Richard Spencer 7k Twitter followers

Richard Spencer had 7k Twitter followers when he was kicked off Twitter. That's fewer than me and I'm a complete nobody. Compare that to Milo who had 500k.

Nobody knew who this guy was until the media successfully memed him to the point where even Sup Forums fell for it.

>I-I-I always followed Spencer. T-t-the media didn't fool me.

Shut the fuck up. No you didnt. You got stumped and now look like a fool. He's a complete nobody and always was.

Other urls found in this thread:


No shit. it's not like he's a complete doofus but people are obviously rallying around him because he was all over media.

More tweets than followers. Top fucking kek this guy is pathetic.

>b-b-but he's so influential!

He is a fucking nobody. Its literal autism to even mention this guys name. Its the same with le alt right maymay

You already made this thread 50 times today


How can I trust someone like Spencer when he justifies what Bradley Manning did and calls him >she

While I largely agree with this, a least there are people of the alt-right who have had some influence compared to this fucking nobody. Tell that that he sent retards and they go

>b-b-b-b-but he invented the term

That's like trying to claim Rick Santelli is the leader of the Tea Party.

No shit, white nationalism is a fucking joke

Doesn't that just say how influential he actually is then? He only had 7k followers and he was kicked off Twitter, Milo needed 500k followers for that.

Manning was a hero, fucking wop.

The point stands, no fucker knew about him until the msm decided he was our leader.

The point is stop spamming this shit here

He leaked shit because he was mentally ill. Not that he cares about the american people.

What exactly did manning expose that was so heroic?



Why would someone follow a nobody like you Richard? Go home, we are tired of you.

>He's a complete nobody and always was.
This is the consensus of Sup Forums you're looking for /r/thedonald

>unsubstantiated claims
nice try 8tard

Look mom I posted it again

>nobody knew who he was

except Sup Forums

Fuck off to cuckchan m8, stop shilling on this board.

He's an opportunist who gets paid by the media to be an strawman leader of a populist revolt that they hate. He represent nothing but his own gain.

>tfw your IRL normie friends are sharing that gif of him getting clocked on kikebook and you're not sure how much time is left before you're going to get outed as being an evil fascist

Nothing. He leaked barely anything of any consequence. Further reason why he shouldn't have gotten a 35 fucking year sentence.

He isn't a hero, though. Just a weirdo. But at least he distrusted the govt while Prez Bozo was in charge, so he has that mild mark of integrity going for him.

>Sup Forums tells the TRS faggots shilling him to fuck off the very second he popped up
Reminder to report slide threads like this one, they'll be banned eventually

Why does Sup Forums have such a hard on for this guy?

There seems to be a concerted effort to knock him down.
Wtf is he doing that has so many of your panties in a bunch?

Do you disagree with him on something? Or are you just pissed he put his face out there and now he is getting credit for "Alt-Right" shit?

I mean this shit is inevitable when youre dealing with an anonymous movement.


If he didn't leak anything exposing criminal behaviour then he leaked shit that shouldn't have been leaked and he deserves the sentence.

Man you're really obsessed with TRS aren't you.

He's literally a CIA plant to subvert and dismantle the Trump movement

The very first thing that nigger did was latch on to Trump, and force a horde of untermensch neo-nazis on him, and when that failed, made a big show about tearing that support away, as if it was a sizable chunk of his base

his entire existence was to help hillary, and the The Right Stuff ate it up like the cucks they are, and now they're raiding absolutely everywhere because they're asshurt about getting played like a fucking fiddle

Isn't this just a diversion from the fact that the most popular alt-right is Milo, but the media can't push their homophobia remarks if a fag is leading them?

>off site libcuck thinks anyone on 4/pol/ gives a shit about spencer

because I had to deal with their constant raiding for a full fucking week, half the god damn catalog being threads with the same fucking picture

It pissed me off, and it's still fucking going

I ran into him in a grocery store in Whitefish about a year ago. He's not the type of person that Sup Forums makes him out to be.

Nice copypasta shill.

I havent heard him say any kind of actual neo-nazi shit. You got a link of him saying something I havent heard?

Tell us more.

And why exactly do you think it's TRS starting these rather than people just discussing an event?
Hell, there's a bigger chance of these threads being made by leftypol to brag about bashing le fash.

>I-I-I always followed Spencer. T-t-the media didn't fool me

I first encountered Richard Spencer when I heard him interviewing Jonathan Bowden on the Countercurrents podcasts back in 2012.

Some of us actually are a bit more involved in this than postsi\ng memes on 4pol.

Just the names of intelligence operatives in the Middle East, many were executed by ISIS and other Islamists in the follwing weeks.

Just packaged up Nationalism in a neat little bow and a Sieg Heil, and handed it to the Liberal media.

>and a Sieg Heil
Why are you pushing this debunked meme?

his first big speech

Because when the fucker first came out onto the public scene, there was an absolute tide of threads about him, and how he was /ourguy/, all of them however, with the very same exact picture, the one that's also the OP of this thread
and when it was investigated on where the fuck these cunts were coming from, someone hopped on TRS and saw a thread from them about Colonizing Sup Forums and how they needed to setup a beachfront, using spencer as a face

>antifachanner detected

while spencer is an autismo, we're not doing your dirty work faggots

He's literally planned opposition, Sup Forums really needs to get rid of him fast.

It was very brief. I don't live in Whitefish myself, I live in the Southwest part of Montana, south of Missoula area.
I had just gotten back from skiing up on Whitefish mountain that day, walked into the grocery store they have in Whitefish (Pretty sure it was a Super One).
Anyways I ran into him while picking up some chips and energy drinks, recognized him, exchanged some quick words, said it was nice to meet him and all, bought my food and went home.
This was before everyone in Whitefish knew who he was though, so I'm pretty sure everyone there recognizes him and has some sort of resentment towards him.

>1 post every 4 days
Damn the guy was a celebrity, who knew?

Jesus fuck do you work for CNN or something? That shit didnt happen. Grats on watching a 3 sec video on some lefties twitter profile.

Bitch about him taking credit all you want, because he is doing that.

But he hasnt said anything neo-nazi. Id love to see a link if you think otherwise.
The guy is an attention whore, if you dont have a link Im going to go with he didnt do it. Because everything he does is for public attention.

>>>/stormfront/ and stay there with your spencer shit.

>and when it was investigated on where the fuck these cunts were coming from, someone hopped on TRS and saw a thread from them about Colonizing Sup Forums and how they needed to setup a beachfront, using spencer as a face
A couple of problems here.
You can't just jump on TRS, it requires forum access which requires "heavy vetting".
The pic of the thread about colonizing Sup Forums is referring to 8pol.
The pic is from a noname who was supposedly banned for it.

They raid twitter and facebook, at worst TRSfags from Sup Forums still post here.

>Hail Trump!
>Hail Victory!

You do know what sieg heil is in English right?

Agreed. He's a false flag idol like David Duke. Media whips out these people every so often when it hurts their opposed candidates

Never even been there and I despise them. 4pol as opposed to 8pol, faggot.

I pretty much had no idea who he was until he was punched. I had heard of him but never checked him out or thought anything of it. The shit eating cuckold gave him even more attention than he would have gotten being ignored.

The most effective way for the other side to attack us will be to undermine our faith in our leaders. I don't like all of these people, I hate a couple, but I won't spend my precious time attacking them. If you know of someone better, then build them up and promote them, I would love to know about them.

Hitler didn't get rid of Rohm until he was already in a position of power, having a night of the long knives in 1924 would have been fucking retarded and ended the NSDAP before it could take off.

Take a look at the far left in your home country, if it's anything like in Norway there are half a dozen of factions that once were larger and stronger factions that ended up squabbling and in-fighting over minor ideological differences, rendering them entirely impotent. Bully McInnes over cucking on the 14 words, that's great, but don't act like he is the reincarnation of Rosa Luxemburg and the bane of all white people. Shlomo loves purity spirallers.

They banned him from Twitter? kek

That's the dumb move on liberals though. I know conservatives cannot intrude on their cyber space place but it just legitimizes him more by punching and censoring him. Streisand effect will kick him just like Milo. He isn't banned anymore, they let him back shortly before christmas

He's not a "nobody" per se, he's just a wacko that most of the right would prefer not to be affiliated with.

A chain is only as strong as its weakest link, so that is why the media is so eager to connect us to him.

Leftist all fell for the lie. They all come here shitposting about this guy as if he ever was the leader of something.

I still post here

Fuck mike though :^)

i like the alt-right term. For me it's anti imegration with nationalism and socialism

The liberal press is grooming Spencer to be the next David Duke. After all, the old racist dog is getting on in years, who knows when he'll just have a stroke and drop dead? Thankfully, there's this fresh alt-right pup to be the next political scarecrow if that ever happens. They'll ignore him completely except once every 4 in order to smear a republican presidential candidate as "Spencer's choice for prez".

leave mywaifu woes out of this

Who gives a FUCK about some literally who "alt right" (((leader)))?

It's not "sieg heil", that's for sure. It doesn't really matter what it translates to.

Pretty sure he coined the term "Alt-Right" so youre going to have to start going by another term if you want to convince anyone outside of Sup Forums that he isnt a leader.

>he actually thinks spontaneously yelling "hail victory" can be construed as anything but a nazi reference

"Far right" will suffice.

Did you take part in a raid to shill on 4pol or 8pol?
And yeah, mike dun fucked up, Sven too to some degree for letting him back so quickly.

imo the alt-right has no economic preferences (other than not economic collapse), both socialism and libertarianism work in a white ethnostate

And most of them are Pepe and animefags. Fucking animefags. How can one be confused about their identity to that extent. Has to be some type of mental illness.

What's wrong with hailing victory?
He hailed the people too you know.

Founder != Leader, he's just a major figure head.

Richard Spencer is 100% the Face of the Opposition that the mainstream media and liberal progressives want. He currently occupies the useful idiot space that someone like Fred Phelps once did -- "See this hateable clown? This is who supports Trump."

All this despite the fact that, as OP pointed out, he's only a marginal figure and an intellectual lightweight. And Spencer, because he's a vainglorious moron, is all too happy to keep giving his enemies the show they want.

Don't support this fuckhead.

So let me get this straight. You are saying that when Richard Spencer shouted "hail victory," he wasn't thinking of the nazis at all?

Whether there's anything wrong with it is beside the point.

>We play a song called "Hail to the Chief" as the official presidential anthem. Obviously a nazi reference....


Hes not even that. Hes just been doing it longer than Sup Forums has hes an attention whore taking credit for an anonymous movement. He isnt a plant or a shill or whatever dumb shit. Hes an opportunist.

Dont like it? Put your face out there to stop him.

I'm calling upon Kek to sacrifice Richard Spencer for the good of the cause and create more Chaos.

"Hail to the Chief" was not a nazi slogan. "Hail victory" was.

I agree, we need to try and get the liberals to approve of us and recognize that dems are the real racists.

This is why it's important that here on reddit, we are inclusive and don't push white nationalism like that hateful asshole Richard, we need to be diverse and vibrant.

>"Hail victory" was
No, seig heil was. Connotation is key.

Answer the question.
How exactly was the connotation any different?

How the fuck is he villain? Aside from raising that glass, what did he ever do wrong?

You are fucking retarded. The only "hateable clown" are antifa spergs randomly hitting people for no reason.

Tfw no hitler to purge this nobody nu-male wankstain to destroy the alt-right kike meme

Don't you fucking dare combine and conquer us, globalist jews

Step on snek, you get bit

Reminder that at this point, only redditors, Jews and antifa hate Spencer, like that autist cuckold who hit him in the face.

And these people post on Sup Forums for some reason.

seig heil != hail victory, seig heil is the german translation of hail victory.
It's like how "allahu akbar" is different to "god is the greatest". Same meaning but not the same words, different feelings drawn from the words, the nazi's didn't fucking speak english.

>muh stormfront

Back to /lefty/pol/, kike.

Answer the fucking question.
That just means that the connotation could possibly be different. Is it?

If you leaves weren't spergs and had theory of mind you would understand how he comes across to normies.

Nobody fucking cares. If you still get this butthurt about someone doing a Roman salute 3 months later, go join antifa faggot.

No no you dont understand when a Christian says "God is Great" its literally the same as a Muslim screaming "Allahu Akbar!"

Youre not allowed to use any language near to something bad or else youre just as bad!

When did we become the faggot word police?

Remember how Trump said "We're going to win so much you'll get sick of winning?", do you think "Hail Winning!" would sound as good? But no, the answer is CLEARLY about nazi's, a german party that died over 70 years ago.

And the other guy's right, why does it matter anyway?

You know Spencer's been around and active in right wing circles for roughly a decade right?

>yes goy, don't ever say anything that hurts my feelings or we'll offend the "normies"

There are already dozens of personalities like PJW, Lauren Southern, Fox News, etc. that are dedicated to attracting "normies" (AKA never have any firm ideology and just keep pointing out how leftists are retarded. I'd say Richard Spencer is better for making WN attractive to "normies" than the average one. It's not Spencer's fault that the media keeps obsessing over him, if anything it only helps get these ideas out there.

You are basically helping lefitsts by claiming anyone who's not a cuckservative should never say anything. Kill yourself.

He's unironically controlled opposition.

>a """""leader""""" of the """""alt-right""""" emerges from out of nowhere and can't hide his powerlevel at all, bluepilling moderate normies and other fence-riders

Hmmm, I wonder who could have been behind this one...

What other guy? If it was a leaf I don't know, I have them filtered

It seems more likely to me that he was making a nazi reference, particularly because his supporters then threw out roman salutes.

>inb4 "that's them not him"

It's context, it gives insight into what the mood was at the event. Honestly if you think it's more likely that he was trying to coin an entirely new phrase rather than referencing an old one, you're either trolling or delusional.

Richard Spencer was fool he spewed out the exact shit that the left wanted. It let the left put a face on consertive values that mist consertives don't even agree with. I almost willing to believe that he is a shill for the left. Used to tarnish the consertive image.

Why people such as Milo are important to our movement. Is because they show that conservitivism doesn't only benefit straight white men. Which is the left's main narrative against us.

the right needs to prove that the left hate white people. The right needs to also start organizing in their local communities and stand up to left with facts and evidence. As much as I like Sup Forums I cannot deny that we have good chance of loosing in don't get off our computers and confront the leftist protesters in real life. Exposing who they are with massive amount of data that we've aquired throughout the past year and half.

Until we do that we will continued to be demonized by the left. Until we no longer exist. Which then they will have their communist revolution and possibly murder millions of people

>hating on based h'white man Jared Taylor


>a """""leader"""""
He never said he was a leader of anything, although technically he's the leader of NPI.

>emerges from out of nowhere
He has been around for over a decade and is in touch with people like Kevin MacDonald and Jared Taylor. The (((media))) went hard on him to character assassinate him, that's why he got all that attention suddenly.

>bluepilling moderate normies and other fence-riders
He did no such thing. Show me how many people suddenly became "bluepilled" because they heard about Spencer. That number is insignicant.