Le asians are our allies meme

>le asians are our allies meme




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there sure are a lot of ways to spell r/AsianIncels

they would be if betas would stop fucking their women.

Why is he aiming a 18th century pistol at a midget throwing rocks?

>every race is jealous of the fortitude, ingenuity, and beauty of white people

>women are jealous of men

>gays are jealous of straight people

>we're in this alone lads

this, it's lonely at the top 2bh

also the one thing about asianmasc that makes me lol is that they tell themselves that they can't get white girls because white guys hate it. like, no one gives a shit about white women race mixing in normie society anyway, and even hardcore white nationalists only care if it's black guys and maybe other caucasians, even Sup Forums doesn't get mad seeing asian guys with white girls. they also tell themselves that the media is bias towards white males despite white female minority male being the standard pairing in the media, white male asian female is underrepresented in the media.

As it was always meant to be.

Important Reminder that they are your allies


Because Stephen King is having a black dude play Roland Deschain even though the character is supposed to look like Clint Eastwood

The asians on there want to partner with black people yet blacks are the only ones that are openly racist to asians, look at what steve harvey just did. I knew a viet guy that was always down with the "minority struggle" yet niggers would call him ching chong all the time and disrespect him to his face.

Westernised Asians are cancer, the traditionalists will be our allies

this one has me worried tho


and this


i'm seeing this firsthand in academia too

u guys can talk what u like - but we cant keep up with those chinks when it comes to research. their entire society is geared towards STEM


Nogs hate spics too. They'll never work together beyond drug trafficking.



>unironically linking directly to leddit

its full of white larpers btw but also beta ass asians



>Mongoloid Supremacy
>Mexican Intellectuals


They are a mass-produced servant race, ours to do as we please.


No they're fucking not, go spend some time on the subreddits in the OP, and then tell me they're our allies.

Just because Asians hate dindus doesn't mean they won't put white people up against the wall if given the opportunity.

First-generation Asian immigrants are generally redpilled, but their kids have been brought up in an environment of cultural Marxism and now want to ally with dindus against whitey.

What, afraid we'll find out what you really think of us Wang?

Linking to Reddit is okay if it's to see what our enemies think of us.

The only betas are emasculated losers like you who shill this, i don't know if you are asianmasculinity shill or white cuckold loser who think try to sell the opposite narrative

Remember, in the jungle, no men would behave in this cuckold, non-dominant, self-hater and anti-themselves way, and no men of other race does this, so i don't know if you're anti-white male asianmasculinty shill or some real white loser cuckold who shaming white men of all world with your loser culture.

What i see in American culture:

Anti-white male of other races trashing white men

Cuckold stormfags femdom emasculated worshippers trashing white men and making white men looking like losers in their talking

Literal Cuckold libtards trashing white men and using every libtard strategy to normalize nigger anti-white
hate crimes
with some white loser paid to make a commercial with anti-white racism to you think that is acceptable racists of other races against you and accept the behavior of the niggers and others anti-white racists

And i know about this forum, look at white men, looks like losers in the media, movies, porn, comics, look at the difference, white men is the only race demonized, ridicularized, demoralized, but white women is promoted like oppressed or god since democrats want to use this strategy to get some votes of white women, in marvel comics have 50 nigger in white women characters for every white in non-white woman character, and in general the white male need to be passive, submissive, non-dominant unlike the other race in the scenes or democrats will push the anti-white race bait of sexist only against white since it's used only as a excuse for being biased and trashing a group for their racial

White men since 2004 never produced racial cheating, cuckold porn agianst men of other race, mocking and cuckold commercial, scenes of movies, against men of other race, it's always a white male against white male dating women of own race and being friend of a nig

i am not interested in your treasures gypsy
fuck off

And you wonder why they aren't allies



You should go back to plebbit.

this is why


Asian Americans are trapped between Nativist MAGA Whites and PoC Anti-White Activism

They are not white so they will never fully belong in the Nativist right, even if some would be open to them others would not be and this would be consistent with White Identity movement that recently (re)appeared in USA.

They do not fit in with the leftist anti-white crowd either. Leftist race activism celebrates the dysfunctional. The more anti-social you are the more you are oppressed by "the white man". It's basically ran by feral niggers and ghetto thuggery is the epitome of "revolutionary struggle" against "white supremacy". The Asians are too high IQ. They quickly start overachieving and this breeds resentment. The Blacks and others envy them. They don't like them either.

Long story short: Asian Americans don't really fit into the new divide of White Backlash that's going on.

Whites like them for high IQ, deep civilisation and civility, but Asians are not White, they are often recent immigrants, so they are partly shunned

PoC Leftards like them for not being white and dislike them for being High IQ well socialized traditionalists not """oppressed""" wnough by the white cishetero capitalist patriarchy, in which they are doing very well when left to their own devices.

Old news. It's /r9k/ for asians. And also halfwhite/halfasian kids who have issues with their parents.

every time i see a tryhard masculine asian or any asian talking to a white girl i think
and chuckle

thank you Sup Forums

>Leftist race activism celebrates the dysfunctional. The more anti-social you are the more you are oppressed by "the white man". It's basically ran by feral niggers and ghetto thuggery is the epitome of "revolutionary struggle" against "white supremacy". The Asians are too high IQ. They quickly start overachieving and this breeds resentment.

This. If you ever read stuff by Asian leftists, it consists mainly of trying to prove that they're somehow not actually a model minority, and complaining about bullshit like Asian representation in Hollywood movies. It all has a feel of "w-we're oppressed too, w-we swear!"

my favourite br poster

Asian-Americans are some weird people. I would like to know what happens in our western societies for them to turn to SJWs.

This, we only got ourselves. We have to organize and make a counter-strike. Would be in our best interest.

>I would like to know what happens in our western societies for them to turn to SJWs.

The same reason women and non-whites turn into SJWs. Cultural Marxism. Victimhood is an asset due to the sorry state of our societies now.


Chinks and slants are fucking awful and they were the historical enemy of European civilisation. I have no idea where this bizarre inversion of values has come from where nationalists think they're "our allies" (although I have a feeling it's one word that begins with "a" and ends with "nime")

>Asian Americans are trapped between Nativist MAGA Whites and PoC Anti-White Activism

They are always welcome in the camp of the ultimate redpill: civic nationalism

>Crowd Scientists
>African Professors

>Chinks and slants are fucking awful and they were the historical enemy of European civilisation. I have no idea where this bizarre inversion of values has come from where nationalists think they're "our allies" (although I have a feeling it's one word that begins with "a" and ends with "nime")
every time white europe is about to excel, the slants come out of the steppes to hold us back

the huns, the avars, the bulgars, the magyars, the cuman-kipchaks, the mongols, the ottoman turks (the real ones), the mughals, etc etc etc

every fucking time

the old world used to be white from the british isles all the way to xinjiang until those slants came along


I use an app called hellotalk and all the AM types are ALL chinks living in the US, Australia and Canada.

Asians living in Asia are pretty based - asians living in white countries turn into whiny liberal cuck crying cunts.

>the old world used to be white from the british isles all the way to xinjiang until those slants came along

Are we calling Turks white now?

the ruling caste was mostly slanties until the 1700s

the modern turks have 15-20% east asian genes

They are just doing what we used too do.

>asian women are our allies
fixed it for you


you're thinking of Muslims
Maybe Mongolians
but Chinese never had anything to do with Europeans until Europe went there

White nations need a competitor. Used to be the USSR but they're a joke now. Chinks are smart and organized, and good at lots of the same shit.

Step up our game or get left behind. Sounds like something we need.

>civic nationalism

Women of any race are pretty much allies as women are perfectly fine with the idea of betraying their race

allies to whoever
but then it creates fucked up children
i can't imagine any of the children of British women and Muslim men are gonna turn out so well either

judging from conversations ive had with chink women they are huge fucking betrayers.

I've had a lot of them straight up tell me they think white men are the most attractive.

I've never seen a white girl (in real life) say she thinks men of another race are more attractive

ChinaCircleJerk is the only redpilled community of expats living in china. they have constantly been at war with these boards to the point where a reddit admin banned their first community. now it's reddit.com/r/CCJ2

they aren't women worth having children

>Letting the Gook menace destroy your identity

Defective beta males will be cleansed along with all the undesirables of society.

i dont understand this picture.
2 great looking people and a bunch of commentators that cant see it.

what are the expat's thoughts on China? I guess it's negative?

they can't see it because they're jealous
but they specifically target race as a means to why they're not attractive

>Trump timeline still has Roland Deschain being played by a black

*sigh* I'm butthurt. Fuck that man.



this is news to me, I never looked at Reddit before but holy shit AsianMasculinity is pathetic.

Are we their Jews?9

Never in my life have I ever heard of a single Asian debating.




T-thanks hue hue...

I like it when chinks stay in chinkistan. We can trade with them without having unlimited immigration. What pisses me off most is the double standard that Japan and South Korea can have ethnic states with no immigration, but the (((media))) will harp about fucking Hungary closing its borders.

Millenial asian men are the biggest nigger worshipping white man haters in America, at least in california

let's show this thread the SUPREMACY OF THE MONGOL

Keanu Reeves' father was a hapa from a WM/AF relationship.

He was also a total degenerate so at least that checks out.

Most of the ones in those plebbits just have a huge inferiority complex.

I'm asian, and there's nothing there other than betas fellating each other to make themselves feel better.

So true. It's why the term "people of color" exists, to unite everyone against us.

Nah, we are kind of like their niggers although their women are even bigger race traitor whores than ours are.

Asians can be our allies, but we must remain a Homogeneous nation and not mix with these mongoloid mongrels. Asian Women are ugly to me. They look like the fucking men. Only good thing about Asian Women is that SOME have skinny bodies but manage to grow huge tits like Hitomi the big boobed japanese star. But i prefer my beautiful Aryan Women which are literally God-Tier made women. Don't be a rice driller and contaminate your Alpha Omega seed with these mongoloid cold hearted chinks Comrades. 14/88

Its hard for asian guys to get white chicks, so any asian that gets a white chick has to carry extra good genes.
The opposite is often the case for white guys with asian chicks, every old fuck with shit tier genes that no white chick likes can get some Vietnamese mailbride.
And anyways hapas seem to be pretty mentally instable so neither combo is a good idea.


I fucking like how /truecels/ is carantined for being "offensive" yet shit like this is never considered offensive.
And yes, asians are our enemies.

>Its hard for asian guys to get white chicks


>not posting the edit