Media Admits to Manipulating Public Opinion

"One of the things I think this administration hasn’t figured out yet is that there’s only one television network that is seen in Beijing, Moscow, Seoul, Tokyo, Pyongyang, Baghdad, Tehran and Damascus — and that’s CNN," Zucker said. "The perception of Donald Trump in capitals around the world is shaped, in many ways, by CNN. Continuing to have an adversarial relationship with that network is a mistake."

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CNN LITERALLY cannot go for more than five seconds without lying, can they?

Has there ever been a more smug, self-righteous group of twats than the American media?

Seriously, look at that fucking douche's face. What a fucking twat.

Cuck News Network is history.

so glad to see the MSM dying. decentralization of information is awesome. truely the best timeline.

the god emperor is going to crash what is left of them with no survivors. and he is going to use that literal quote. screencap this.

>our enemies only see fake news

Isn't this the desired status quo?

>he thinks people actively watch shitty news channels and form opinions based on the content
News channels are background noise.

I wish someone would print out his condescending fucking face, let their dog take a crap on it, and send it to his Twitter account.

the media is going to implode under Trump

>be MSM
>try to pick a fight with Trump

Have they learned nothing?

>CNN now doing everything in their power to destroy themselves

>Time Warner still thinks that they should keep pissing off the one person who can fuck up their merger

Communist News Network

I love that Pepe

Gee, you've got a nice house, it'd be a shame if anything happened to it.

Lol is he threating the president? Can't he shut these fuckers down?


They're dead but they just don't know it yet. Everyone knows it but them apparently.

During their peak hours they're only getting like 50,000 viewers and they still are adorable and think they control the narrative.
They will probably be bankrupt by 2018.

Anything Trump says or does against these maggots is justified. They are like a cancer in the country.

>Media relations experts — or, really, anyone with an ounce of common sense — would probably agree that Trump doesn't help his coverage by attacking CNN and its journalists.

Well it's worked pretty well so far.

Alex Jones has a bigger audience now than all of them except maybe Fox now.

Now that we're America first, does it even matter?

Woah Sup Forums btfo by reality.

Then again this could be a Glenn Beck bounce of people watching him to witness the idiocy and they may be tarnishing their credibility to the point they death spiral.

Ratings are good recently regardless.

CNN grew 56% in the news demo.

Seems like CNNs strategy worked and they have successfully staved off the decline that has faced the rest of the media. Sup Forums BTFO!

It's almost like Trump being president makes for good press, and Trump being an antagonist of your network specifically makes for even better press.

Even Don Lemonparty had better ratings this year.

What cnn hasn't figured out is that the internet exists

There it is!
The trips of truth!

Fake news! Evidence is fake, are you gonna believe trump or your own lying eyes?

>The perception of Donald Trump in capitals around the world is shaped, in many ways, by CNN. Continuing to have an adversarial relationship with that network is a mistake

> Power corrupts

Do you have any idea how much power ''shaping consciences'' is?

>lol drumpf doesn't stand a chance
>anti-trust laws
>pls trump no bully ._.

>muh polls
>muh doctored Criminal Clinton rallies
>muh hype driving opinion pieces
>muh total lack of any investigation at all

Double fuck fake news (((CNN))). Everybody knows they are full of shit, the Communist News Network is delusional if they think everybody is as retarded as the American left. The Enquirer is more trusted than these piece of shit liars dancing on the end of Soros puppet strings.

>CNN grew 56% in the news demo.

Average news demo age is 60+

Ad men want that delicious 18-45 range, buzzfeed has a brighter future than CNN

Eventually Trump hysteria will die down and CNN will average 70,000 viewers again

>he still thinks the MSM is the biggest influencer around the world

Numbers are even better among 18-45, 80% gain


Anybody with a lick of sense is well over CNN - they shat the bed last/this year and everybody who was paying attention saw the sheets.

Same with most other mainstream media outlets desu.

Wait. 7th on basic cable? Isn't that still... really bad?

> we are biased, petty, and will lie to shape the narrative to hurt Trump

So they admit they aren't journalists but propagandists. They admit by what they choose to say or don't say they will try to hurt Trump. How is this smart?

They lied about him in the primaries. Didn't work. They lied about him during the election. Didn't work. What secret weapon were they holding back to use now he holds the most powerful office in the world and the loudest megaphone? Leftists are dumb.

> How is this smart?

It's not, but they appeal to a crowd that's already full of confirmation bias. It doesn't matter what they sell or how stupid it may be, the left will buy it.

Im sure im not the only one that watches CNN laughing thinking "So this is the BS they want me to think today". Its like that here even with CBC the government funded broadcaster, pure propaganda.

"One of the things I think this administration hasn’t figured out yet is that there’s only one incredibly biased view that is seen in Beijing, Moscow, Seoul, Tokyo, Pyongyang, Baghdad, Tehran and Damascus — and that’s Israel's," Israel said. "The perception of Donald Trump in capitals around the world is shaped, in many ways, by the Jews and their tools. Continuing to have an adversarial relationship with us CNN Jews aka controlled opposition, is good for us Jews."

"best year ever" = 7th place and still way behind Fox, MSNBC, HGTV, and like 3 home shopping networks.

>Among cable news network viewers who watch Fox News most often, 50% say they trust the political news they are getting. That compares to 43% of MSNBC viewers and just 33% who tune in mostly to CNN.

>2/3rds of CNN's own viewers think CNN is lying to them.

Lol, who watches CNN in Moscow? 2% or 0.5%?

Tom Brokaw was a punk.

Yep. Even a dead cat will bounce when you drop it from high enough.

Why the fuck couldn't Adam Lanza have done something constructive. It's just fucked that this guy can say shit like this openly and not find himself in a noose or at the very least be held up as an example of villainy.

60+ million people voted for Hillary Killington,

about 1/4 of the population. CNN gets around 1% of that at best peak times. They are hardly influential. I'd say there's more people watching CNN just to see what kind of dumb shit they say next and libtards that want to be comforted by familiar lies.

>television network that is seen in Moscow
Trump needs to make just one call and it will disappear from Moscow forever.

So 5 viewers to 9 viewers? Gardening shows in America get a larger number of viewers.

The only people they managed to manipulate were a vocal minority of idiot brainwashed whites suffering from white guilt. The rest of the people who voted for "da person wit a (D) nex to dey name" were nigs, spics, and illegal immigrants looking out for their own personal interests.

If the mainstream media and celebrities mattered anymore, the majority of the electoral map wouldn't be red right now and leftist trash wouldn't be having daily meltdowns.

highly unlikely, CNN doesn't even get 0.5% of our population watching them.

I'd be surprised if 0.0001% of any foreign country's population watched this garbage.

CNN would cut off their own dicks if they could get 0.5% in *America*. I'm not sure they have a single show that gets a million viewers.

These are also the people who think Trump only won because of RT.

how long before Trump keeps his promise to tighten libel laws?

Jeff Zucker is a turbokike.

All Jews need to die.


CNN is dying and rightfully so.

you right, i probably had BBC in my mind, "BBC Russia" is very strong an actually has viewers and journalists here.

> Is he doing this intentionally

a) 1% of 60m is 600k people. You are saying that CNN's PEAK time has 600k viewers?
b) Don't those 600k people influence others in turn, by saying ''they saw it on CNN'' or by forwarding the news themselves? With the internet we have a constant, steady row of information. Not just peak times.
c) Why would you call a news network as hardly influential when THEY THEMSELVES boast about their influence even worldwide?

Trump literally hasn't lost a single fight, he's smarter than you, cunninger than you and will out play you on every turn. His years of real estate dealings has turned him into an unstoppable monster, picking a fight will set you up for failure.

>obamaleaf will now post graphs of cnns viewership to shit post

The Hallmark Channel gets more viewers than CNN.

Lanza was a MK Ultra disposable assassin. He was activated to provide political support for firearm confiscation and to hide some news stories they didn't want you to think about.

RT is more prevalent

>Media Admits to Manipulating Public Opinion
that's the purpose of media you retard.

>Water admits to being wet

Alex Jones is unironically a much better news source than CNN or MSNBC.

Their ratings have plummeted over the past year. I think he's the one who's made a miscalculation.

>a) 1% of 60m is 600k people. You are saying that CNN's PEAK time has 600k viewers?
At it's peak it's a bit more, but still pitiful. Average is like 600k.

Also a big chunk of CNN's ratings comes from televisions in airports and waiting rooms and so on.

>b) Don't those 600k people influence others in turn, by saying ''they saw it on CNN'' or by forwarding the news themselves? With the internet we have a constant, steady row of information. Not just peak times.
Most news stories shared online are essentially just AP reports and it makes no difference whether they're hosted on or

>c) Why would you call a news network as hardly influential when THEY THEMSELVES boast about their influence even worldwide?
Yes, why ever would a company exaggerate their own influence? Hmmm...

You're clearly understating the effect of media on wider public opinion.

There was an overwhelming anti-trump trend here in Australia, did that happen because people though his foreign policy would hurt us? No, because our main media outlet (((ABC))) was spouting anti-trump rhetoric for the whole year.

It only takes one person to watch it, comment on it amongst their piers who then establish 'their own' opinion based on that. It then spreads like wildfire. People are ridiculously impressionable, it's the same phenomena that drives this board.

Mass media is a weapon, most people just don't recognize it. This website for example.

Modern Western Civilization is fucking disgusting.

So he's threatening Trump?

>Continuing to have an adversarial relationship with that network is a mistake."
That smug son of a bitch really think he's stronger than the POTUS ?
He doesn't realize what's coming to him. Trump is gonna tear the MSM a new asshole now that he's in control

Okay, except the problem is, CNN is the only news network showing in those places, and it's most likely waaaaay behind in ratings that local news networks in those countries.

donald, you can't insult your way to the whitehouse

media are all 100% bullshit and have been for a long long time now.

Barely any.

Those people are too delusional to realise that after Vietnam war media bongdongle has been analysed no serious politicians actually believes talking heads. When they hear CNN being angry at Trump they think, "oh, somebody behind that station must be very angry at Trump" rather than "oh, American people must be really angry at Trump".

It's been like that for 30 years or so now, politicians generally give no shit media and "facts" they're raising.


god dam right again FPBP

The only reason CNN tends to be a "hotel room default" channel is that it used to be considered relatively neutral, and as such wouldn't piss off either conservatives or liberals. That's no longer the case, and they need to pay for it. Be sure to complain about the presence of CNN wherever appropriate, be polite and non-autistic though.

> Continuing to have an adversarial relationship with that network is a mistake."

No it's not. MSM will continue to rip on him for 4 years straight. It is in his interest that they lose as much credibility as possible for his reelection.

>it's fucking real

So far I'm taking your word for it on things that definitely need citation. They seemed pulled but ok
> Also a big chunk of CNN's ratings comes from televisions in airports and waiting rooms and so on.

So people watching CNN in waiting rooms, dentist, the gym, etc are NOT watching CNN? Isn't that false by definition? You can't really tell who watches and who doesn't, you have to accept ratings with a grain of salt.

> Most news stories shared online are essentially just AP reports and it makes no difference whether they're hosted on or

We're talking about influence, user. If a CNN story is pushed, it gains influence even if it doesn't directly add on CNN ratings or peak times. You can't suddenly spin your argument into ''CNN has no influence because it doesn't show CNN stories''.

> Yes, why ever would a company exaggerate their own influence? Hmmm...
Yet again, it's your word against theirs. Yes? Besides, you're saying CNN has no influence because they exaggerate / lie and when it comes to media, you gain influence mostly by exaggerate / lying, so...

Fuuuuuck, good catch user. Shit that slipped right by me. Now my sides begin to orbit furiously.

Also, if those trips were gibs, you'd have like 3 different baby daddies.

i only mentioned CNN. not the whole of MSM.

we have 3 major channels that are on 'free' television here, and those are much more influential because a wide spectrum of people watch those channels because of their access to everyone with a tv.

CNN is a cable news channel, that has had almost no credibility from the start, being founded for psyops by the CIA and FBI through project mockingbird. Even if that wasn't true, they've made lots of mistakes and phony b.s. over the years.

only the completely oblivious libtard actually takes CNN seriously. Our big three networks at least, for the most part, have an appearance of neutrality doing very well to hide their implicit biases. Which is why they gather a vastly more diverse audience.

They do... hence the hundreds of thousands of retards marching right now... you fucking retard. Kys disformation shill

Just as expected from the Cirno News Network

So he's literally proving Trump right by admitting they shape the opinion towards him based on if they like him or not, aka 'opinion shaping journalism', how can anyone even defend this?

> It only takes one person to watch it, comment on it amongst their piers who then establish 'their own' opinion based on that. It then spreads like wildfire.

Yes, that's exactly what I've been saying. 'Peak time' viewers doesn't even matter, influence will increase by a chain reaction.

> Modern Western Civilization is fucking disgusting.

you mean people only watch CNN when there's a presidential debate?

> how can anyone even defend this?

in case you missed this gem

CNN and the rest of the MSM must be destroyed. There's no sense in Trump playing nice or trying to work with them.

cnn gets great ratings in bagdad and pyongyang, sure

>"One of the things I think this administration hasn’t figured out yet is that there’s only one television network that is seen in Beijing, Moscow, Seoul, Tokyo, Pyongyang, Baghdad, Tehran and Damascus — and that’s CNN,"
This is so fucking true. The media here repeats the in verbatim translation of the shit said on CNN. Even the fucking pundits here do it when commenting American politics.

>the problem isn't us, it's you

They're just ASKING for massive irrelevancy at this point.

>cnn being viewed unironically in russia
the delusion of these people is truly deep

Remember how MSNBC was the king of ultra-liberal media up to about 2012?

Then remember how CNN never used to be so aggressively ultra-liberal, but is now?

Jeff Zucker went from NBC to CNN in 2013

So if as a result Trump prevents CNN from getting any exclusive interviews and prime news stories, instead giving all of them to their competitors

just how much damage could he do to CNN?

Trump has destroyed CNN's reputation domestically. He needs to do the same internationally if he is to make friends and, most importantly for me, to successfully mold the public opinion and political views in Europe.

look at me, i'm the president now.

I try to listen to him but he literally shills for some stupid shit like vitamins or Charlie Daniel's new movie every 10 minutes.

Did the Washington Post just unironically use the term 'butthurt'?

>Most news stories shared online are essentially just AP reports and it makes no difference whether they're hosted on or

Yeah, as if it wasn't bad enough that all US media is owned by just 6 conglomerates the apparent "media consensus" on many issues is due to them publishing the same AP or Reuters story word for word, without doing any investigation themselves. It's also poor security to have a single point of failure like this, the Reuters feed has been hacked at least 3 times :