Wikileaks btfo


>it's only day 2

Perfectly fine with this teebeeaych, I have no doubts that Trump has a contingency plan for this like he had with the Hollywood Access tape

naw, you retarded fags don't get it

>Some cuck illegally gives wikileaks the returns
>Trump finds out
>CIA arrests the cuck
>Wikileaks decides not to release them

It's a trap

People wouldn't even know what to do with Tax returns, they don't even know how to do their own, what information could they possibly gleam without asking a smarter individual to contextualize it for them?

... Hang on they did kill assange?

Weren't Trumps Tax returns leaked months ago anyway?

And like we all knew contained nothing incriminating


I voted for trump and I have no problem with this

So what happened to "Wikileaks are a bunch of Russian hackers who want to get Trump into presidency"?

Can I send Kellyanne my number instead so I can date her

drone them. their usefulness is at an end.

You don't even really learn anything from tax returns so what's the big deal?
even if it did get released it would be pretty much nothing

Full disclosure would be something else though

>non partisan webside to leak information
>releases info on someone they previously suported (idirectly through leaks on hillary)
I would be quite mad if they DIDNT release trumps tax returns.


Must be russian hacks

Wikileaks is doing what wikileaks says it does.

Stay butthurt about the Truth.

If they did this, then ill leak Trumps Taxes and become super popular around the world

>they want Trump to keep the promise he made
>somehow wrong
Don't be a zealot, hold him accountable if he fucks up or does something wrong

Really? I currently hate Wikileaks.

remenber the time that wikilieaks was not after people but after the truth?
i dont kek

idiot, this is good. One of the things that always tripped me out about Trump was the tax things. Love the man, but I'm nosy.

>Pretending Trump even does his own taxes.
>not understanding why politicians started releasing tax returns
>not understanding that Trump was never a politician before.

Why did politicians start releasing their tax returns?

Really, his taxes, not the Jews he surrounds himself with?

We already know what's in Trump's tax returns: He pays as little taxes as possible and he doesn't give as much to charity as we think he should. Big fucking surprise; he's like all of us. Move along.

I don't understand how anyone could get mad at this. You want your politicians to be transparent? Then this needs to happen. It's not a good sign that he has refused, though.

This is russian propaganda, proofs at CNN.

How do you know if you haven't seen them? You're going by his word. I love him but that isn't good enough.

This, giving information to the public and more tranparency is always a good thing, unless you have something to hide

Imagine the mental gymnastics that must be going on right now regarding the validity of Wikileaks.

Wtf I hate wikileaks now

Wikileaks was taken over by the UK royal spionage armada a while ago.

The royal family has had a huge grudge against Trump after he kept sending creepy gifts to Princess Diana for a year straight.

The same that happened with Liberals I presume.

Honestly we all know Wikileaks is in bed with Russia/Trump as much as we deny it (& we should keep denying it)

This is just so Liberals think Wikileaks isn't

Did trump not get the memo about Diana's death?

This must be a lie. The media assured me that Wikileaks is working for Trump, and they would never say anything that isn't true.

Oh for sure. If they release the Tax returns and they believe it they're basically admitting that some (or all) of what Wikileaks previously released is also true.

Topkek they're going to start trusting wikileaks again because of this. They haven't started yet but we could point it out before they even try. We're a step ahead.

I love the princess dairies. Its a good film, cant believe trump was in it

To show they had not financially benefited from or traded on their public sector position. Granted that just made them use other tricks such as "Foundations". Trump has always been private sector and so he's returns are irrelevant. He does what everyone with any money does in the private sector, hires CPAs to navigate the tax code to hand the government the least required.

Assange will get the death penalty when he reaches america now.

Before he might have gotten off light, now i doubt it.



Who the fuck cares about his tax returns? He's in the oval office. His tax return doesn't even matter. And releasing your tax returns isn't a part of running for office. It's not legally required so who cares.

If anything illegal was going on, the IRS would have hemmed him up already. His tax statement is so gargantuan, that any one man couldn't make sense of it anyway. We would be at the mercy of (((experts))) to decipher it for us. BLUF: if he's done anything illegal, let the IRS sort it out. I wouldn't release mine either; especially under audit.

I want to agree with you but rereading your comment makes it sound ok for governments to spy on you because why wouldn't you be ok with it unless you had something to hide. Sure in one case it would be giving out information voluntarily while in the other it would be without your consent but if it became the norm to be "transparent" then someone who doesn't share their private info, even simply because it would be their right not to, automatically becomes suspicious.

>If anything illegal was going on, the IRS would have hemmed him up already.
>what is bribery
>what is off-shore companies

Well Wiki leaks was always neutral

It's different because the government is supposed to work for the people, those that hold power given and entrusted to them by the people answer to the people, and the best way to do than is transparency
At the same time, we must respect the right to privacy and secrecy that the individual has
Trump ceased to be Trump-businessman, now he's Trump-POTUS, he must reveal that information which is of public interest, like, in this case, his tax returns

I agree with you, but politicians should be held to a different standard. If they're going to be leading a country the public needs them to have transparency.

Many try to make it seem like it's a pre-requsite. They'll majority of Presidents and candidates have released their tax returns, in the past forty years.

No, his returns from 1995 or something were leaked, showing a billion dollar loss for that year. NYT reported it as some bombshell thing, like "look at how dumb with business Drumpf is!"

Except everyone knew Trump took a big hit in the 90s and wrote a fucking book on it, "The Art of the Comeback."

nah man

Trump is awesome but truth is more important

Having said that, tax returns aren't anyones business and I dont see why Wikileaks gives a shit


true, fair enough

You gotta have the guys with the funny little hats counting your money


You have to go back

Changed my mind because

Didn't think of it that way you right

I guess CIA took over Wikileaks.

Oh yeah that makes sense. Yeah I'm actually working on my CPA right now. So you're saying the Clinton Foundation isn't unique to them.

wikileaks should be anti-power structures and release all the dirt they can find

once they pick sides we have all lost

same here. if they chose not to advertise leaking trump's tax returns, it would make them appear partisan and therefore compromised. one of the biggest arguments i had against democrats was their complete reversal of support for wikileaks; it was all well and good in the bush era, wasn't it?

besides, i'm sure trump has a contingency plan.

Same user here, leafbro. There is nothing inherently illegal with offshore companies. As far as bribery, neither you or I know. It's all speculation. He probably does have something that could be construed as a bit embarrassing in his taxes. However, unless it's illegal, I don't really care so much.

They haven't picked sides, though. They released Podesta emails and now attempting to release Trump Tax returns. That's as unbiased as you could get.

The left is pushing for the tax returns simply for ammunition to use against him. There would be zero illegal activities, but his enemies could over analyze anything in them to justify their incorrect beleifs or to simply further vilify him to those who would look down on things that rich ppl buy. Mitt Romney had the same thing happen to him and the ""car elevator" cost him the election.

This leaf is right, WL is unbiased and based, the Truth and informing the public is the way to go

>Something fishy in his tax returns
Wouldn't the IRS or whatever gotten on him already if there ever was something?

Yes, you're correct about the off-shore companies and the bribery may not be seen in the tax returns. But there is something to be said about the fact that he doesn't want to release them.

No, SEC form 10-K (which is public information accessible online) for some company he set up to do business with Atlantic city casinos as well as filings with the NJ Gaming Commission was published by NYTimes. They showed some potentially improper mingling of personal business with the casino business.

His taxes will show how much the Jews control him.

He bribed the obama led IRS?
The same pro hillary king nigger?

Are you even listening to yourself?

Correct. There is. But like I said, we all have a gist of what's in there: He likes to keep as much money as possible. I do too.

Why the fuck they would not be?
They aren't pro trump. Never was.

No one controls Trump. To think otherwise is silly.

>which is of public interest, like, in this case, his tax returns
Public interest or public curiosity?

Do you really believe the IRS doesn't know about Trump's income and hasn't reviewed his taxes? Do you really feel that he might be a tax evader that only "the public" can uncover?

Unless you're insane, the answer is "no." So any "interest" in his taxes is merely people wanting to find dirt on him. To dispute his claims to earnings or try to accuse him of not paying his "fair share." Which again, if there was any real complaints, the IRS would be the ones handling them.

We went through 8 years of Obama and never once saw his college grades. This was his only claim of qualification to run the country, remember, the fact he was a "harvard educated constitutional scholar." Yet no one in wikileaks even bothered to ask for Obama's college application or his grades.

Why would Trump's taxes (completely irrelevant to his function as president) be of any importance to the general public? "Filing taxes" is a requirement of all income earners, and if he ever fucked it up that would be between him and the IRS. Strikingly, almost no one asking for his returns are even claiming that he's an evader, 100% proof positive they just want free dirt.

>No one controls Trump.
Except the Russians.

>Not CFA
You done goofed.

Well done, user.

you've swallowed the left's media narrative hook, line, and sinker.

>It's a trap
wrong. pic realted.

All it takes is one guy to look the other way. It doesn't go that far up, bro.

>Believes tired msm narrative


This is a fair point. I think it's reasonable that Trump will release tax returns for the 8 years of his presidency, anything before that is irrelevant.

>b-but Russian hackers!!
>oh shit, no one believes me, better change tactics
>i-it's Russian hookers!!

Everybody's tax release used to be available with a quick internet search in Norway.
You could look up your co-worker, neighbor or politicians' income with the press of a button.
Shit was cash.

>Shit was cash.

Ffs none of you mongoloids ever got a real audit.
As if a tax return could hide anything. This is as retarded as trump has debt or trump has bankrupcy. ((They))) know meaningless trigger words.