Vitaly Churkin Toxicology Screening WWIII IMMINENT


Heart Attack Gun:

>Perfectly healthy

>(((Cardiac Arrest)))
>Rushed to hospital where he died
>Toxicology test requested, foul play suspected!


Russia aint gunna do shit

They're like little jack Russell's, all bark no bite, and one day they will, and they'll end up getting sliced up by the chinks like good dogs

America will pay one day for its crimes.

Your assuming Russia will be the agressor, all the deep state needs is an excuse.

What's "happening", thickie? Tuesday? Get the fuck out of here and find a day job.

I only pimp your mom at night.

Russia aint gunna do shit

They're like little jack Russell's, all bark no bite, and one day they will, and they'll end up getting sliced up by the chinks like good dogs

What's Russia going to do about it? Attack their puppet Trump when they just got him into office? Hell no. Russia can't attack us anymore because they'd be attacking their own guy.

Where have I read that one before?

they can do it without toxins
look into EMR


I have a picture of slowpoke, it will arrive eventually.

EMR's bull. The heart attack gun is real.

Looks like Trump finally gets to purge the CIA for being rogue, treasonous shitheels.

Russia will EMP bomb and simultaneously release 5 nuclear ICBM'S alongside 5 more from North Korea and China tomorrow. They will be targeting the US Capital as well as cities along the East and West coast. Find shelter now, have stock food, water and ammo ready.

russia pussy faggots just start a war already, holy shit how sterile do you have to be when your ambassadors die one after another

Did Justice Scalia die from a heart attack?


How do we identify fellow Sup Forumsacks in the field when we get the draft?

Just as planned.

Is coincidence. If there are no Russian troops in Ukraine then there are no dead ambassadors.

Not even burgers are dumb enough to kill Churkin.

they're both real
EMR at the right frequency/power can induce heart attacks or seizures

The pieces are being put into play as we speak.

I wish one day one of these threads would turn out to be true. Unfortunately, I don't think WWIII willl happen in our lifetimes.

No, but they did kill scalia, needle in the ass. Check out the wikileaks dumps. There's an image floating around that I don't have

>Requests toxicology

K..Don't keep me posted

if anyone offed him it was fucken russians you retards

putin doenst play backgammon faggots he plays backstabbin

IT DON'T MATTER, it means his manner of death is suspicious. Besides, it's traceable up to a point.

Didn't see the needle stuff, but I did see the map pic of texas with the wiki leak email about the wet party

No, it was launched the same time as the milo assault. Do you think they actually expected to cause damage with that? It was a distraction from his assassination


Pretty sure that point has gone


Look kid you might be new here and I appreciate your happening enthusiasm but it isnt happening this time.

keep me posted though

I bet Poopin will think twice about having a ship near our Shores again

Give it a week or two for them to jew the news cycle.

>Hermit kingdom
It's time to stop posting

Also, the goal isn't to start the war with the death of Churchkin, it's to convince Putin Trump has no control over our government, and to force him into retaliating. THEN WWIII

There is literally no way they'll come up with anything.

Doubt it as well, too easy to hide the evidence, but this is a similar MO to incidents before


It's Near

You made us. Only you, the eternal Anglo, can stop us.

Who else is going to join a post apocalyptic Neo Nazi or white supremacist group once the bombs start falling?

its literally nothing drumpfkins

Russia aint gunna do shit

They're like little jack Russell's, all bark no bite, and one day they will, and they'll end up getting sliced up by the chinks like good dogs

Ok, I'll take the bait. The idea is to disrupt the nationalist state movement. It isn't a secret that russia remains one of the few firmly nationalist states.

Trump is president, but that does not mean he controls the government. If they manage to convince Putin that trump doesn't have control of the government, then it divides two "allies" against the globalist agenda.

It isn't about Russia's "bite," it's about provoking enough of a response that the US, as a democracy, will go to war with Russia.

Russia isn't the threat. We are the threat.

This also hurts Trump by removing one of the few methods of legitimate contact Trump had with Russia. If Trump resorts to alternative means, he's a russian spy. If Trump apologizes, he's a sympathizer, and can't control his government.

Oh. I see what your doing there. You're arguing that the goal is actually to drain troops from Russia by either build up or other means of distruption for China to start eating territory --economically and, I would guess, geographically. That is an interesting ass theory indeed. I hadn't thought of that.

I'm really not sure who has the darker history between our two countries.

And considering they have nuclear subs in the pacific, we wouldn't be able to aid them. Politically it would be suicide for trump, he would be eaten from the inside. Militarily, he would be risking nuclear retaliation.

They divide the states, and suddenly China (and I'm assuming other allies I haven't though of yet) are relatively free to exert whatever force they need to. Our hands are tied.