Ethical question, friends

Ethical question, friends.

A girl is 15 and takes nude and sexual photos of her self. She does not show them to anyone.

Once she is 21, she decides she would like to release these photos for sale.

Has a crime been committed here? Who was the victim?

Other urls found in this thread:

she kinda looks like Donald Trump

Nobody is the victim but if this was legalized it'd be too easy to abuse.

She is the victim and also the offender and should go to prison. She should also get reperations paid by herself

>Once she is 21, she decides she would like to release these photos for sale.
>Has a crime been committed here?

Yes, the statute prohibits sexual photos of minors.

>Has a crime been committed here?
Yes. Neglect.

When she was 15 and taking photos of herself, her parents were clearly not providing proper supervision.

>Who was the victim
The child. Well adjusted properly parented 15 year olds don't think it's okay to produce pornography of themselves.

I know you're asking "is she distributing CP?" And the answer again is yes. Which by itself is a crime, no matter the "victim." There are many crimes both felonies and misdemeanors that have no victim, they are crimes nonetheless.

The same person that is the victim of loli porn.


I asked this to a burger lawyer years ago on a chat.

"By producing, possessing and distributing sexualized images of underage girls, in this case, herself, She directly contributes to the market of child exploitation market,"

That's what burgers believe.

is this you OP?

Isn't he beautiful?

And to clarify my answer, I meant the release of the sexual photos to others.

Her possession of the sexual photos of herself, that she does not release to anyone else, is a gray area but probably would not lead to a conviction.

top kek. she should pay herself a fine. since her younger self is suing her older self she also owes interest on that amount.


>gives pics for free

CP sexualises children. Its existence leads to more people having this view of children. More people sexualising children will lead to an increase in people acting upon this in the real world.

Unless you take the SJW Lady Gaga degenerate position of 'pedos didnt ask to be this way they were born like it #pedosexual rights'

A crime is committed at the time the photos are taken, and that crime is possession.

When the photos are released, a second crime is committed, distribution.

>When she was 15 and taking photos of herself, her parents were clearly not providing proper supervision.

Agreed, daddy should have helped her.

There was a case in the States I think where some 16 year old girl was arrested for pedo pics in her phone.
Nudes of herself she took.

If it answers your question.

Dumb question. They are sexual lying explicit photos of a minor regardless of who took them. She'd be charged with Manufacturing and distribution of Child pornography.

Felony sentence and sex offender registry for life.

t. not a law board

I thought you were dead!

I'm glad you still shitposting.

Pornography sexualises females. Its existence leads to more people having this view of females. More people sexualising females will lead to an increase in people acting upon this in the real world.


See how stupid this sounds m9?

What if a software were developed where the images could not be seen until she was 21?

That's not their argument. Don't strawman.

More people watching creates more demand and more intent to manufacture CP = more harm caused to children.

Get some help and stop trying to rationalise it you sick fuck.

It sounds like that wall needs to be build faster.

There is no law board
Something related to laws are politics

Legally you cannot do that. Ethically, I have no comment because ethics are just a fucking spook.

Don't you have to get drunk and piss all over yourself my friend?

So pirating software makes more software be developed?

You're a stupid fucking faggot. Violent video games, gore etc. make people want to murder hurr let's ban it.

If people are manufacturing the new CP in the way I described, what exactly is the problem?

Might as well be can barely post on this fucking shithole site anymore

>>Has a crime been committed here?

Yes, possibly... Distribution of cp

>>Who was the victim?

She is, her 15 year old self can not consent to this.

Doesn't her 21 year old self override her 15 year old self?

No victim but a serious crime. Distributing child porn. Throw her in jail.

>No victim
>But a serious crime

People acting upon sexualisation of women does not equal rape you fucking mong. If people try to have sex with full grown women there's no issue. if they try it with children then it is there that the issue arises

>ethical question
>regarding women
>ethical question about means of production

that's like asking about the morality regarding a factory

how is pirating software analagous to child rape? Did you really think that proved your point?

She is sexually exploiting a 15 year old and publishing her pictures. It is outrageous in itself.

Not all serious crimes hurt anyone. Some things are crimes "just because".

Just because nobody gets hurt and just because it is hard to pinpoint a reason why it is wrong does not mean it is not wrong. Maybe scientists in the future might figure it out, it does not matter because it is a serious crime anyway.

This is politics related retard.

Anyone can walk around with an ilegal weapon. Cop find out somehow and throw you in jail.
>No victim
>But a serious crime

>Software hurts development you are taking something for free why would it benefit the market for that thing?

>Downloading cp for free that's been passed around hundreds of thousands of times makes more of it!


>Illegal weapon

Should be no such thing. Thanks for proving my point swedecuck.

>Serious crime
>No victim

I didn't make that argument. Try again

Who the fuck is talking about raping?
Are you stupid?

We're talking about fucking pixels and the double narrative of "If it's +18 it makes you less likely to rape, but if it's -18 it makes you a ebil rapist".

Decriminalize pornography has been proved to lower rates of child abuse.

SERIOUS ethical response,

is a serious crime, the victim will be other girls who are abused by child rapist.

by distributing child pornography, she is normalising child rape, which is immoral,
what is illegal is the fact that she will be contributing to the bulk of child pornography and slowing down law enforcement efforts to find and arrest other child molesters.

So software piracy fuels software development?


Anyhow, if a man has pics of a kid on his phone who is nude or somshit then thats a crime, so what if she took them or how old she is now.

if u have pics of under 16's which are nude or dirty, guess what you're a criminal.

She does have a responsibility to not spread them out, she cant send them to 100 blokes and then call them peados lmao.

its a gray area isnt it?>

Did you just refute an argument that you couldn't understand because it wasn't yours?
That's weirdly impressive.

>Has a crime been committed here? Who was the victim?
The society.

Kekis Maximumus

The crime is against herself at minimum (we can reasonably presume from this situation that she lacks a proper sense of her own dignity) and by participation by materially facilitating the occasion of sin to others or fueling the vices or inciting the temptations of others.

Furthermore, she contributes to prejudices against women specifically but humanity generally. 'People are (moral) garbage; irredeemable, vile, base, corrupt,' etc.

She is also effectively prostituting herself.

Does it look to anyone else like that girl in the OP has downs? Something's wrong with her face.

This non argument is used by statists everywhere to baselessly and vaguely justify any abuse of power.

Society is nothing but a collection of individuals. Point to an individual who is directly effected by that.

>>Illegal child porn
>Should be no such thing. Thanks for proving my point swedecuck.
Thanks for proving my point jewpedoburger.

OOooohhhh damn sun

pedophobics btfo

she's doing the crime because she's distributing child pornography, which is disgusting.

Software piracy improves sales for the pirated software.

Not sure what you meant by this green texting or how you thought that was an argument.

>Frogposting /r/the_donald newcuck

Of course

>The crime is against herself
Literally not crime wtf

But wait, I have a question
If I decide to stab myself, I get jailed for attempt to murder myself?

>Who was the victim?
We are since we had to wait 6 years

hang yourself pedophile, bad enough you subhumans exist. Rapists, pedophiles and murderers are an insult to humanity and life.

>Pirated software

What the actual fuck am I reading

yes, and that crime is called being a moral degenerate.

Yes, she is distributing child pornography.

Ethically, this situation you are describing is about to become a major point in the revision of these laws as current law enforcement finds that the majority of child pornography is created by minors.

As an example, law enforcement has to treat videos taken from social media sites like Younow as child pornography while producer of it is the child.

This is actually a major problem and why child modelling sites are seeing a resurgence.

It's a fact. Pirated games tend to have higher sales.

>Software piracy improves sales for the pirated software

Have some proofs for that claim?

You seem a little upset

you're a fucking retard, and a degenerate to boot. it causes more abuse by encouraging sickos to produce more child porn.

what if you went back in time and sodomized yourself, but your younger self called the police? is it rape or just masturbation?

asking for a friend

In sane societies you used to.

Also, in societies where there is public health care, it actually makes sense to punish such behavior.

We are not islands unto ourselves. We are by nature social animals. Society is composed of individuals: when too many individuals are rotten or corrupted or stupid or foolish, the whole society is degraded and must suffer the consequences.

If tomorrow 90% of Mexicans were all-out crackheads, what do you think would happen to Mexico? I can tell you it wouldn't be much of a country in any meaningful sense.

Yep. Its distribution of sexual images of minor. Doesn't matter who does it or who the pic are of, its illegal.

Correlation doesn't equal causation.

Any popular game will have a higher likelihood of being pirated by virtue of being popular.

Can you explain why multiple studies have come out showing a correlation between access to pornography and lower rape rates and why that magically doesn't apply to CP?

you pedophiles are extremely fucking stupid, I can see why you subhumans score 10 points less than average on an IQ test, not only that, a lot of your species of subhumans suffer from cognitive dissonance it hurts.

steady on, abdul.

shed go to jail in basis that she is promoting the business wherein others are also affected

I was talking about rape, paco. To have sex with someone who cannot consent (for example if they are too young to consent) is rape. I'm not surpised that this concept goes over your greasy brown head.
If no child porn existed, fewer people would develop a sexualised view of children, and it follows that fewer people would attempt to engage in sexual acts with children. This remains the case even if 0.01% of people who consume child porn go out and act upon their desires in the real world.

As for your articles, not only can you not control for all of the variables which may have contributed, but the year at which the study notices the change in trend is the year in which the country saw massive political overhaul away from communism. Do you not think that maybe the laws surrounding porn had less of an impact on the way in which people acted than the structure of the state under which they lived?

Because pedos dont follow normal behaviour
If they did they wouldnt be pedos


That is literally the dumbest thing I have ever read.

Anti pedos are the ones literally saying that this girl should be imprisoned for committing a "crime" that hurts no one and is against herself.

And we're the deluded ones with a low IQ huh?

t. Enraged Tumblr cuck fag

because you're sexualizing children and children cannot feel sexuality because their brains are not developed, if you wanna cry about being "oppressed" for your severe mental disability then go on tumblr and bitch about it there. You're a monster and you don't deserve any rights, no matter how much you cry and scream 'discrimination.'

Yes crime.

The community/common decency is the victim. AKA she is attacking the culture of her people.

But bad example since 15 is age of consent in many areas.

>Children cannot feel sexuality


Also the average start of puberty in females is 11 years old.

Maybe try and read something instead of posting horribly worded rage responses fucking newfag.

In other words. Lurk more.

then go to the fucking Middle East, Ahmed, maybe they'll accept you there. Indonesia recently passed a law where pedophiles get sterilized or capital punishment, its about time other countries do the same. You serve no purpose for humanity.

Well, in fact you're stupid.
And no, it's not about communism, the results of those studies are being observed worlwide in countries without "ebil commies" like Japan.

PLEASE, show me one study who proves porn increase the probability of attempt of sexual intercourse with minors.

the cognitive dissonance is so strong its not even funny.

It hurts herself and the government because she has no right to consent to her own actions
Also pedos arent normal

Puberty starts at 11, but they are still developing for at least seven years. CP encourages sexualization of children.

>Has a crime been committed here?
Yes, sexual pictures of minors are against the law.
>Who was the victim?
Nobody. It's a crime without victims.


>The community/common decency is the victim
>she is attacking the culture

Can She/He declare in court?

Law is written in specific language to give prosecutors actionable guidelines for charges. So it depends on which nation/state and which law.

That said, I see everything we do online as having an impact on others. Even here on Sup Forums, we redpill and hivemind. We like to think that our decisions are above influence but in reality, human decisions get effected by new information. This is why sexual images of young girls is bad, because it conditions sexual behaviors towards the young. Maybe the dude with pizza photos never touches a girl, he still internally is aroused by them and is helping foster this degeneracy by engaging in online collecting. Ethically, that girl shouldn't distribute pictures of herself because it helps enable degenerate behavior.

parking a car bomb outside a school but not detonating it results in no victims.

Yet it is a serious crime.

i'm pretty sure most places require you to be 18 to have pornographic images of yourself distributed. i could be wrong, but they make a pretty big deal out of it in some videos

Well the downsyndrom makes her ugly. Downies can never be sexy its impossible.

these dumbasses think that just because someone under 18 hits puberty then they think it means that the minor wants to have sex with some 60 year old. That's how stupid they are.

Sounds like you should go to the middle East since you love oppression and state control so much. I'd say youd fit right in with the other ignorant moral posturing sheep.

You literally said children feel nothing sexually which is laughably untrue and anyone who knows a lick of biology would've counted you out just for that ignorant statement alone.

Read what I responded to and why puberty starting at that age is relevant in my response.

Also if puberty is merely started then attraction to the individual by definition is no longer pedophilia. You want to use made up age definitions for what is or isn't a child, go ahead.

THE STATE vs attention whore

yes, the state can prosecute and any individual or group of individuals can also file a civil case or complaint.

The crime is degeneracy. The victim: Society

Burger what the fuck are you doing?
I asked for a study of the relation of viewing CP and child abuse, no a sourceless picture of the characteristics of convicted abusers.