Apologize japan

apologize japan

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>The zoo operator held a memorial service for the snow monkeys' souls at a nearby Buddhist temple

Holy shit

Japan is for Japanese monkeys only.

Good, this is the right way to handle this kind of thing.

The Macaque are a pest monkey that spread all over the world thanks to irresponsible sailors. They are not endangered but they cause other types of monkeys to become endangered

Japan did the right thing.

Now if only they would do this with their miss Japan contestants...

Why is Japan killing Canadians?

>japan rescues a drowning migrant

So they held an honorary ceremony for what they had to do. I think that's great.

>snow monkeys
so Russians?

Did she win through hypnotism?

>apologize japan
All the nips are asleep
They were just trying to protect one of their native species whose genepool has been polluted by an invasive species.
The fact that they gave the monkeys a formal, memorial funeral is proof enough that they didn't do it because they wanted to.
If you want to talk to people who care about this shit, fuck off to


Wait, two different species can breed and generate fertile descendants?


they are monkey neets, japan starts with monkeys and then it's east asia

Dikusu autto foru Haramabe!

>blonde hair on an Asian
Weird as fuck. Please stick to ridiculous animu colors

didnt you mean

Everything you need to know about Japan

Genetics is fucking complicated.

I told you all - alien-human hybrids are just one of the types that the aliens are trying. Look up the gray conspiracy.

Damn. Their xenophobia is so strong that they exterminate animals that are not 100% Japanese. Kudos, Japan.

>An Argentinian washes ashore in Japan after a long night of drinking
>Wakes up and proceeds to frantically fuck what he believes are Argentinian women
>Ends up shagging a bunch of macaques and ruins the animals once proud bloodline
>Japan does the right thing and purges these halfbreed monkeys to preserve the snow monkeys honor in the winder monkey society

Japan shall apologize for nothing

> colors instead of colours
This triggers me desu, learn the proper English and educate thyself

>Japanese monkey eugenics

O I'm laffin

they believe animals and plants have soul too, fag

not like degenerates Christians


>not selling the monkeys to naive american tourists

this is excellent oh man

That's pretty cool, honestly. No one hates you for praying for free money, a new car, being less of a fag etc.

This is coming from a conservative atheist. You're a fag.


Japan must apologize for killing 57 Russians!

You should FLAUG him with an ALUMINUM bat, BRUV.

>conservative atheist
Oxymoron from a literal moron.

What are alien genes?



Colour is a bastardization of the original Latin way "color"

Fuuug nothing gets to invade japan. Japan for japanese. Thats how the rest if the world should operate. Props to japan for keeping to their beliefs. Keep on being japanese who gives a fuck what other countries think.

>America is people is ok, except marine and teacher

get FUCKED nips

>Wait, two different species can breed and generate fertile descendants?

Depends on how far off they are and the Chromasomes. The classifications for a lot of animal species came about before genetic were understood. Some can breed just fine while others are sterile.

>Houscat + Serval = Savannah Cat
>Tiger + Lion = Ligar (Sterile)

>Wolves + dogs = Wolfdog
>Dogs + Coyotes = Coydog
>Jackals + dogs can breed but become sterile after the 4th generation
>Foxes are totally incompatible with all of the above

>Donkey + Horse = Sterile Mule
>Zebra + Horse = Sterile Zorse

>Cow + Yak = Dzo (sterile)
>Buffalo + Cow = Beefalo (can breed)

English is a germanic language you raging homosexual, if you want to transliterate things from latin, go take up a romance language like spanish, move to mexico while you're at it.

You're felix that non in espagna natus vos sunt and that non sicut hoc nos loqui tu fucking nothus cunt


>Chinese + French = Canadian

Why didn't they just give them to another zoo? I'm sure someone out there would have been happy to take them. Killing them was completely unnecessary.

Soul is nothing more than electric impulses

Christians do to, just different types of souls you stinking Pagan dog.

fuck off you hippie rat

Foxes aren't compaible with the canines because they're actually more closely related to cats. The classifiaction system that groups foxes with canies was made before we knew that

Race traitors should NEVER be kept alive.


"Colour" comes from the French word "couleur" you retard which itself comes from the latin word "color"
Our word for "coloured" is "coloré"
You added a "u" because why not

They be killing mah people

oy vey, what's wrong with mixing it up.

>The classifiaction system that groups foxes with canies was made before we knew that

Yep. That is what the first paragraph was referring to. It was more of a "looks sort of like this, therefore it is this" kind of classification back in the day. At least they had enough sense to not classify whales as "a type of fish".

>Japs also think rocks have souls.
Some things are just dumb guys


>Japans kill mixed monkey
Nobody bats an eye.
>Sup Forums wants to keep every race pure
Everybody flips their shit.

Seriously, i believe if the japs would be starting a race war and cleanse this planet from inferior races, nobody would have a problem with it.

Kek because it's true.

didn't they do that it worked out great for them?

>not wanting a girl with unnatural platinum blond hair so you can dress her up and treat her like a fuckdoll

they didn't get very far did they



That's the joke, senpai.

I know that it's from Latin, I'm not a fucking down syndrome moron, I took classics for 5 years, but that doesn't mean we transliterate latin to English. It's not a romance language, we don't follow romance rules in our etymology.

>complaining that "we added letters"

>you were the ones who added the u

>we reduced "couleur" to "colour"

>it did not come directly from latin

>because english is germanic

Now can you please do something useful like exiting the EU? cheers

Only barbarian monkeys like peruvians and rural americans believe in souls though

Yeah species are pretty much just made up, but no one will clear up the definition because they'd have to admit that niggers, chunks, and whites are all different species.

Why not just sterilize them? Ship them off to a different zoo?

why didnt they just neuter the animals? are japs really this xenophobic?

all they had to do was snip the balls and clip the ovaries retard

get your nigger ass monkeys off my planet
what the fuck were you thinking coming to this zoo bitch?

fucking love japan

here have some incense you worthless pieces of meat

me so sorry

No you don't.


>a fucking button


>literally eugenics
Based nips

>all they had to do was snip the balls and clip the ovaries retard

The law lists them as an invasive species that are to be killed. There is no room for "muh feelins".

It's like if you are fishing for tasty fish on calm day out on the lake, and you catch an Asian carp. You bash that fuckers skull with prejudice.

They had a memorial for the monkey souls, so it's okay.


57? Where did they get the extra 30 from?

>a red button
It's the one we pushed for the nukes.

Its like humans.
These white monkeys had jewish/slav genes
Japs kiil them

because japs don't care about anything or anyone not japanese

Better safe than sorry.


>tfw going to lethal injection camp

So niggers then?

I ask, Would not it have been better to sell them to other zoos in other countries?


>Wolves + dogs = Wolfdog
Wut? Lost your credibility there, both are canis lupus

its a fucking monkey

who gives a shit

say a prayer and move on

kill yourself you soulless chink

im probably whiter than you ahmed

Hes probably talking about coydogs. Which are coyotes and dogs. I hear them all the time at night,they never shut up.

Youre both fucking ahmed, ahmed.

>Russia people is like black but wrong color by accident
my sides

t. north mexico

The most underrated redpill

that's pretty nice pepe desu. I think I might steal it