Hotep here AMA

There are a lot of misconceptions about hotep. Ask away.


What the hell is this.

Ima smoke a cigarette real quick

how it going mein nigger also ost better pc cause i do think your hotep

totally fucked up fucking shitty keyboard

What's hotep and why are you here?

what is "home made water"? Do you guys driunk your own filtered piss or what?

were in the usa do you live and do you watch the hwndu stream what do you think of the gang gang nigger

what's your endgame

This you?

Drawfags need to make a comfy meme of black separatist and a nazi shaking hands and stepping on a jew.

No questions, but I sincerely appreciate what your movement is about. All WeWuz'ing aside.

Actually, question: which states would you want and will you take all of your people, or just the willing, there if you had an independent nation?

why are you guys flat-earthers?

It's based on the calculation that even if a small percentage of our demographic flips, the dems will never see power again. We're using that leverage to hold them hostage.

hotep is the kyrie irving/BoB/kanye type flat earther/government AIDs conspiritards

I started to watch it but it was too boring.

Sharia law

also to what extent do you believe the WE WAS KANGZ stuff?

The we wuzzing is satire. Main focus right now is exposing the Jew.

Wuz you KANGZ?

No connection

No, we have an honest look at who we are as a people.

What are your demands of the democrats?

This guy? Wtf is Hotep?

rollback feminism and jewry

>new jazz on your classical radio

Why would you want an Arab supremacist system as your black nationalist end-goal?

You aren't an arab.


how do u feel about gibsmedat economics essentially leading to the death of the black nuclear family complex and has led to "Blackistan" (what i hear from my conservative black m8)

Islam is not a race, and is the most civilizing force for niggers because it s strict and rigid.

I hope you realize how much Arabs enslaved Africans for centuries and are still racist against blacks even though racism is prohibited by Islam?
It's similiar to white Sup Forumslacks who cream their pants for Christianity, all that semitic Religions ever did was fuck everyone over.

The Jew is at the root.

Islam is not a race, and is the most effective civilizing force for blacks.

Ouch, really? I'm pretty nuetral about most things, and thats what drew me to conservatism. The left has picked up some very extreme talking points in regards to all things relating to skin color and gender.

I think sharia law is the extreme just in the reverse, truly inequality with gender rights. Mob rule is essentially a big part of the quaran. It wouldn't be a good idea to even be accused of anything, as that alone is good enough to get stoned, beat, raped, whatever.

I'm sorry but this is bullshit. But I still see what you're trying to accomplish and I support that. I just hope for a better way.

Unchecked black women are a socially destructive force.

That applies to all women.

>we have an honest look at who we are as a people.
>Egyptians were black
Pick one

slaves didn't wear that much gold

I never said anything about Egypt.

Good idea, the dems have become very complacent with the black vote and taken it for granted

How do you explain all the blacks that live as productive citizens right now in the USA? No islam required?

Why "HOTEP"?

>The Jew is at the root

You need to get this out.
Money is the root of evil and the Jews control it.

Blacks need to understand the Jews role in things vs. the white man, they don't know who the real enemy is.

What can you do to let blacks know when they're working for the Jew?

I don't think its as much as people alone, but moreso the media is constantly influencing how people feel.

I think there could be such a beneficial alliance if this place dropped the race card and the hate threads.

Really, nothing is worse then a white liberal.. The amount of self hate and fakeness involved in virtue signaling needs a severe reality check.

>Sharia law

It started as an insult, salty Jew controlled black bitches would use against us. We took it, made it our own, and ran with it.

How do we unite for long enough to take down our common enemy?

Do you actually believe all blacks are related to Egyptians, or is hotep actually educated on the matter?

so what sect of Islam do you subscribe to then? thought you guys were Nation of Islam but they don't push for Sharia law as far as I know, though I could be wrong about that

Good for them, but blacks in general need strict discipline.

I'm still trying to figure that out

What convinced you that Jews were the problem?


Covertly infiltrate pop cultural. The first man to put this shit out there will be crucified, so nobody wants to be among the first ones.


Did the man who invented college go to college?

Go back to Africa.

No, we're not into the Afrocentrism.

Islam is of arabic essence, muslim arabs consider non arabs like submuslims because they aren't from muhamad's line.
Also, in lots of arab countries there are black slave even nowadays.

Get down on your knees and scrub my dick, nigger.


Not helpful.

You're a dumb little nigger aren't ya

Doing business with them, along with noticing they push degeneracy on my people.



I'm not from Africa.

are all hoteps muslim?

Why? You arent considered equal to white people in muslim coutries.

>ive been to the middle east

Filenames say it all user


Sort of.


The Nubians were actually black, they ruled Egypt for almost 100 years (out of the thousands of years of other rulers)

No, but none are Christians. The rest are secular.

>There are a lot of misconceptions about hotep. Ask away.
I got no questions. I for one value the movement within Hotep. It is important that we respect the fact that we all have the same ideas. You guys are "Alt-right" just the same as us. You respect racial segregation, but seem to support social integration. Separate but equal. I strongly support your movement. Apparently whites shaming slutty black bitches and their 4 baby-daddys is racist, and I am glad you guys have stepped up for the decency of your culture and race.

I don't care what this forum thinks of me, and I never have.

Keep up the good fight. You guys are radicals, and so are we. We walk the same road. We need to fix our women. They need re-house trained. We need to get our men back into society as productive members. Us whites have "Neets", and you blacks have ghetto trash. There is no difference. Neither one is contributing in any way.

Feel free to punch a black dude AND his white side-hoe for me. If I do it, it is a hate crime. I am just a privileged white guy. You have my support.

If you guys do any sorts of rallys, I think you should let us know. I think there are plenty of "closet" supporters.

wat ya think about uncle hotep?

Uncle Hotep would not be pleased.

I know you're b8ing

hotep, sharia law is incompatible with the us constitution, so how can sharia law be the endgame? there are too many blacks to have sharia zones go without effecting the rest of americans.

How will blacks subjugate their crazy women? They are making everyone hate blacks due to being absolutely violent and loud.

Is Shaun King black enough to be a Hotep?

>Kek that looks like a jew nose upside down.

What's your end game and how can I help if I decide to?

>Is Shaun King black enough to be a Hotep?
Not Hotep, but I know that they hate that guy. They meme him as bad as we do.

There are black Muslim countries. Not that it matters.

i subbed a hotep group on fb,they dont bash whites and actually point out white genocide

they seem to be ok guys desu,they just want to be proud of being african without moaning about slavery and being victims

from what i seen i support their movement...they are pro family and anti degeneracy such as thug culture etc

Islam, or possibly a new religion/ way of life entirely

There are few and far between man. The black muslim countries of africa are all war riddled failed states.

I get what your movement is pursuing, but sharia is much like the democratic party. It pretends to be your friend, but will ultimately hold you down.


why must you act like a nigger

Good point, but something has to change.

Are you an ethno-nationalist?

Because you say you're not from Africa, but your people are originally from Africa. I am American, born and raised, but I am of European descent. As an ethno nationalist, I wouldn't have a problem with being called European or going back to Europe if I had an ethnostate to return to.

That being said, if you are an ethno nationalist, how do you think we white & black nationalists can solve our America problem? Will blacks return to Africa? Will we carve up or Balkanize the US into different ethnostates? Will whites & blacks return to their homelands, leaving the US for Natives? What do you see as the solution?

Whats the cut off for being "black"? Are you purists or do you accept a racial caste system?

Some of my ancestors were from Europe and some were from Africa. That makes me, and most of us uniquely American. Technically we could claim aboriginal status per UN since we can prove we were hear since before the creation of the nation.

That's the thing about race, it's not black and white, which is why I doubt that an "ethno-state" is realistic.

like he said, whether you like it or not, most blacks have some degree of admixture with europeans. many whites have the inverse.

black Americans are uniquely American in that sense, and uniquely tied to the land and culture of America.

We would do well to support people working to fix their diseased community and find ways to combat the (((people))) working to harm their community. Living side by side, whether through a true separate-but-equal segregation or total assimilation is the only way forward for America that is historically honest.

At the same time, we've got to clean up our white trash. Those ignorant fat fucks are our niggers, and we can't let abide them any more than blacks can abide theirs.

How did the ideology of Hotep form? I know Malcolm X mentioned a lot of things you're talking about, is there any direct connection?

They are somewhat related

You cant fool me klansman!

Are Hoteps "race realists"? Do you believe in the heritability of IQ and other mental traits?