How you feel about this

How can this be actually happening? and How much would your starting bid be?

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Well I already knew kebab was a subhuman piece of shit.

>tfw you will never be Saudi Arabian

you'll probably be afforded the same rights as one if you go over there and do a reverse of what they're doing to you in england

Aint no woman protesting about this REAL issue though.
Death to everything.

I heard the youngest go for about $150.

No but HUURR DUURRR the Russians are ebil

>western women "protesting" about abortion (it's not even getting shut down) and wanting to dress like this and saying they're oppressed

>while actual sex slavery is still being practiced

>"hurr we're mad at both!"

Yeah, you're not though.

>Giving money in exchange for women


isnt isis a name for 12 year old moslem girls that girl doesnt even look 12

I will buy her for 1 goat.

hello boner

1 goat going once; twice.. sold

hang on if you have a goat why don't you just fuck that? it also gives you milk

Starting bid? One goat in milk, inshallah

why cant America be like this?

Its okay when muslims do it.

depends on the goat, my goat only has one teat, only lets me milk it for 30 seconds at a time, and the milk tastes awful

Tnx Obama

These people are not true muslims. They make me sick.

>you will never pay 150,000$ for a 6/10

NO! One goat in milk, one camel saddle and a clay pot from looted Baghdad museum, praise allah


>Sun Online has been told
And I've been told the sky is green

I feel anger

Yeah right. Because they are so civilized.

My dick is hard

In 25 years max they will be a shithole again, oil is not going to keep them sustained forever and they have zero ability to do anything besides sell oil.

Heretics must be purged from this world

Stop being intolerant.


Feminists Support this.

Let that sink in.



Is it red pilled to allow for sex slaves? So long as they aren't traditional European women?

Do they take credit?

The only people who support Russia are rural and suburban retards.

City people all support ISIS

How dare you criticize their culture!!

Holy shit is there a video of the auction?

Why would i want to pay 1 dollar for damaged goods?

Women are going to fix this soon. Haven't you seen the marches?


Well its simple, you cant stop amerilards from supporting Israel and you cant stop Israel from creating and supporting Isis it shall continue

by allah she is pure! her vagina is still sewn!

>you will never buy a 10 year old loli tan sex slave

>you will never get married to, fuck, and then immediately divorce a saudi arabian loli prostitute

Why are we still here? Just to suffer?

Okay yeah. But trump said something about grabbing pussy to another man.
So what is the bigger issue here?

>How can this be actually happening?

ikr. Did ISIS not hear about the women's march?!

I'd probably go about $200 for a Yazidi teen. Is that a good deal or am I getting ripped off?

but, will she eat all the eggs?

Because they sewed it back.

I thought Islam was peaceful. Isn't Judaism peaceful too.

ISIS, Judaism, where's the difference?

It's all the same red wine on the inside. Shalom.

Yes but where are the pictures?

ISIS, Judaism, Saudi Arabia, USA, Turkey = all bad guys.
The only reason why USA is helping Kurds, because their imaginary country spans multiple real countries, so Americans can have a reason to invade those countries and claim minerals.

How mucg did she sell for Sup Forums?

>Muhammad was the perfect man
>Muhammad had sex slaves and sheet
>Saudis buy sex slaves like Muhammad did

But they're not real Muslims, goys!

Tree fiddy i'd say, give or take.

Saudi Arabia is biggest US ally so its okay, completely humane and democratic procedure in full respect of international law. You aren't some filthy commie to question private property rights, eh?


that girl looks 40. What 12 year old have wrinkles and tits?

50$ according to Syrian rep in UNSC.

This must be what all them feminists were protesting about then right?!!!
Oh they were protesting a man who has employed the most women than the entire middle East businesses combined? I see.

>How can this be happening
Where do you think all the missing children went? The Saudis are just a bunch of rich pedophiles

Let brown people deal with their own shit, we,re not gonna clear the path for greater Israel because of some Jew tricks.

When they start taking white women, we,ll act.

But we won't clear your path to greater Israel.

They were protesting the orange Zionist with Madonna you dummy. Cause you know we are living in a Hebrew world and I am a Good Shabbos Goy.

2 barrels of oil

Trump's a fucking white male
Abdul the Saud and the 40 rapers arent white so they dont count my man

>When they start taking white women, we,ll act.
Dear burger, they are taking white women for at least last 600 years.

Oy vey you mean the commie Jews were the good guys after all?

Typical leaf disinfo.

Montana protestors are degenerate as all commies are degenerate.

You don't need to go to Saudi Arabia to buy sex slaves, you can get them in central America too.

I always wondered why this human trafficking problem is never brought to attention by feminists. It's almost like they're completely incompetent or something.

Why isn't human traffiking taken more seriously on the world stage?

Just another day in Bongistan

>Thinking there's a difference between King Puppet Jew and Madonna. Zionist idiot.

When will Trump and Netanyahu move on these fuckers?

I'm all for using nukes in this situation.

This proves that Israel are the rightful owners of the Middle East and we should support them.


>hillary clinton supporters

my almonds are activating so hard

>>western women "protesting" about abortion (it's not even getting shut down)
I was going to point out some facts, but I noticed the flag, and thought "why bother?"

>Not even stripping the slaves for the auction
What if you buy one then it turns out she looks like shit naked?

1 and 1/2 camels

> Saudi Arabia buys sex slaves
> Saudi Arabia buys western politicians and funds all major parties
Gee, why all these merkels never question SA and even let SA be in charge of human rights council at UN? Must be because SA is so virtuous and democratic and free.

>FB shares: 2800
>G+ shares: 8
How can Google even compete?

>Nuclear Propaganda.
They don't exist faggot.

Man, are you retarded? You could get 16yo 10/10 beauty for one camel.

Why won't Putin step in and stop them?

He's the saviour of the West and the White Race, right?


Israel is tacitly allied to both IS and the Saudis, agsinst "dangerous" arab nationalist like the Syrian government and previously the Saddam-regime.

And Hillary Clinton was allied to these fucks.

We really dodged a bullet this time.

>Not even stripping the slaves for the auction

they probably do, just not on camera.

They've been doing that for centuries
>inb4 american education

>How you feel about this.
they're YOUR allies, ameritards

I would give my prized camel, my Russian made AK-47, 2 boxes of ammo, and a pack of JuJuBes for some of that ass.

>human trafficking problem
what about the israeli human trafficking? they kidnap people (including tourists) in eastern europe and ship them to tel aviv

Nah, we have to do this ourselves.

How could you imply God's Chosen Peoples would do such a thing. Blasphemy.

>sex slave
>all men dead already most likely
>implying women have a hard life

>Why won't Putin step in and stop them?
Because oil prices are more important than pretty much anything else for Putin.

President Trump wouldn't feel so strongly about being allied with Israel if that were true.

He is smarter than any of us. He knows what He is doing.


I stand with Israel.

Does anyone actually believes this bullshit?

I raise the bid too one goat and one chicken

Putin's a Jew. Jews in the inner Zionist sanctum have one goal only and that's Death worship Suffering worship and Birth worship.

wait how much?

>ywn buy a qt yazidi gf
>Ywn bring her to your home cunt for gifts and cuddles
>Ywn be her savior in life and be rewarded with unconditional pussy and love
>Ywn see the joy in her eyes that you freed her and finally brought happiness in her life
>Ywn start a qt yazidi family
>Ywn marry a yazidi slave qt
Why even live?