Brit/pol/ - Breastfeeding Edition

>SEXIST DRUMPF BEWARE - Theresa May will meet with the President on Thursday to tell him to stop making sexist comments and to stress how important the EU's success is in the wake of his anti-EU comments

>"Brexit constitutes a hostile action and will destroy the Good Friday Agreement", says Gerry Adams

>THINGS: The Movie - Top producer in talks with Tony Blair to make film about his life

>Milkman rules out LAB-LIB Pact - "The people will never forgive Corbyn"

>Setting up landmines for Eurosceptics - Theresa May's Brexit speech examined

>Corbyn changes his mind again, this time on whipping Labour to trigger Article 50

>23/02/17 - Labour's double by-elections in Copeland and Stoke

>Cross-party coalition set up to thwart leaving the EU

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>tfw no big celebrity deaths in AGES
Can't one of those smug Twitter lefties like Graham Linehan have an auto-erotic asphyxiation accident or something?

Should be Graham Norton for noncing


w-what if things actually haven't gotten b-better?

w-what i-if they...*gulps*...WHAT IF THEY'VE GOTTEN WORSE?!

did Tony lie to us???!!!



Never forget the 70,000 killed in the Blitz.

Was thinking about this earlier:

Can you imagine all the sycophantic crooning that would be going on right now if Labour were in power and they had a female PM?

You wouldn't be able to move for all the articles praising her for being a woman in power and being really empowering

Been drinking your milk, Brexitards?
I hope you have so you're prepared for the milky surprise in 2020

Never forget that we only killed two people when we bombed Dresden and both of them were kiddie fiddling Nazi occultists.

I sure am glad we got revenge for the 700,000 grannies killed in the Blitz by moderately bombing strategic military points in Dresden, the 10,000 civilian deaths were a mere formality. Indeed, we should have gone much further than the 5,000 people we killed in Dresden as revenge for the seven million Brits butchered by the Germans

Did he touch your bumhole in the red chair again?

Would be nice if there was some sort of sex scandal in the green room at Mock the Week, and all the shit contestants hung themselves in shame

So all of them, then

do you not ever sleep or go outside mate?
do you think you are achieving anything shitposting on here all day every day?

Women with different political views don't matter, they only get celebrated if they're 100% self-loathing lefty (May is only 90% there). Highly amusing really, they're more sexist and racist than anyone when they come up against an individual from one of their pariah demographic groups that disagrees with them.


So this...

Is the power...

Of political posturing...

Then what the fuck are you doing her you mug

>tfw i don't even have a face for having to watch the Outnumbered Christmas Special with your family and hold your tongue despite it being utter shit and having drank copious amounts of whiskey

>achieving anything
What's there to achieve?

Ooh tasty... was hoping he'd do something to reassure daft NHS-lovers up north

Sicilian family with a 17yo daughter moved into the neighbourhood

Too old for you, eh


She looks like she's asking for it. Not a fan, BUT MUH DICK.

Pic unrelated - Sicilian lookalike

>only Scottish Jews are the true whites
>p-pls let me put my willy in this Sicilian

Normalised promiscuity is terrible too.

Why is it so slow today? Feels slow even for a Sunday.


The Snoopers' Charter is in effect

Not much to discuss really

bants mate
now calm down and have a cup of tea

>first thing mentioned is Denial
Can their shilling be any more obvious?

When did Piers become redpilled?

>“Lipstadt said that arguing with a denier was like trying to nail jelly to a wall. I would say it’s now like trying to nail smoke to a wall. There’s almost no substance.”
How many ways can they word "The internet is fucking us because people have access to evidence we tried to hide before"?

When being right-wing became an amazing way to pick up devoted followers and shills

>Blaming mongs like Irving
>Not blaming the rise of Muslims in Britain

Come on, white guys aren't to blame for everything

You knuckle dragging workie Glasgow scum are truly the worst form of degenerates. You are a disgrace to all who are associated withh you

>when did Piers Morgan start jumping on the bandwagon
Gee I dunno.

1)it's the first time I've seen someone Sicilian
2)I have a girlfriend and I'm not going to fuck ze Sicilian lass
3)she's still hot in a way

>May threatening to turn Britain into tax haven

Give me one good reason Britain shouldn't just do it?

No trade? No worries Britain will just steal every corporate HQ in Europe.

>Liechten(((stein))) advocating lolbertarianism

>New Coke discontinued in 2002
>Classic still printed on the can in 2017

Wait no hold the fucking phone a second you wrinkly old hag
>stress how important the EU's success
Why the fuck would we want an EU that's successful? That makes it easier for the EU to fuck us over.


>t. Liechtenstein
Tax havens work when it's a small, fairly homogenous nation with a reasonable spread of wealth... so not here.
>deniers have no substance, they don't offer any evidence
The lack of self-awareness is pretty funny at least

Didn't you read her speech as well as the one she gave to Davos? She stressed over and over again that our vote to leave the EU wasn't an anti-EU or anti-immigration vote and that we wish it success in the future because globalism is good

>and ah looked at him right in they eyes and ah said
>go away
>ah was bloody angry
>ah was dizgusted

NEETlet is back

>75.9% Roman Catholic
We need another thirty years.

>Let's get a pro-globalism pro-immigration pro-EU person to lead the exit of the EU
What fucktard decided this?

The tweet is misleading and not entirely reflective of what Nuttall claimed.

Tax havens don't get good export values which means manufacturing in the country struggles, it also has an entire economy based on letting large Corporations set the agenda.
In a small nation its fine, in a large nation with a complex economy it's bad.
The Irish can only kind of do it with 5 million and thats because of a shared currency and freedom of goods from the EU allowing their agriculture to be exported at manageable prices.

Nah he's a bona-fide fat bastard NEET. He's a big lad

Tories. To be fair, they didn't have much to choose from.

We already went over why the benefits of free trade are based on faulty assumptions and poor evidence.

But of course you ignored that and carried on spouting.

When you have the backing of Michael Heseltine you can do anything

Miguel Ferrer did a couple days ago. One f those 'that guy' actors.

But not the party membership, remember

>We already went over why I'm a gommie

Why would you expect anything less from YKTD?

>Wrong about Brexit
>Wrong about Trump
>Wrong about leaving the single market

One of the main reasons why I dont come to this place, you all look up to him when he knows fuck all about anything. And all he does is suck of up the that defeatist cuck Hitchens.

Oh yeah... didn't even notice. Not big enough a celebrity desu, it needs to be a twitter gobshite who goes next.

True. Do we have any info on membership opinion of her?

kek, I found 18:46 a laugh

Can someone explain the outrage behind Tridentgate?

Does everyone expect full disclosure when a tank breaks down?

>eating Tesco Value Chicken Noodles and watching House of Cards on Netflix
Where did life go so right, lads?

He looks like a literal mole

>Give me one good reason Britain shouldn't just do it?
Because we already have the isle of mann, guernsey, etc doing that

ask a British cyber commando from a parallel British timeline anything


What are your opinions on Michael Heseltine and Michael Aschcroft??? Who is best?

Larping has reached critical levels.

Why's the thread so slow?

I never made a prediction about Trump

Leadsom was behind her by a small amount when polled but that was before two months of a leadership campaign had started

I'll be honest with you lads:

I'm not a terrible fan of our tripfriends.

Why is this?

Are those her grandchildren?

No, she doesn't even have children.

She doesn't have kids

It's the same shit as how lefties turn on you if you're gay and not a complete SJW cunt.
t. gay

All the tripfags crawling out the woodwork recently is causing a decline of quality in Brit/pol/ threads.

ummm who are you?

I'll be honest with you lads:

I'm not a terrible fan of anime.

Well really he's supported Trump since day one, he used to be on his Apprentice show

>tfw this makes you cry for all the wrong reasons

Why am I jealous of such disgusting freaks. Why do I feel this way

I think she was unable to have kids. She is married though, husband keeps a low profile.

God fucking damn it Theresa May is so fucking lame

What can we do about this? Seems like the Ken Clarke wing of the Tory party had things all sewn up even in the event of Brexit

>Graham Norton for noncing


I miss the days where threads were all made with location themes showing off the nice parts of our nation.


I don't care about Trump.

> Gwen wants to have children with her girlfriend before considering surgery


God I miss Bowden so much. If I could resurrect anyone...

bit my freddo because i got called racist in greggs lads, what should karen get from the shop?

>Tfw trannies had stronger beard genetics than you

I miss the days when I could have had a free ticket to die at 18

AND get married

>tranny whores itself on reddit for likes
Hardly newsworthy, is it?

>Michael Gove

dammit user you were getting my hopes up there for a moment

>that qt gf
i want to see the video