Obama WORST President

Obama is the worst president ever because he

>thinks printing money will solve anything

>thinks isolationism is a good foreign policy

>is against free trade because he's a secret commie

>Thinks banks r bad m'kay

>Even suggested legalizing all drugs

>Suggested legalizing suicide

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Probably the weakest president the US ever had.

THIS! He makes Jimmy Carter look like a fucking Lincoln.

How on earth can you Trumpanzees possibly not appreciate pic related

>>Thinks banks r bad m'kay

Ok so check this quote out

>"if you think the Saudis are going after Yemen you're so stupid you gotta leave the room" - donald trump

>thinks isolationism is a good foreign policy
>Thinks banks r bad m'kay
>is against free trade because he's a secret commie
>Even suggested legalizing all drugs

This is like the complete opposite of everything Obama did. He's an interventionist, supported NAFTA and the TPP because he's a crony capitalist, bailed out the big banks, and pressed on with the war on drugs and denounced marijuana legalization.

>banks r bad m-kay, they just r m-kay, why r they mad? IDK, just banks r bad m'kay
Learn economics

But yes he is the worst president

He's just a puppet of the globalist elite. He imported hundreds of thousands of third-world barbarians into our country who are incapable of integration and lack any useful work skills. He had to force most of his policies through executive orders, all of which will be dismantled now that he's gone. He supported the corrupt money-laundering Clinton crime family, and put the interests of foreign countries above those of America.

He was a piece of shit. History will regard him as corrupt, race-baiting, and useless.

For the past 240 years you are right Canada. We aren't even half way through the 21st century yet. Obama is the worst Canada

Great source, 10/10, you impressed everybody with your well-researched comment.

Obama is a non-interventionist who is too pussy to deal with ISIS and according to the emails he didn't even want to help overthrow Gaddafi Hillary had to pressure him into it. She's more man than him. Obama also suggested legalizing all drugs and regulating them. Obama is anti-free trade and thinks all big corporations and banks are evil. It was Bush who bailed out the banks

raised spending and debt more than other presidents all together!
also made teh tax parasites more bold to use ground game to steal elections

where were you in 2008?
sorry I'm not blind to reality like you

>he didn't even want to help overthrow Gaddafi Hillary had to pressure him into it.

I guess that makes Obama /our guy/ then

>expecting me to find out exactly what speech it came from even though I heard it on live TV in 2015
Sure buddy, sure

I was watching the banks save the economy from another great depression while retards spent their savings on ipod touches and flat screen TVs

>being a gigantic pussy who is too afraid to topple a shitty dictator abusing his own people makes him "our guy".

None of those things are true though. The fed acts independently and Obama wasn't an isolationist at all. Why are Americans so dumb?

>>thinks printing money will solve anything

The guy basically ran the country on a credit card for 8 years -- piling up more debt than all previous presidents combined (or very close, not sure of final #).

Anyone can have a reasonably nice life for 8 years if they can pay for everything by credit card.

The question is, what happens after the 8-year honeymoon, when you have to pay off the debt?

*That's* the smelly sack of shit - or Cadillac in the ditch, if you prefer - that Obama left for Trump.

Holy shit you are proof American education is shit. FED acts independently WITHIN gov not independantly OF government. Obama was an isolationist too pussy to intervene in Syria.

If only Obama borrowed money, instead he printed it.

Trump said the Libyan intervention was a huge mistake and that it would've better off if we left Gaddafi alone, does that make Trump a pussy?

>overthrow Gaddafi

That was at the behest of the (((WORLD BANKERS))) who were angry when Gaddafi wanted to introduce a gold-backed Libyan currency. They killed him for daring to interfere with (((THEIR))) global financial system.

>criticizing Obama for not wanting to overthrow Gaddafi

Do you actually want Europe to be raped by muslims?


He in 2011 pushed for Libyan interventionism

It's as if Ted Cruz moved back to Canada and started posting on Sup Forums

That makes no sense. Banks still make a ton of money with gold standard because they own most of the gold.

Regardless of your semantics Obama didn't design policy of printing money you retard. That's the fed. It has nothing to do with Obama. Did you seriously learn this of infowars? Don't have kids you dumbass

>Obama didn't print money
>That's the FED
Holy fuck go back to Alex Jones you nutjob

Kek nice meme theory.

You're the one repeating Alex jones dribble holy fuck you fool

I'm glad someone already spotted this leaf poor shitposting He is simply attributing some of the Trump policies to Obama, because he thought no one would realize that and everyone would start criticizing the policies and then later he would be able to say:

>lolol Sup Forums btfo!

like the autistic child he is.

You're sure making him look pretty based OP.

You're literally saying the the government doesn't print money and you're saying it's the Federal Reserve which isn't government. That's ALEX JONES theories

That's actually exactly what I'm doing. Every single one of those policies I named are Trumps.

holy shit you have no in-depth knowledge of anything

>banks save the economy
could you be any more of an obvious shill?

And you're illiterate. I said Obama isn't the one printing money. The fed decided this independently of whoever is president. The system was designed this way so that presidents couldn't bring their own agenda to monetary policy. It's specifically done this way to avoid exactly what you claim. You oxygen stealing autistic cunt. Your dad should have sprayed you on the curtains.

>Sup Forums gold account

>Thinks printing money is always bad
I bet you've never taken an economics class in your life

>I said Obama isn't the one printing money. The fed decided this independently of whoever is president. The system was designed this way so that presidents couldn't bring their own agenda to monetary policy. It's specifically done this way to avoid exactly what you claim. You oxygen
Oh so you're just repeating Alex jones garbage and that's what I siad you said you illiterate freak

>Not sucking bank dick
Trump's the isolationist, you retarded leaf. That's a good thing.

My post was to get everyone to bash the policies and then I would point out it was Trumps. I know printing money is good for the economy.

Do you have a learning disability?

Both of you are retarded. It doesn't fucking matter if its gold standard or paper money. Economics is an accounting problem. If I say this house is worth $1000 and everyone else agrees then everything is fine. During the recession, the banks lied and said property were worth way than they actually are. Things got fucked because the numbers didn't add up. A bubble burst. Someone have to go in and straighten things out. Either the Government does it or the mob.

should have done it in same post

You clearly have a learning disability as you can't even read

You're fucking retarded