Everyone is welcome.
Discuss news, ask question, give answers, be kind to one another, and above all assist one another in living the virtuous life. As usual, I will be assisting with answering questions and helping people out. I recommend you do the same.

Today is the third Sunday in Ordinary Time.
Here are your daily readings

Community links, such as recommended media, are now below in pastebin links. Remember to recommend things to add to the lists!
>Catholic Encyclopedia
>Directory for Finding a Latin Mass (U.K)
>Directory for Finding a Latin Mass (U.S/Can)
>Laudate App
>Recommended Movies
>Recommended Books
>Recommended Music
>Beauty of Creation
>Tales of Love and Virtue

Other urls found in this thread:


Anons, and especially the faithful, remember the words of pic related. Be as good friends and wish the best of all people despite our differences. Pair patience with sternity and promote the good within yourself and one another in this thread.


How was mass, Sup Forums?


New guy from last week. Just got back from my first mass. Thought it was pretty nice. I just sat in the back and tried not to embarrass myself. Afterwords I talked with the priest and I'm going to RCIA tomorrow.


what is mass?

>tfw laying in bed don't want to go to church

Sounds good user.

I wish you luck

Very nice!
I hope you enjoy it. If the teachers at RCIA ever have problems with questions feel free to confront us with that as well. We've got your back.

>tried not to embarrass myself

After my first time doing mass I'm sure there is emphasis on 'tried'? Hahaha.

Volume x density = mass

How do we fix Atheists?

Catholic is poo religion

Like we fix dogs


On my way to an evening mass.

Stay comfy and Godspeed.

This made me really happy. Glad to hear that.

It's the central act of worship in the Catholic Church. It is the formal services that the parishes hold.

Also Teach, uphold, and convert.
Atheism is a general term for a lot of different things. The fedoras such as you post are anti-theists, who tend to be highly ignorant of what they speak about besides sparse few groups. To teach them how they are wrong, to uphold what is right in our own lives, and the eventually convert others to the truth the issue of them will be resolved.

this is a nice image user


Likewise, holy shit.

Orthodox dropping by to say hello and if I can I borrow some sugar

I would only convert to Catholicism or Orthodoxy and here's why. These two are actually bigger than the bible. Protestantism stands or falls with the bible, but Catholicism or Orthodoxy have cultural, philosophic, aesthetic traditions of their own. They don't need the bible! In my opinion, the bible has already been debunked. Sure Protestants can pretend that this isn't the case, but for how long? Whereas Catholicism or Orthodoxy have so much more going on for them that they basically don't need the bible anymore. Sure, we got that part wrong, but what about all the rest? Don't you like Thomas Aquinas' cosmological argument? Don't you like the philosophy, the mystical tradition, the devotion, the liturgy, the chant, the incense? We still have all of that going on for them. They are a thing of their own now, they got over the bible. Who cares what happened in Palestine fucking 2000+ years ago? They got a life of their own now. It's no longer Messianic Judaism, it's a new religion and it's 2000 years old already, it has reached legal age status. Honestly, fuck the bible.


Thanx! orthodox here and not english so the words are strange at times!

>Sure we got that part wrong

>chi rho
fucking hijacking heretics

Yep. Kinda went like this:
>get there
>follow others and sit in back
>i got this
>everybody does cross motion
>think i should try
>start, but arms spaghetti
>sweet, nobody saw
>they start singing and stuff
>mumble and pretend I know the words
>they get up to eat bread-thing
>be the only person to keep sitting
>oh fug, now they know im not one of them
>wait until it's over and talk with dude in cool robe
>pretty chill bro, tells me to come to RCIA
>a'ight monica, ill be there

Glad you appreciate it, muslims are always bragging about their tiles in mosques
>tile this tile that blah blah blah
so I share this

I personally find Orthodox and Oriental Christians always welcome.


Tradition, scripture and magisterium = Catholicism.


>mumble and pretend I know the words

You don't even have to sing, I never do because I have a terrible voice.

Wolfshiem, I honestly want to believe in God. I see the beauty in divine grace, but I simply can't reconcile my disgust with the weakness of modern Christianity.

wat do?

This is Saint Chappelle in Paris

I know someone that recently went and they said even going to Versailles now is dangerous bc even the muslim hoard is all over it too


Well yes, it would be the Catholic equivalent of Divine Liturgy.

I am totally with you besides pretty much everything about the Bible. All of the church's doctrine stands and falls with every part of it. There is no picking and choosing what doctrine is right and wrong. Either its all right or its all wrong. And the church upholds the Bible, its canon, and its text. Most definitely apostolic faiths have more life to themselves than just focusing around past events in a compilation of books and thats what gives the church and faith so much life but it is due to the scriptures, amongst other things, that we get what we move forward with. You can't deny it without removing a cornerstone of our foundation.

Not to say you have to go to it - for laypeople a catechism can be useful as well - but you cannot rationally reject it and uphold the faith.


Is there a difference between evening mass and morning mass, are there less people? I never go to evening mass, and this is a new church, but I need a community besides you online shitosters

Should also mention that the tone of the service felt pretty red-pilled. Priest said to pray for Trump and (in nicer words) the degenerate "protesters"

Hahahah, that bread-thing is the Eucharist. Basically the part of the service mainly known in America as "communion".
And don't worry, you can stay seated. Don't worry so much if others judge you. They likely won't but even on the off chance they do you are doing nothing wrong given your circumstances and they'd be in the wrong to assume otherwise.

My first experience went something like this:

>surprised by the uniform responses by people, totally weirded out
>lose track of what is said and not sure what we're bowing our heads for
>remember from watching a mass in video there is a time to be raising our hands
>notice this once hands are raised even higher
>hands go from at my side to head level
>by this time people are lowering them
>lower them quickly
>the whole movement looks like I flapped my arms like a bird
>the old lady who is seated next to me and wished to help me through the whole thing is giggling at me now
>nice homily and readings
>told to be seated for eucharist
>not sure what the eucharist is, know it just as "communion"
>get up at eucharist and get quickly grabbed by the old lady
>stay seated
>creed starts
>leave confused
>while leaving a church volunteer staff member speaks to me
>takes the time to explain the whole system to me
>ask questions and challenge her for a while
>leave with a deeper appreciation of the whole thing and willingness to try again
>sign up for RCIA

I had learned much of the faith but not much of the mass at the time, haha.

What is the difference between Christian, Catholic and Orthodox?

it was prophesied in revelations, the last church age was called the Church of laodicea, which is the modern one, which he called lukewarm. Christ found this abhorrent,

Remember that the grace received from the sacraments, from scripture, and from faith do not come from the mortal integrity of any person but from God.
Focus on what is good and just, not what political situations appear.
If you wish to escape the possibility of modernism even in your parishes then finding a Latin mass is usually the go-to option and I have a directory in the OP. If its unavailable then most parishes will still be valuable.

But I must ask you something:

>I honestly want to believe in God

When a Catholic or Orthodox speaks of God, do you know of what we speak about? What kind of thing do you think we speak about?

Basilica of Santa Maria Maggiore

I like how this tile has an actual story in addition to being beautiful, that it's not just flashy geometric patterns like you see in mosques.


Basilica of Saint Clement

woops here's the pic

Well we do have more Christian online shitposters on 16/2chan's /christian/, fyi.

There is sometimes no difference between evening and morning mass besides who runs it but it is popular in some parishes to do a more kid-centric mass at the evening one. This is mainly just more modern music and a homily to appeal to kids. They're usually called Guitar Masses.

Basilica of Saint Paul

More of basilica of Saint Paul

Basilica of Saint Peter

>kid friendly
Oh, I didn't know that. Well, I'll see how it is later today.

I didn't know cripplechan had a Christian board, I'll check it out. It doesn't surprise me though, they even have a /just/ board

sadly I have no idea what church this is, just found it on here untitled

It's incredible.

Thank you so much for the dump.

Christian is an umbrella term for saying you believe in the teachings of Jesus Christ. As many can say they do and teach outright bullshit some people who believe others are wrong will differentiate 'Christians' from whatever denomination they don't like.
As for Catholicism and Orthodoxy they are both very similar overall. The core differences stem from their cultural influence (Orthodoxy tends to be more mystical and Catholicism tends to be more scholastic) and ecclesiastical differences (church form and function differences). The core one being the authority of St. Peter. Both Catholicism and Orthodoxy uphold the primacy of St. Peter but they disagree on whether that means that the office of St. Peter has a mechanical function with the church or not. Catholics say yes, Orthodoxy says no and that the office is only the first among equals.

They tend to have slightly different organizations of how to do things from these differences and have some devotional traditions that are distinct to themselves.

There are loads of little, higher-up theological debates but nothing that would influence the spiritual life of people not theologians.


Haha, hopefully you don't have to experience it but we'll see how it goes either way. The Catholic General will be up all day for the most part!

And yeah, /christian/ happens to be one of the largest boards on that website. It's surprising.

11 out of fucking 10




Find a flaw

>protip: you can't


>What kind of thing do you think we speak about?

I think of God not as a magic sky father, but as the sum of all that is right, just, and beautiful in the world. The way I conceive of "Him" is as a divine state of grace, not given to indulging in the partisan vulgarity that disgusts me about the Church and Francis. I don't see faith as a rebuke to the modern politics that disgust me, or as an aesthetic preoccupation in such a profoundly ugly age, but really as an aspiration to a general elevation of mankind and of my own conduct.

I was raised atheist by a lapsed catholic and an apathetic mormon, so I suppose my image of God is shaped by the romantic ideal of the sublime (or perhaps early American deism) more than anything else. Given that, I honestly don't believe in God, but I want to.

My biggest question for you guys is how do you reconcile Catholicism with extreme right wing ideaology. It seems as thought there are many time when you must pick between your country, your people, or your church. For example how can I love my neighbor who is Muslim if on a political level I view Muslims as savages and the ultimate threat to my people, country, and religion? Another example is Trump vs Francis I. Francis continually undermines Trump and nationalism in general while I firmly support nationalism on a global scale. However he is still my pope regardless of how much I hate him.

>1. In our time, when day by day mankind is being drawn closer together, and the ties between different peoples are becoming stronger, the Church examines more closely her relationship to non-Christian religions.
>oxford comma

Found your issue.

God isn't real

Attended my first Latin Mass today. First time we had it here in decades. Man I'm still in shock from how beautiful and glorious it was, everything was solemn and no pop-music like in the Novus Ordo. The priest must have really studied up on this because he got everything done perfect, even his sermon was an answer to objections against the Latin Mass

Keep up these threads Wolf
They are Sup Forums heritage threads

Depends on the situation but here's how it goes with Jesus
Either you
>Preach the gospel to your neighbor and if they reject you then you shake the dust off your feet and go to the next town
, that's it

Or you are in a place where your neightbor is causing you to sin, or similar situation,so Jesus says in that
>If your hand causes you to sin, then cut it off and throw it into the fire, for it is better for you to lose your hand then your whole body be cast into hell.

So Its more of what they are doing, which comes from their beliefs, cutting of can be either you have to exile them from your nation, like the Jews many times in history, or you kill them, meaning Deus Vult. Its more about what issues the church is reacting to, not just if they don't like you if you are christian


When I mean causing you to sin, I mean biblical tier rampant degeneracy, like Babylonian, Canaanite, Muslim tier endless violence and untold horrors, like your nation is cast into a literal hell on earth

I'm sure they'll tell me at RCIA, but what is the deal with the rosary? Do I need one? Where should I get one?

You don't "need" one, but I'd recommend you get one.

When I converted, my priest bought me one on behalf of the parish as a gift.

Is there a Catholic (book)store around you? You can get one there, or online.

Is novus ordo ok if it is done in a more traditional style?

I've been to churches where it wasn't much different from s Methodist service. Today I went to a Novus Ordo service that looked like a Latin one, and it was very beautiful.

Latin isn't an option where I live unfortunately.

It's just the first step in the right direction though

Most of our services are pretty traditional as well.

Yes. NO fulfills your obligation.

NO can be very beautiful when done reverently, it just sadly so rarely is.

Please Varg nobody wants you here with your no alcohol heathanism

cucktholic general


varg is strictly against alcoholism and knows the source of it is Christianity.


I appreciate the honesty and clarity of your answer.

How Catholics and Orthodox understand God, and how it has been understood since the early church, is basically the constant and willful ground of being itself.

When we speak of cosmological arguments we tend to think of, in the modern day, as speaking of a distant past temporal cause of reality. A "before the Big Bang". In fact, while some arguments are of this (such as the Kalam), most of the arguments actually deal with a constant, sustaining causation in each moment in time (called Divine Conservation). This leads us to a basic ontological understanding of God: the constant ground of creation. Willful in the sense that God is of no parts and thus nothing can make it act mechanically so His must be acting of its own accord.

Such a view is called Classical Theism. This is opposed to the very common Theistic Personalism, which is where God is understood as a kind of person and fully anthropomorphized. As you can imagine, the attributes of God (omnipotence, omnipresence, etc) and even miracles are understood very differently between Classical Theists and Theistic Personalists.

I can recommend some books on this topic if you wish to look into this in fuller detail. Do tell me if you want those recommendations or have questions I can address.

What's interesting is that your wording of your understanding of God is definitely romantic in nature but regardless you aren't entirely wrong. God creates all things and its order. The classical understanding of evil expresses that it is not a "force" or something that truly exists at all but rather evil is the privation of good. All God is the constant source of all things, God can rightly be seen as the sum of all that is right and just.

Ever heard of the Order of the Dragon?

Made 20,000 kebabs, the guy who did it was called Dracula, or the dragon in whatever slavic tongue it was, Romanian I think.

Muslims were so scared of him they said he was a vampire


And all those subhuman seakangz that died with cups of booze in there hands werent pagans?

Varg is just nostalgic from seeing all the sand niggers fuck up all his bitches, reminds him of the good ole days back when the alpha kangz would fuck other seakangz bitches





One reason the Bulgars converted to Christiantiy was that islam prohibited alcohol which the king acknowledged they drank as a part of their own pagan religion, so he had no issue converting to the Roman catholic faith

his daughter very related

Rappel que le Vatican est plein de franc-macon depuis Vatican 2 est que le Pape est un agent impérial au service de la NWO....

I hope you get cancer, retard.

W-wait, God is still "a person" right? Am I a heretic?

Love is not being nice. Love is the willing of the good of all things without self-interest. Sometimes such a thing calls for tough love and a rejection of bad things without a rejection of the people themselves.

You'll find that Catholics who maintain their faith with their politics tend to be less damning. Such is why the Catholic fascist Salazar threw out the fascist party and shunned parts of Mussolini's work in Italy.


I tend to not look at the situation much until I can get a full transcript as the media fucks with what Pope Francis says constantly.

>Sup Forums heritage threads

I still don't know what you mean by this term but I appreciate it and will do, user.

>everything I don't like is Christian

In hoc signo vinces

No doesn't belong in any genus. He is not "a" person.

and no, you're not.

>wearing fedora

my sides are gone

Do you personally think that we will regain our ground as Catholics, currently we're fairly oppressed in sense that feminists can spit on us, muslims or whoever else.

How should we go about standing up if we're pushed to not bring our faith into politics but everyone else can do so.

That is beautiful.

Is that real?

Post pages (or pepes, I still see the ones I made passed around here, which is good)

Hello Wolf and everybody, how was mass?
He is "a person". Three "persons" to be exact. But his "personess" is far more complex (i.e. infinitely more complex) than our look on it. We know a very little about Trinity. We kind know who they are in realtion to us, we kinda know what are their interelations but we litterally have no clue about complexity of it's character, or "personess" beside what Church teaches through Bible, Tradition and sometimes Revelations.