I will just leave it here

I will just leave it here.

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Kurwa komunistyczna

really joggin my noggin

The smugness of the bitch on the right is what continues to fuel my hate of the left.

Really gets the ol dradle spinnin don't it?


Really boiling the ramen

And there it will stay. Nobody wants kebab.

White people are greater? How the fuck are they getting away with that

really heats up the kettle

Really makes you think!

>White people are greater

Are these /ourgirls/?

Women destroy civilization when they're given enough leverage? What else is new

THIS really tinkles the trinket


"A Republic, if you can keep it."

Really jumbles those marbles

>White people are greater

what did they mean by this?

why don't muslim women wear our flag as their burkhas?

How do we spread Islam = Feminism?

This is pretty obviously shopped. What did those papers say originally?


>oh look at me on the left , i totally embrace multiculturalism and difference, with a sign that tells everyone i dont understand the definition and idea of it . nevermind explain any notion of a melting pot or how im actually a tool in a culture war where ironically as i leftist, im going to promote the assimilation of different cultures

*ironically as a leftist.

sorry guys this just triggered me

I dont get it

don't, women are so retarded they'll start converting, demanding sharia and the importation of muslim men

>white people are greater
Top kek. So California wanted to secede and they're saying white people are worth more? We fucked the left so hard they became white supremacists advocating state's rights. Unreal.