NPR host has 5 year old trans child
>Bullseye host/podcaster Jesse Thorn speaks out about raising a gender nonconforming child.
>Then she started asking again, "Why do girls have vaginas and boys have penises?" which was something we'd talked about when she was younger. This time I just mentioned, well, not all girls have vaginas and boys have penises, and she said, "I'm a girl with a penis." So then I took her shopping for some clothes she liked, and she changed over pretty quickly and chose the name Grace soon after that.

This whole article is bullshit starting with the photo at the top. He runs the podcast network MaximumFun, and I'm a big fan of some of the shows on there. I especially like Stop Podcasting Yourself, but MBMBaM and Sawbones are also pretty good. I always knew these people were pretty liberal, but this goes way too far. REEEEEEEEEEE. What do you think Sup Forums? Is allowing your 4 year old to identify as a girl OK? And should public elementary schools encourage and participate in this behavior?

>ITT government subsidized radio program's host confuses child into having a mental illness

We'll see how disappointed the parents will be once the kid turns out to be so narrow minded after hitting puberty

All NPR staff belong in the oven.

People who let their children identify as the opposite of their biological gender before puberty should have their kids taken away.

Well my cousin had his nails painted by his sister when he was 5-7. we of course acted maturely made fun of him for it. Guess what? He's not gay.

We still call each other fags.

"I confused my young child with liberal propaganda. Then when the confused child said he was a she, I very happily decided to treat him as a her to up my liberal street cred."

Start saving now asshole, this kid is going to need a shit ton of therapy.

We have to start the killing.

I see evil in her

He's not raising a girl, he's breaking a boy.

My favorite quote from the article:
>Well, initially, she said she wanted her name to be Grease. Theresa said, "Do you mean Grace?" We were pretty relieved that she agreed to that.
I have kids. You don't "feel relieved" when a 4 year old agrees to something. You don't need their agreement at that age. You just tell them how it's not going to be.

I did the fucking same. By God if I had a liberal mother with these insane ideas she'd warp me into a tranny to get social points without any real intelligent concern for me.


>I did the fucking same

This tweet is more accurate than this genetic dead end knows. I can't thank the libruls enough for derailing Milo's heel turn.

This. A 5 year old doesn't know shit about anything yet, kids learn from experience, so the parents need to be fucking locked up for this shit

He's trying way too hard with this tweet. It's not funny and it's not insightful in any way.

I think we should take down Jesse Thorn for being a pedo. Let's turn this shit on him

Whatever. I know what I like. If you started spouting bullshit to me about me being a faggot at the age of 7 you would probably psychologically break me and make me grow up to be an actual fag. Just saying.

When I was five, I wanted to grow up to be a shark. I think I wanted to be lizard earlier but then I read a nature book about lizards getting BTFO by snakes and decided that was no life for me.

Basically kids are stupid. Let them do their thing, but don't treat them like they're actually capable of making life decisions.

The only reasons liberals have kids are either to molest them or exploit them for their virtue signaling/agendas.

i can see how this child probably made the "decision".

I dont think his real name was mentioned in the article so i will call him george.

Mom: Hello child are you a boy or a girl?
George: yeah.
Mom: would you like to be a girl?
Mom:Awesome. Im really excited to tell my friends.
George: yeah.
Mom:well since you are my little girl what name do you want? Maybe grace?
George: yeah.
Mom: Oh im so excited. I cant wait to start the hormone treatments. Ill schedule your gender affirming surgery right away.
George: yeah.
Dad: Honey, tyrone is here ready to take you out for the night.
Mom:Awesome. See you tomorrow.
Dad: Dont forget the condoms.

I listen to Jordan Jesse Go and was disappointed, but not surprised when he mentioned this. Apparently he's not pushing it (if the kid says he wants to be a boy again, then that's fine), but he's also put him deep into an environment that encourages it.

He's a San Franciscan born and raised, so it's not a surprising turn.

Something is going on with him. He grew up poor but is now rich from podcasting.
>owns a home in a nice part of LA
>wife quit her job as a lawyer to help him podcast
>drives an Audi TT
>Has five full-time staff and an office overlooking a lake in LA to tun the podcast network
Who knew you could get this rich from podcasting and hosting an NPR show that airs in a few markets at 3 a.m.?

Alex will die by july

By a small prick

And 10X the lethal dose of ricin

I used to listen to JJGO when I had a job that gave me the opportunity to listen to podcasts all day. I still make time to listen to Stop Podcasting Yourself. Do you listen to any of their other podcasts?

And this will happen unless this is anything but singles

Guy should be tried for child-abuse. This ain't anything "progressive" by any stretch of the imagination.

I meant if any of my posts are not singles, it wont happen.
He will be number 34 to be killed

Alex Jones?

This guy is such a beta numale cuck.... he idolizes rappers and shit all the time

No the home wrecker. God will drives my hand. Those who break their vows they swore in front of god must face judgement

Why is my tax money going to this faggotry?

And all those who knowingly lie with another man's wife.
I have traveled to 13 states on my quest and have spanned 29 counties. I have found 9 more that must face judgement.
FBI try and stop me

But i will continue. The demons and angels speak to me.
Nothing can stop me
God has chosen me to smite them
And the devil is pleased i am sending him more souls

fair and balenzed nooz meedia :DDD

The secret is to use a slow acting agent. That way you can flee the area before the person dies. It gives you an alibi, as it is hard to tell exactly when someone is poisoned.
Im so confident, i have started taunted the alphabet soup that lurks here

Why are you telling us this? Are you just using Sup Forums as a random number generator in your service to God, or is there something we should be learning here?

They should be arrested. Sounds like they started it when the child was a toddler.

Nevermind. answers my question

I have my string of podcasts for my commute. MBMBaM and The Adventure Zone are the only other ones on the network that I listen to.

Used to listen to Judge John Hodgman but that got too dull.

Is this the most red pilled NPR show?

At that age, the kid is basically an impressionable tabula rasa

You can get a child to believe essentially anything because they implicitly trust you to be giving information that will help their chances of survival - it's an evolutionary thing.

So liberalism is so far off the deep end that they're literally destroying the reproductive chances of their own children for the sake of their ideology.

We can't let the CIA and MSM continue to control society. They are literally destroying civilization and humanity as we know it.

I remember listening to Click and Clack with my dad in the car when I was a little kid. Fun times.

They would have voted Trump

That poor little boy! How is this not child abuse? And people are celebrating this... I swear to God that this degeneracy has gone beyond the point of no return.

So tired of seeing transgenders get nothing but praise for the spoiled little brats they are, but THIS is too far . . . Encouraging your kid at that age to be transgender is cruel. Kids aren't freaking rational at that age!

>At that age, the kid is basically an impressionable tabula rasa
Exactly - anyone with a kid knows they will parrot back what you want to hear.

talking to your 2-5 year old about genitalia is pedophilia

lel is that the father or just some beta orbiter. what a faggot. also she look 45

A five year old can't even make their own fucking decisions. I want off this ride

They've supposedly been dating since high school and are both 35. She does look way older than that though

NPR is comfy as fuck and at the same time utterly degenerate

Picture of the 5 year old