The memes were real, pol really is always right

the memes were real, pol really is always right

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>ancient Egyptians

Holy fuck

Sup Forums isnt right about anything. its a bunch of scared nerds that never go outside.

Somewhere, a little curly-haired gentleman working in the Alt-Right Monitoring Wing of the Mossad is OY VEYing so hard it's ripping a portal into the plutonic aether where a deistic frog lives.

Topkek video on this subject :

>instead you clean toilets

Were you arguing with an Eastern European or Nigger?

Why are there so many shills lately? Is it because pol was in the msm?

Cave albinos would literally die if they were left out in the sun for to long. They aint meant for this earth. They are parasites they are bugs. Luckily they all gonna be extinct soon.

>gods and magicians

What did they mean by this

Meme magic is taking its toll on earth

>we all started in Africa

from the same conversation


Maybe you should visit a "show your face" thread sometim. You'll be surprised how normal everyone is.

careful whiteboi



Ethiopians (South of Egypt, Caucasian Skull, low average IQ, conquered by ancient Egypt) built pyramids. Smaller ones, though.

Implying meme magic isn't real
>it get being skeptical like 8 months ago when it was mostly autists yelling REEEE
>but now look at this world and everything that has happened
>do you really think a force isn't touching upon us

Jack Daniels is not a scientific accomplishment, whiskey was around for hundreds of years prior. It's also terrible, how stupid are these niggers?


Meme magic is just new way of saying faith.

The Exodus narrative isn't believable, like most Jewish writings about their own history. The pyramids were mostly built by paid native labourers, who had the time available outside of the flood / growing season. The kikes were probably kicked out of Egypt for kikery, just like the other 108(?) countries they've been expelled from so far.

Also the parting of the "Red Sea" is thought to be a mistranslation of the "Reed Sea", i.e. they crossed Nile marshes at low flow. A swampy Nile is consistent with the other plagues of it turning to blood (algae bloom), plague of frogs (praise Kek) and plague of boils (mosquitoes etc.)


I used the word 'just' to describe something.. Shouldn't have done that.

We wud billin da peermiz niuh

Kek hates you now

>even if I had all the faith, so that I could move mountains... Without love I would be nothing.
Pepe is followed by Wojack.

yes and yes
be organized start daily nigger threads, post gore, daily women suck threads, and etc.
Be sure to spread this info

>Fuck whitey, keeping my relatives as slaves n sheeeit
>Fuck whitey, we were egyptian kangz n sheeeit
>We built pyramids with slaves n sheeeiit
>Oh... sheeeit

> S H A D I L A Y

Yes, Reed sea. Thousands of Egyptian charioteers drowned in a swamp.

You should read the Bible instead of pathetic neckbeard criticisms of it.


Oh boy does it go deeper.

You know of the peepeepoopoo, and Jewish humor revolving around similar concepts? They also ruin things and break them and cause misery, but feel, oh so miserable themselves?
They don't really have motivation, they just do things. They are dead inside.

Christ tried to make them understand. He wanted to fix them.

it's good with coke to be fair

They just assume a lot about themselves and their forefathers. Not sure why.

Real Egyptians always made me kek and were pretty good friends when i was over there.

Why does every twitter beef have to be between two fuck ups?

kek, what's with the Jack Daniels comparison? Must be used as an example in their sociology classes, Marxist niggers.

I have, and I don't own a Fedora. They could drown in the Nile via getting hopelessly stuck in e.g. chest-high water, then getting btfo by a tidal surge. The Severn in the UK has a tidal range of 50 feet at the estuary. Most likely very few or none of them would know how to swim (I think the first army to train in it were Napoleon's Grande Armée.)

It's tweeter.

if jack daniels is the first thing that pops up in your head after you hear science something is wrong with you 2bh

ask him if niggers are better why are the whites in charge

>pol was in the msm

Oh yeah, the whole
>muh seekrit klub
>aspergers/autism, general insanity of it all
>Christ is the truth, the way, and the life.
>after rejection / outright murder of these things from around you, life turns out horribly
>they live in poorly managed, dirty rundown ghetto
>they still rat out a living from the surrounding society
Why'd you think He was rejected?
>one way, 9th street

is 50cent /ourguy/?

I thought those were the Nubians? Are there any good resources about ancient african/Middle East tribes and people groups. It's a topic I find interesting, especially when I read the bible. But holy hell its hard to find anything without WE WUZ.

The gears churning in their cancerous brains
>hurrr white peepole
>jack daniels!
>call whitey inbred and add a gif of beyonce drinking something
>we wuz kangs

I'm at a bar right now watching football faggotisimo.

Nubians and Ethiopians are the same. Eventually. Or rather, Nubians are within Ethiopia.

Top bantz fiddy

Last part: who was worshiping the jews, again?

Exactly this. She heard about it in class within the last month.

mathildaanthropology blog, anthromadness blog, /r/askhistorians

That would only make sense if the Bible were only in English. What about texts in Hebrew and Greek? It's a bit hardr to mess up red and reed in those languages.

the red/reed thing is actually from those words in Hebrew, this was a theory popularized by Asimov so keep in mind that this is all jews jewing jews

i dont give a shit if they´re nerds or not it´s the content that matters. when you close the PC you dont exist to me anymore.


on which page of the dsm can we find "scared nerd"?

>It's also terrible

Said no actual whiskey fan ever.

N. Africa is not the same as Sub-Saharan Africa. They are a different people completely. You'll notice similar language and genetic traits along the East-West groups of people, more so that North-South, because you have geographical barriers, such as mountains, water, deserts, dense forests, etc. But alas, when you don't actually read and educate yourself, and instead just really on ideology, you're gonna going full fucking retard every time someone even brings up the semblance of a factual argument.

Weird. I wonder why people of subsaharan african ancestry would want to lay claim to the achievements of Mediterranean peoples. It's not like they don't have the mudhut and pointy stick to be proud of.


>Why is there opposition in my safe space?
>Why doesn't everyone just agree with me?
>Why are people making jokes about Sup Forums?

Fucking off yourself you soft little pussy

I think that this type of behavior comes mostly from American blacks. Since their group relies heavily on welfare and handouts, instead of earning things through hard work, it shapes their cultural collective (kind of like the way they think as a group) to want to claim something that isn't their own. It's the same reason a kid that doesn't do his homework, during the day of the test, keeps looking over the shoulder of the smart kid.

I can't say much about the actual Africans but I'll just let this video speak for itself:

Your Shit tier taste has been confirmed