The implication of mass disclosure

In the event that mass alien disclosure happens on planet earth, what do you think the ramifications will be?

If it were to be true that many extraterrestrial races have been coming to earth.

Would society collapse?
Would we witness mass suicides?
Will governments cease to be?

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The government would probably still stand, but I can definitely see mass suicides

>Alien/UFO shit

oh boy this old disinfo again

keep reaching for that rainbow

it's happening now!

the niggers would chimp out and blame whitey
>dem satellites 'n shit

Aliens will not manifest themselves until humanity unites to gas the jews.

Do you think the aliens would kill off the shit skins?

when i figured out aliens existed at first i was like OMFGWTFBBQ

then i stopped caring, i still look at them when they fly over head but im pretty sure theyre faggots who have nothing better to do than monitor us because theyre planet is so fucking boring that this is basically them watching tv with input so w/e

yeah aliens exist it doesnt take the government to dislcouse them you just have to pay attention to what a plane actually looks like in the sky at night

for some reasons all the UFOs leave their lights on and for the most part they try to make them look like our planes but sometimes they fly low enough so you can see that they are triangles floating through the air

im pretty sure at one point it was reading my thoughts and vectoring onto me so i just blanked my mind and it went away

its really good to actually learn how to blank your mind, because people can read minds hahah

honestly most people wouldn't give a shit
much like the new planet that was discovered
people would ponder about it for a few days and then get back to work

The niggers would probably feel they are entitled space-welfare...

It'd be amazing because a lot of religious faggots would realize they aren't the super special creations of God they think they are and would hopefully commit suicide in extreme numbers.

When it gets revealed that they're definitely out there and we have had no direct contact with them other than being observed on each time we went to the moon and having our nuclear weapon systems deactivated on multiple occasions, I think people will lose faith in government.

>assuming Jews aren't aliens stranded on earth millennia ago attempting to increase their numbers and conquer Earth

im playing the jews thought so what does that mean?

I was just thinking about this after having a somewhat heated discussion about that specific topic with a jehova's witness.

Same thing that's been happening since Mesopotamia
The ruling elite claim to be the one pipeline to the Celestial Being and everybody has to fall in line or risk angering it.

Daily Reminder that the probability of intelligent life occurring in the universe is so rare that there are probably only about 12 in the observable universe


>In the event that mass alien disclosure happens on planet earth, what do you think the ramifications will be?
This really depends on the political,biological and technological differences between us
I assume you mean greys so i will roll with that.
Greys are:
7-8 feet tall and ~5 times stronger than the average human
Type 1 civilization
All and all they are cooperative and so will try to help us.
If it were to be true that many extraterrestrial races have been coming to earth.

Would society collapse?
Would we witness mass suicides?
Will governments cease to be?


Didn't even have to look at the flag to know it was a fucking leaf

Gas Jewpiter, Star Wars now

People would want to fuck them.

I will be the first man to fuck an alien.

I've talked with quite a few people who indicate it is their belief that intelligent alien life is impossible because God created the universe for humans. There's also quite a lot of writing on this topic from religious people (in other words morons) who make the same point. God made humans, not aliens. This makes sense to them.

Try to get them to grasp how insanely huge the universe is and their minds shutdown...

Earth is one planet orbiting one star. There are several HUNDRED MILLION stars JUST in the Milky Way galaxy alone, each with a chance of having planets each with a chance of having life... and there are BILLIONS UPON BILLIONS of galaxies each with millions or billions of stars that have a chance of having planets that have a chance of having life... I've spoken with many, many religious people who are quite literally not even remotely capable of comprehending this basic shit. Start talking about big numbers and people's minds explode. Hell... most people can't fully comprehend how much bigger one billion is than one million.

Of course there would be mass suicides. That is a given

As usual, people will completely fail on all levels.

1. Governments will attack them
2. The people will remain blindly ignorant
3. Everyone attacks each other and completely wastes the potential to be part of a FREAKING INTERGALACTIC ALLIANCE WITH ALIENS because they're too busy being human pieces of shit.

They probably look very scary

aliens use this planet as a vacation spot I'm calling it

this is bullshit you pulled out of your own ass


But, the only answer you'll ever get from those people is:

>"We're here, the bible is 100% true and you're wrong whatever you say because in the bible it says that people like you who think and theorize about where everything came from, are stupid"

Seriously, i don't even deny "god" but, imo, i believe we were more of a coincidence than planned like they like to claim.

Religious people are bluepilled as fuck.

Disclosure is the final plan.

These beings are manipulating humanities future.

Do you think it's a coincidence all western governments are following the same suicidal path?

They wish for one people, one government, a united humanity.

The final act to complete unification is appearance and disclosure.

Inter dimensional vampiric demonic entities. They wish to use a population that has the capacity for a certain level of emotion and thought, however the plan is obviously a populace that has been bred for idiocy and low IQ's.

Greys are drones. An intentional creation to give the appearance of a human like shape yet an alien one. To allow people to accept them as something similar.

So scary

I bet there are some aliens fighting with us, those alien are allies with the reptilians

>Our neighbours want to fuck us over
>Politicians want to fuck us over
>Rich people want to fuck us over
>Aliens want to fuck us over
>Gods want to fuck us over

Just blow up this joke of planet already.

> Would society collapse?

IMO it would get better than ever, at least if they were friendly and willing to trade. I'd be worried about potential plagues though.

> Would we witness mass suicides?
Almost certainly.

> Will governments cease to be?
No, but you'd likely see stronger pro-federalization and globalization sentiments, and not without reason. You'd want to have a united military if there's a possibility you have to fight an off-planet enemy, for resources alone.

i got you bro

i got a plan for everything


>legal weed statewide
>tax breaks for the poor
>deport illegal aliens and import real ayy lmaos

Shut up, leaf.

I mean't to say yes.Sorry.

Shitskins will chimp out.

I see a lot of ayy lmao boipussy getting fucked then.

Most reasonable people would want to leave earth with them

They're not from outer space, they're from another dimension.

Fuck yes. Thank you Thoth.

Because people are stupid and crazy
Disclosure since at least the 1980s

They will start tomorrow with the big NASA announcement. Livable planets will be announced and then they will confirm signals received later.

Pol will mass suicide when ayyyy lamos come out of the Muslim mystery box.

Check digits, you know I'm right.

I would love it.

This is actually much more likely. It is much more reasonable to think interdimensional creatures/demons exist than to think aliens could have found our planet. Instead of denying this fact, I suggest educating yourself on probability. If you don't, you are likely to fall for the psyop again.

>Killing yourself when there are so many ayys to fuck


>Would society collapse?
Soc-what? lol
>Would we witness mass suicides?
If their smartphone tell them so, maybe. lol
>Will governments cease to be?
It's up to humans to make that happen if so desired.

Because people are feeble minded.


whats your answer? how world leader wuld react?

also if disclosure does happen all I wanna say is fuck that website


Sup Forums would claim the deepstate is enacting project bluebeam as a last resort. Furthermore they will claim the aliens are either

1. Holograms
2. Demons
3. Paid actors in alien costumes
4. Reptilians

the common factor will be that the government is not telling the truth about these other worldly visitors.

For many people that means basically their religion is all wrong because humans were the only intelligent species God supposedly created.

It means their entire life is a lie and pointless.

I would say it isn't as unlikely as many would think. Since they represent a significant setback to their work and more importantly, future interaction with us humans.

Well, if it could be confirmed that there are no other life forms anywhere in the universe, that would be a pretty damn big indicator that God does exist.

I'm of the belief that any disclosure will be an attempt of (((them))) to introduce their demonic overlords as """"ayys""" and convince us to become their serfs. Sort of like the classic Twilight Zone episode "To Serve Man"

We seek knowledge through Thoth the Bringer of Light, and so he stands among us torch in hand.


most people wouldn't care.
like, seriously.
there would be a few happening threads on Sup Forums, coverage in the media about what we know with some random scenes from cheesy 80s sci-fi movies and everyone would forget about it the next day.

??? Demons are not God.

this is basically the plan and the "shelters" they take you to in the end are meat grinders

No, no & no.

It would be sensational, but life would go on.

It is generally agreed ayy lmaos are demonic in origin, and extra dimensional not extra terrestrial.

There is something going on with them though. UFO's, the missing in national parks/cryptid activity, and occult illuminati activity is all connected. Persecution of jews & christians also have a part to play in end times deceptions.....

/x/ is a mess but the discerning mind can sift the truth out of it.....

People won't freak when they learn aliens are real. They will freak when they learn what aliens are doing here.

whitley strieber!!!!!!!!

They're both made up magical bullshit.
What the fuck, are you retarded or something?

Are you, like, mentally five years old?

doesn't really disprove God or the Bible tho. Christfags just want to be special snowflakes in their own ways

i mean it's not like there is a specific quote in the bible saying "there is no life outside of earth" or that God didn't just make another planet and made a race of sapient dolphins or something. Just that He made man in his image and made the Earth for them.

Gods, as in multiple supernatural entities.

You have to go back

>whats your answer?
Shinji, pilot the damn Eva.


Cunts down the pub would be like

"Eh up John, a see them fucking aliens are fucking real then"
"Aye, they fookin are trevor. Fancy a game of pool?"

>Diversity is our strength

t. yranids

mfw the ayys and grayys were just time travelers wearing aviators

Well a lot of us already figure that's happening, and no one gives a shit. It's basically embarrassing to keep hiding it at this point.

I'd vote for them.


Who are the entities after God?

they are demons

the shadow gov bows before them

they are decieved into thinking these beings are highly advanced creators of everything but the reality is they are decievers


Part of their power comes from being in control without anyone knowing they are in control and I shall not be the one to make you aware of who they are... MUAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAA.

When did any government tell the truth?
The government is there to make sleeping possible for sheeps.
Sheeps dont want to be awake.They like sleeping.

the IC leads the cults and gangs and orgs and clubs

then these clubs appoint leaders who make their own mini branches


They will just modify their holy books or reinterpret them like they always have done when new information appears

Jesus still loves you.

top left

The bible is true, all aliens would be demons. The elite/Jews/Illuminati have been foreshadowing a fake alien encounter for decades now, and most normies will blindly go along with it.

They'll also use it to explain the rapture (if it actually happens, its mostly speculation). "Lol 1/3 of the population disappeared? It was the alien bros, they took em to a better place goyim. And beside, all those Christians were backwards biggoted idiots, we're better off without them goys."

Thats why we have to defeat Leftism before Aliens are discovered or we are fucked.


>be god
>create just the Earth moon and sun
>"lol I'm an infinitely powerful being but 3 spheres surrounded by endless nothing is good enough"


Well, in some countries there would be riots, and people going crazy. They would say "mah gov lied to me, now im gonna break society". But nothing more. Goverments will be more stronger, now dat they know they are not alone.
maybe major advances in technoloy will be developed.
Probably some people would suicide, just beacause they are stupid, and they religious leaders say dat to them.
Some crazy guys will say "i've been telling youthe truth all along, idolize me as the last prophet".
maybe the budshit goverment will colapse. specially the mudslim

after god it goes Jesus and then he takes order from Solid Snake from metal gear solid

after snake its snake pliskin from escape from ny and la

after that snake its snake from the simpsons

and then after him it goes back to jesus for a bit then a hive mind emerges and all the snakes from snakes on a plane control everything for a bit

then its pretty much what ever else the fuck this universe is doing

I know one thing
Muslims would go nuts.
I could see the Japs trying to worship the Ayys.

Fermi's paradox

No fool... real aliens came to Earth but Satan sent his demons to hijack the alien spaceships and now the demons have the alien technology and will use it to trick humans. It's the ONLY possibility you stupid piece of filth. Demons obviously have alien technology from the NXS-710Z galactic cluster from the Zornathian Empire. If you think otherwise you are sub-70 IQ and should be put in a mental home for the stupid and disabled.

Anyone in 2017 who STILL doesn't know that demons stole alien technology from the NXS-710Z galactic cluster is beyond stupid. Kys faggot.

Aleister Crowley said that this was how Lucifer appeared unto him to dictate his "Book of the Law".

What will be heralded as the return of the aliens, the true creators of humanity, will in truth be the return of the fallen angels on earth.

To fulfill the prophecy that the world will be as it was in the time of Noah.

i can confirm this