck up to a big YouTuber. I thought of doing it to at least break 100 subscribers but no. Unless it were someone I really liked on there, it's like asking to suck their cock.

The question is :

Do you stick to Sup Forums style humor or keep it a little more subtle and clean to attract normies?

For both profit and spreading the right message having a little tact is probably better but it's also not as entertaining if you have to hold your punchs.

>than 500 and

That way, the 25-50% who follow you back are somewhat influential and when they retweet you, which they often do when checking you out because you followed them, it will be seen by more people.

A little of both. Don't cuss like a sailor all the time but don't be a little wuss either. There are family friendly standards that partners are held to (I was a partner at one time. Never bothered to check if I still am). But I think that several of us should make a Sup Forums type news channel. And have links to stories and shit. Kind of DramaAlert style but with a Sup Forums flair to it.

Now this is useful, hardest part of starting a channel is the first exposure and this is a clever way to do it. Feels a little under handed but if it gets you started.

Can you imagine having Alex Jones as a boss? Would probably be pretty fun.

No thanks. I don't want to waste my life talking about pointless drama.

You're both confusing followers with subs

You need active subscribers on YT to make ANYTHING you do worth even doing. Fuck Twitter. Twitter will not make you rich. Yes it's a good platform to communicate but all of us autistic bastards need to learn how to be like PewDiePie or like DeFranco or like Keemstar.

They started out cringy and now look at them. Banging bad bitches. And getting that Google money

Okay, we'll send you a care package to keep your homeless ass alive.


>go to Sup Forums
>pick random thread
>film myself
>read comments

t. styx, milo gaynopolos, lauren southern, MEDIEER paul watson, mike symianbitch, (((TRS))), jewbart, gavin analinness, other e-celebs

Anyone pre-2012 Sup Forums can claim to be "original", like Alex Jones, Molymeme and a few others.

I think the most important decision you can make when starting out is to psychologically prepare yourself to compartmentalize your persona, so you feel comfortable doing or saying whatever you need to do or say to get ahead.

For example, if you know you're completely anonymous in a game, there is no YOU in your player and you feel free to act however you want. Over time, you may become famous in the community you play but you have a history of the player being a separate thing from yourself and you can only destroy it by uncompartmentalizing through sharing personal info, ideas, deeper bonds.

Does that make sense? Could just be a weird personal idea.

Well they but you need views first to get subs, your content can be great but if it gets no exposure then it gets no subs either.

I recently learned about how much you can make with YT subs, it's pretty crazy and kinda infuriating. Now i know why there are so many of thos click bait top 10 channels ect.

Yes i understand this, it's the main thing that's held me back from doing anything like this before but with age ive started to change my mind on that.

Good. Another way to phrase it is you're thinking about it as not giving them you, but a work of art or a product, and a work of art or product can do anything without being ashamed as long as it's somewhat consistent with how it started out. Because people bought that art or product to begin with.


Alright then we'll do it your way and get a bunch of fake followers and subs and watch our statistics fluctuate so greatly that we Ann Hiro on LiveLeak.

That accent is not weird at all and you have a good voice, seriously

>likes the content
>steals it
I see what you're doing, Norway

lel ty Norway-man but you do it anyway.

Just a btw on this thread, even people who are super shy about their voice can make dough on youtube.

Just go check out the top 5 paranormal shit made in 10 minutes with mostly debunked or movie promotion clips. 1m+ views.

I sure hope you're not one of those faggots who saves images with text as jpgs

Ever seen the channel secureteam10? It's a /x/ tier channel, i remember someone on Sup Forums linked to it like a year or two ago when it was just starting up, some video related to happenings at the time.

Now it has over 800k subs and the guy just posts random ufo videos that people sent him, even ones that are obvious fakes or have already been debunked but the channel just keeps growing.

Did you just assume Norways gender!?

I don't recall any specific channels, I just studied it for a few hours.

Most of the successful channels aren't serious about it at, they make money on shit that is easily debunked in 5 seconds on google.

Yeah like DoctorHorror. Nigga is rich. Doesn't even show his face.

Yeah I heard him. People even complain about him in the comments.

How ignorant of me. Excuse me while I flagellate myself.

If you're going the top 10 clickbait route, here are some ideas from an old notepad. It's a mixture of proven titles that always do well and some original. Feel free to steal

X most terrifying natural disaster scenes caught on tape
50 Most viral car accidents compilation (etc)
x unbelievable goals
amazing basketball goals
uncracked codes
treasures discovered live (metal detector community, huge)
Louis Theroux moments
cult leaders
____ fails
____ WINS
weird animations youtube.com/watch?v=xg29TuWo0Yo&t=0s 6:27
top 10 ancient technologies (history channel clips)
bizarre security cam videos
things getting smashed (hydraulic press finnish guy, Will it Blend? etc) ten minutes of things getting smashed. set to beat
50s footage
top 10 best "you're a white male"
realistic economic collapse scenarios
top 10 god's creation gone wrong

>cult leaders

worked well for molynoux

thanks senpai

Oh, I left out the funniest one

top 10 african inventions youtube.com/watch?v=M45I0SEQv3s

Me and my gf kind of want to be e-whores and stream vidya for money.

Would you guys wanna watch two cute dykes playing vidya?

for science

>Because average youtuber earns $2-$5 per 1k views. And it's going down due to adblock
>Jewtube takes 45% cut
>Tax rate is ~50% (remember: you need to pay full social security etc if self employed)

Let's take styxenhammer for example
Let's say he publishes 3 videos a day with 30k on average each, 6 days a week. Which is quite a lot I might add, and 99.99% of pol doesn't have discipline for such a thing.

So that's about (365-52)*3*30k = 28.2 million views a year.
At $4 per 1k views (which is again quite a lot, you probably won't get that much) that's 112k/year

After youtube's 45% cut, and after taxes etc. you are left with 30-40k/yr

Depending on your content you get other types of sponsors too no?

Not much room for that with purely news/politics related content i guess.

Ive been thinking to do that for years but I missed now all the bandwagons + generally not good with words and I got this faggy accent that sounds like a cross between Till Schweiger and Assad.I don't even see about what I could talk about right now:US politics and the same anti-feminist shit everybody is doing since gamergate, too dishonest.
To be a pol-soapbox or perhaps be honest and be the double contrarian that I am and shit on both the left and right, socialism and capitalism while trying to push a proper conservative, agrarian, volkish angle.Maybe there is an audience in Distributism.Dedicate the channel to the lives and wisdom of the Church fathers as a remedy against the degenerate modernity and their parallel with modern philosophy.
The easiest route would be plowing through the archives and steal all good posts.

I'd be happy if I could get at least 200$ patreon dollars but this is just wishful thinking

I'm trying to learn animating instead. Gotta make them easy to digest movies.