Orthodoxy Update - Old Time Religion Edition

Get in here and discuss Orthodox Christianity.

Atheists BTFO
>think I'm smart
>ignore everything my parents tried to impart to me
>have 5 year old level understanding of religion
>engage in lulzy atheist conversations
>Philosophy 101 students blush at your shit-tier understanding

Pic related - entry level reading for much understanding.

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I know the Orthodox Church has miracles (The Holy Fire and so on), but what is the Orthodox Church's explanation of the Marian Apparitions in the Catholic Church?

>tfw no Orthodox Church in my town

Go to hell!

Church fathers usually frown on such things - but in general are quiet on Roman Catholic issues like that.

The Most Holy Theotokos has appeared to believers - pic related icon commemorates one such event

Enjoy the view down there heathen

How did the Church Fathers frown on them?

I am leaning heavily towards Orthodoxy, but the Roman Church is not out of the question for me.

Why hasn't EO united with OO yet?


Long read, but worth it if it's an important issue for you.

If you want share communion with the RC, check out the Eastern Catholic churches - basically 99% Orthodox but retain communion with Rome (ie, you can go to RC mass w/o issue)

The two will probably unite within our lifetimes.

I don't specifically want to share communion with the Roman Church, I just want to find the True Church which Christ founded.

Too bad all the atheists will bow down to the first supernatural man who steps foot on the earth aka the anti-Christ.

This whole 3rd world invasion of western countries is just a set up for mass chaos to usher in the anti-Christ. Who will be a radical pre-Vatican 2 pope with supernatural powers, who will eventually sign a peace treaty with Israel... and sit in the rebuilt temple claiming to be God...

True Christians will understand. False converts and atheists will laugh and then turn around and fall for it.

Seriously, start reading. The Church has undergone several eras - expecting 'Apostle' level Church now is a heresy.

If it's Apostolic Succession you are after, lots claim it.

If it's which is the fullest revelation of Christ's teachings - read the book "The Art of Prayer" and see if it doesn't speak to you.

Atheists are literally some of the dumbest people

>refuse to read Bible
>endlessly lecture on how stupid the Bible is

How does the Orthodox Bible differ from a standard Catholic Bible?


Some people don't like the 'modern' language of the NRSV 2 - the Study Bible is KJV. Many don't like the post-Vatican II language in most Catholic translations, but it really isn't that big a deal. 99% of the time whatever Catholic translation is perfectly fine.

Cool. I have a Knox Bible and I really like that translation, I think it is by far the best for English readers.


there are lunar cults(notice uzbekistan flag, turkey, etc etc) and there are solar cults(like christianity, buddhism, etc).
the moon rules the night, and it's associated with the extremely solipsistic dream realm. when you are dreaming you don't have a sense of self and you are inseparable from your experience of reality.
on the other hand, solar cults are trying to preserve the objective reality where we can tell right from wrong and protect our souls from sinning. ((they)) are pushing moral relativism because it's a concept of death, from the dream realm, from darkness. same thing with communism, feminism, in literally all fronts of cultural-marxism. God must be dead, in order for morality to be given to the humans, in other words subjective. democracy as symptom of this same illness, moral subjectivity.
moon is mind(female/subjectivity/mother nature/you need a jewish mom to be a jew and males are mutilated as part of a spiritual ritual); sun is spirit(male/objectivity/priests are called fathers)

tl;dr the bible is an alchemical tale and jesus is the sun/12 apostles are the 12 zodiac signs(also the 12 tones between a music note and its octave)/adam and eve = yin yang

Any Orthodox bros in the UK?

>solar cults(like christianity)
See you soon...

Ancient Faith Radio has lots of podcasts - many geared towards Bible reading. Def check them out.

Nice, thanks

How do you guys feel about St. Peter

I am nkt familiar with orhodox christianity. can you please give me a quick rundown?

tell me about krill, why does he wear the hat?

He's a big guy

Worthy of attention due to his dedicated to Jesus

Whats the Orthodox equivalent of the Summa?

You only need to read the bible and study it to know your retarded religion is full of shit. I hope you realize you're stupid.

haha wow how will we recover christianity is ruined now

Enjoy your 13 hours long sermons.

Are you a native Brit? I am and over the last year I've been drawn to Christianity. The only problem is I'm split between going with the Anglican Church and the Orthodox Church. I'm still incredibly ignorant about the whole thing, what would you suggest?

Born and raised Catholic

Met a qt Orthodox girl at uni who I will wife if given the chance

Redpill me on the differences between Cath and Orthodox

Note I am not big on migrants and have witnesses a lot of orthodox outreach to Africa which does not bode well with me

But to marry a QT who will respect the sanctity of marriage and being a mother I will probably pretend to be orthodox

>OD on redpills

I'm seriously considering converting to the Orthodox Church. Do you have any thoughts on which branch?
Nearest parish for all three is about 3 hr drive away.

Converting to Orthodoxy was the best decision of my life, I previously practiced Judaism.

I'm Russian and I wanna say that IMHO it's a shame that a person like Kirill have become a head of Russian "Orthodox" Church.

Orthodox Christians will never accept people from outside of their ethnic backgrounds. That means Greek, Russian, Syrian, Ethiopian etc. They are the Eastern Church and their Sacraments are valid but many of them are spies for the Eastern Church networks and if you make it into the Catechumenate they will lie to you to and get information about you.

Your best bet is the Roman Catholic Church. All valid Sacraments but beware of "Cultural Catholicism" because it is very fucked up and invalid and lies. Once you complete RCIA you will be equipped with the knowledge given to you by Christ to know the True Faith, this knowledge empowers the Christian to see through anything said by any person. You really do become a new person, smarter and empowered by God. A true adopted child of God and fully restored through Grace.

Only ever listen to the Priest when it comes to learning authentic teachings of the true church, never listen to the spics and their cultural catholicism in fact most of the spics that go to Catholic Mass aren't even Catholic and they desecrate the body of Christ when they take the Eucharist. But Paul of Tarsus says they who take unworthily damn themselves.

Feels good man

it's a lie.

Sup nathanael?

There are different positives to each, OCA or Anitochian has largest convert proportion though.

For the most traditional ones see that it has no pews and women wear head coverings (most have pics you can check online)

>I have never gone into an Orthodox Church in my life

What do you mean get info on you?

Oh god no, this dude is a fucking retard haha.

I think you should research more, there's a Chinese Orthodox Church, Japanese Orthodox Church, etc. etc. Here in Hawaii we have a mix ranging from Locals, To Russians, to Japanese. (a few Syrians as well)

If you take orthodox Christianity like the institutionalised money grab and cucking philosophy of Catholicism you're doing it wrong. Orthodoxy is a great opportunity of centering faith around values and morals and not accepting whatever suffering comes your way and inviting more.

daily reminder
the kirilli is a kgb shill

>Go give money to the Catholic church goy
>Also be sure to remember the only true way is to get raped and then offer your rapist regular visits
>It is the true Christian way, good goy, surely you want to go to heaven?


Catholicism = shut the fuck up, take it up the ass, ask for more and give us your money so you can go to heaven

Orthodoxy = be a Christian

Isn't joining the orthodox instead of the Anglican kinda pissing on your heritage and culture?

The other "initiates" in the Catechumenate are already members of the Church from birth and they will pretend to be initiates so they can befriend you and study you the whole time you are in it 2 years. Some are longtime commandment breakers and their teachings basically say once baptized at birth always saved so any commandments they break in this life are always forgiven by Christ so they think they can do whatever they want to anyone without eternal reprucussions. They will also never accept an outsider wheter you are validly baptized or not. They think they can sin against a nonchristian but if you are baptized validly they will not sin against you.

Some are spies using the church as a front, some are here illegally.

Roman Catholicism is the true church made by the original apostles of Christ 11 of them matthias was not original. But the orthodox is also the true church only in a state of heresy. Split in 600 a.d.

People please ignore this person, the Orthodox are called to be loving and humble, not as this user is acting.

Look into the churches, attend a Orthodox Liturgy is a big thing.
Church history is important too, see it's roots. The Orthodoxy having the apostles, and the Anglicans coming into existence because the King wanted a divorce... Hard to say it without sounding rude and I apologize if it does but Anglicanism comes from a history that is pretty hard to have any respect for.



>calls atheists stupid for making assumptions about religion
>makes assumptions about atheists

>studied sumerian
>read lots of sumerian myths in original language
>bible rehashes noah, tower of babel and many, many other things from sumerian
>abraham and moses use 'god of my fathers,' a ritual address from sumerian
>the jewish month tammuz is from Dumuzi, the shepherd god
>Abraham is from ur
>Psalm 105 is a verbatim rip off of the Great Hymn to the Aten
>actually believing all of this existed in a vacumn and wasn't extracted from older religions

Yep, I'm an atheist. Read the bible. I don't particularly find the bible stupid/misguided and I don't particularly reject some elements of judeo-christian morality, but the endless circlejerk over dubious bible study by ''''''''''christian academics''''''''' pisses me off.

Having said this, I do think there is a rather strong contingent of fedora clad edgy children who fucking think they're superior as atheists. I have only ben to one atheist event and left after getting in an argument with a fucking hipster who opened with 'tell me one war that wasn't started because of religion.' Seriously.

whoops, psalm 104

And me saying valid baptism doesnt reveal what ceremony is required to be baptized validly so its not like anyone reading this will ever figure out what a true valid baptism means only a true Christian knows e.g. the Orthodox and the Roman Catholic know all of the elements. We know who is a real Christian or not just by talking to the person. A valid baptism is secret known o nly to true Christians.

Besides the obvious Pope, Catholic tradition places more emphasis on philosophy, theology, and scholasticism. Orthodox tradition emphasizes mysticism and direct experience with God (google "theoria"). Other differences are mainly cultural.

Hey op need some help. There is no way I'm going to join a Serbian orthodox church because I am 3/4 Croatian. However, I think it would be weird to join a Russian church- would they accept me, and would they only speak Russian? What do.

You won't be accepted into any orthodox church, it is strictly racial and cultural.

Holy shit why can americans not into logos? The american orthodox one looks like the logo of a coffee shop.

Confirmation Bias: The Comprehensive Reading List.


Yeah dont do that. Russians are obviously antiwestern so you would be screwing yourself.

Daily reminder that Orthodox Christians are niggers of Europe and they should be exterminated. They are white people yet they manage to fuck up their countries so bad they are bellow african level.


t. Bakir

>not understanding the mathematical properties of the bible in hebrew and greek
>not understanding the biblecode is a real thing
>not understanding that the odyssey and iliad are basically required reading to understanding the bible
>not understanding everything in the bible is symbolic and literal at the same time
>not realizing all the church fathers are wrong, and studying all other denominations of Christianity that are deemed "heresy" by idiots

you sure read the bible fuckboy.

are you retarded mate

fug. I always liked the mystical elements of Orthodoxy. Catholicism it is.

>research more
Im a Knight of the Catholic Church dumb ass and I was in Seminary.

>forgiveness forever after baptism
Those are Angelicans dude.
I'm getting Catacized in about a month and I'm the only "new" member of that church. Came from protestant non demonimational.
You can loss grace with God. Faith without works mean nothing.

Even Islam beats Orthodoxy in many ways. Islam has at least few examples of rich and successful countries, and you have none. Give me one single reason why entire Orthodox population should not be nuked to the oblivion?

Makes it look more welcoming to unfullfied protestants the churches are beautiful. Talked to Father Josiah and he said many of the most zealous Orthodox are converts from protestant churches down the road.

>muh Orthodoxy

This meme needs to stop, the Catholic church has just as much mysticism, if not more than the Orthodox church, a great example is praying the Rosary, you are encouraged to meditate on various mysteries within the bible.

I'm not canadian, no.

Wait, this is sarcasm right? Because you are beyond a fucking moron if not.

Eh. I quite like that the orthodox seem to preserve more of the traditions of the church, but I do despise your mysticism. It truly has been one of the factors keeping eastern europe/russia backwards.

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Anonymous has a duty to defend our people by uniting against traitors and lulzkillers. And tonight, as we have done before, Sup Forums and our allies accept that responsibility. Good night, and may God continue to bless Sup Forums.


is fubar the same guy who was behind csgodouble gambling site? Yep that guy is a huge faggot.

you'd have to not know the difference between the bible and a doorknob in order to not come out a believer.

Can I have an example and mysticism? If your talking about stuff like "the evil eye" that heresy shit that very few practice.

If you convert it will take you 2 years just to get the Baptism because you have to make it through 2 liturgical years. Stick to the Roman Catholic Church it is the true Church. Once you go deeper you can start going to the latin mass and fully participate receiving all rites. Orthodoxy is old Catholicism or as it should be in many ways but Catholic Mass in USA or western countries have been shortened to attract the conversion of Protestants after the Vatican II Council.

Once you are in you are in for good and you can only go deeper day after day. God will really start taking care of you because he cares for HIS children.

Not Atheist or Christian. But are there any in our country? Most modern Christians seem to ignore the Old Testament all together.

No thats actually not true. You dont know shit trust me they beleive baptism is salvific so does the RCC it is a fundamental teaching.

Rich and succesfull based on what? Ingenuity, ideas or because they happened to have a bunch of oil laying around the big black cube they pray to?

I suppose the wider culture of truth by revelation/theoria and tendency to venerate hermits more than the scholasticism of the west. I understand that's unquestionably the older tradition from the pre-Nicene days, but it seems to be something that has stymied a lot of the scientific/artistic progress made by the church in the west (Oh yeah, I'm also an atheist who doesn't subscribe to the whole 'hurr durr they burned clever people' thing). Artistically, also, the relatively stylised form of icons precluded the obvious artistic advances of Renaissance.

Thank you anons

well i think catholicism is a whole other religion and shouldn't be called christian or associated with christianity.

joel osteen is fucked

the westboro baptists are fucked too.

u can generally tell a true believer from a non-believer, after getting to know them at least. u generally can't say everyone under a section of christianity are false christians, though there will most likely be false christians in every circle; and probably wolves too.

>>have 5 year old level understanding of religion

it doesn't matter what "level" of understanding of religion you have.

If someone is claiming something to be true without presenting any evidence in favor of that truth, that someone is full of shit.

There have 3000 gods that people believed in as seriously as you believe in your god. Why don't you believe in those 2999 other gods too?

That's the difference between you and an atheist. An Atheist doesn't believe in 3000 gods while you're an atheist for just 2999 of them.

you don't understand atheism. sorry

Your wrong. Anglicans believe this if someone baptized then falls away he can lose salvation.
Vernerating Monastics (virgin hermits who only worship the Lord all day) is a thing. It's kinda stressed a lot and in my opinion a little to much but they are a little holier then most people. And as for the scientific they seem alright in America but they do believe spiritual warfare. They reject new Christianity of inclusiveness with Fags and sicko. Unlike SOME branches of Christianity.

>he doesn't even know what atheism is


Atheism = not believing in god/gods.

Now go get bitten by one of the millions of diabolically poisonous things in your fucking deathtrap of a country.

Catholic bibles are in Latin, Orthodox bibles are in Greek

don't bother reading anything that doesn't fit the above criteria

Mm, I suppose I mean more that historically;- I think orthodoxy in general was one of the reasons eastern europe didn't progress along with the west (the other, admittedly, being fucking mongols/turks).

Having said this, I like that the orthodox church actually sticks to it's principles. I always see other atheists rejoicing whenever some church allows a tranny gay bishop or whatever as progress, but their obvious political prostitution sickens me - even as a non-believer. Religions should stick to their fucking guns.

Yes thats exactly it there are true christians and there are false christians. The false ones arent even baptized and go around proclaiming they are christian we saw the same thing happening from 44 ad to 300 ad as Christianity began spreading throughout roman territories. There was even a war between real and false Christians still waging today. There are also wolves in sheeps clothing in the church

Russia has oil too and they are a shithole. You literaly have 0 arguments to support your shitty religion so stfu.

Huh - koine greek, or do you have a liturgical form? Is your bible the septuagint or a later revision?

>Islam has at least few examples of rich and successful countries, and you have none.
>Only remotely 'successful' countries are essentially run by warlords with billions of dollars of cash.
>still stone people to death and cut off hands
>still retarded warlord run states worshipping a warlord prophet
>Oh right, you're bosnian so that looks like an ideal society in comparison.