What country will break out into civil war first as the native population is replaced with the third world?

What country will break out into civil war first as the native population is replaced with the third world?

My guess is France.

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Popular revolts are a meme.

Look to Weimar Republic. They're fucked up and the people had all reasons to revolt, and yet they didn't. It took Hitler to start scheming to change the things

France and then Germany.

Canada, I think that is the only answer, you already have huge arab and chink population

while you are only 50-60% white, all Europe countries are at least 80% white, so no problem there

>What country will break out into civil war first as the native population is replaced with the third world?
No need to break into civil war.
Nobody has anything left to save so just concede.

There will be no civil war lol.
The cucks are so docile they will let Achmed fuck them in the ass.
People are so devided there will never be enough solidarity to fight back.

>native population
oh sorry, you excluded yourself and the US because you know it is a done deal already

this is correct. as long as people are comfortable, nothing will happen. any revolt wouldn't just come from whites becoming a minority, it would come from really hard economic times

Depends. I think the US is headed for civil war in 5 years or less. Honestly we could have an 1848 year of revolutions situation all across the western world. Things can escalate at any time, but in some countries like the UK and the US, things are much farther along, especially if the political situation doesn't improve. Germany, France, Sweden etc are not far behind, but they at least have some sense of order left. The US has been long gone for a while now, just hanging on by a thread. As soon as the economy collapses we're utterly fucked.

Aruba, Jamaica, oh I want to take you to
Bermuda, Bahama, come on pretty mama
Key Largo, Montego, baby why don't we go


Canada has no signs of resistance except for conservative Alberta and Saskatchewan. We lack the nationalism that comes with thousands of years of history and a shared ethnicity.

I believe North America is just going to get swallowed up without resistance and society will turn like it is in Brazil with racial hierarchies.

The system doesn't want civil war.
Just for one reason :

All the shit will be erase in one month.

I love that song

>The system doesn't want civil war.

The system doesn't want civil war because it interrupts production,

Untrue. Civil war is the best thing possible for the system because it actually accelerates production. All wars are incredibly profitable, and especially civil wars because they can continue indefinitely. They're especially useful for ditching an old economic system for a new one, which is about to happen as the FIAT currency dies. Get ready for microchips and digital marketplaces, that is if you survive which is somewhat unlikely.

are you more likely to revolt when you have nothing to lose, or when you have lots to lose, tho?

>All wars are incredibly profitable,

That depends where they are. The consumer market in the West far outstrips the arms market.

i hope middle francia rises from their ashes

Just no.

Civil war is like the rosebeaf said. It interrupts the production cycle.
During the civil wars only few people win a lot.
They basically just sell the country to foreigner, included all the production apparels.

pretty sure the fascists and communists both count as revolts. Yeah hitler needed to win an election but the two sides spent every moment from 1918 failed coup on til hitlers rise brawling in the streets

Yeah exactly, and the few foreigner globalists are the ones who create the war and profit off of it. Obviously the vast majority lose, that's the whole point.

>open street fights between commies and freikorps not to mention the putschs
yup, memes