Anyone know math here?

Anyone know math here?
The US population 318 Million
The US Non-Hispanic White Population is 197,870,516 or 63% of the country.
How many whites do we need to be considered an 80% country?

Other urls found in this thread:

Just 1

254.4 million.

80% = .8
318 * .8 = 254.4

>american education

just multiply .8 by 318, jesus dood

Thanks I'm from California. We prioritize in absolutely nothing when it comes to education.
We 58 Million Western/Northern Europeans ASAP.


the government has been lying about the Census data

Our real population is well over 400 million

The truth about immigration, by the numbers:


Cultural Marxist Jews Admit Organizing White Genocide

The plan to eliminate the white race:


Cultural Marxism in action… Political Correctness, the tip of the blade:


Cultural Marxism & Social Justice Explained:


Why are we in Decline - Cultural Marxism:


also see

The facts about slavery in North America:


Cultural Marxist Jews fund media propaganda against whites on an enormous scale:


Does this sound familiar at all? (starting at 6:52)


The Holocaust:





fuck off no one here is doubting you

>American education

Fucking hell

This is a very poorly formulated question.

But it's something like another 250 million whites.

nah if you just understood english like a good german then you would understand we only need around 55 Million to be 80% again

in 2000 was 194 mi non-hispanic whites
in 2010 196mi
probably in a few years the numbers will start reducing like in most countries in europe (at least the ones that have race stats in their census, probably most others too)

If you had another 55 million whites that would make your country 67% white.

Actually 68%

good god, burgerland education.


Larissa Contreras Martinez: Female, poor, Hispanic, child of single-parent, valedictorian, scholarship recipient, ‘illegal’ immigrant. She’s apparently supposed to be ‘’‘'an enemy’‘’’ according to ridiculous Alt-Right logic.

I can’t speak for others, but I never consented to support such a ridiculous framework that would actually deliver that ridiculous result, and that is a large part of why I’ve continually been against the Alt-Right. I saw all this coming from far off. I would support Martinez any time over the Alt-Right which has now manifested in the US. Any time.

true, percentage wisely was 68% in 2000. but it's scary how it's changing not just in % but in absolute numbers

look some states.

It's maths you fag enabler.

This doesn't make sense but what do I know I didn't pass grade 10 math until I was 23

"ackchyually" it's autism.


318 + 250 = 568

568 * .8 = 454.4, so 454.4 million non-Hispanic white Americans

568 million + 120 million (rough estimate for non-white and/or non-Hispanic Americans) = (roughly) 688 million Americans, total.

568 million * .8 = 454.4 million

It checks out, German confirmed as being much smarter than American

wait a minute I did something wrong


Why can't I do math

You guys keep saying "American education"...

And while it's probably quite true that American [public school] education has probably declined substantially in recent years (due to non-whites slowing progress and the "SJW" agenda); one must also consider that some people are just fucking morons.

I went to a fantastic school system (20+ years ago and one of the best in Texas); and I learned a great deal. We had excellent teachers and the curriculum was sensible and pretty thorough.
Nevertheless, a lot of kids didn't learn much.

Why? Because they were stupid. Stupid people aren't interested in learning, and neither are they proficient at it.

Consider that you Europeans here who speak English as a second language are already self-selecting as fairly intelligent types interested in learning; whereas a lot of Americans are here because it's 'cool'.

>How many whites do we need to be considered an 80% country?

The same as now, by deporting all the illegal spics and their beaner spawn that they think are anchors.

oh wait hold on, I have to do 454.4 - 197, which gives me 256.6. 256.6 million is the amount of non-Hispanic whites needed to immigrate (or be born into) America in order for the country to be 80% non-Hispanic white.


If you added 58 million the maximum amount of people would also increase, thus not making it 80% but somewhere in the 60-70s.
jesus did you finish high school?

Those 58mil would have to replace non-whites to make it 80%.

taking and holding cascadia by force is the only way. we will have another liberal president and when we do they will do as obama did. unless. and the time is neigh.

We're full of newfags. Dropping redpills instead of shitposting is always good.

The way I see us moving forward is selling our ideas very well. The government cannot regulate the beliefs and behaviors of everyday white people. They certainly wont object to us suddenly having tons of children again. It will be difficult but I'm sure Sup Forums has inspired many men to become polypaters

>the time is neigh.

> Non-Hispanic White
What is this shit?


SJWs are literally white. So that doesn't count

stop calling common knowledge math you illiterate fuck

It's amazing the sjw breed who says race doesn't matter secretly (and occasionally openly) mocks their own race and clearly hate themselves for being white.

You should also take into account that, the more Hispanics there are, the more likely it is that there's racemixing, especially given the current cultural trends.

Dat trailer park

oh shit I posted this in the wrong thread

(198+X)/(318+X) = 80%
X = ~283

The US would need an extra 283 million whites.
Almost as many people as the whole US population.

Should've paid attention in math class you stupid fuck

>canadian education

>Implying Irish people are white

There's a lot of white flight in the States that's why

>these are the people calling me a mexican intellectual


'bout tree fiddy

Jesus Christ

Why are you using addition you dumb fuck


too bad many of that white flight is by liberals ruining other states

He's right you know.

>One birth every 8 seconds
>One death every 11 seconds
>One international migrant (net) every 29 seconds
>Net gain of one person every 15 seconds
>Illegal immigrants don't count

>Americans cant resolve a simple math problem

Color me suprised.

Lol American education, you are the finest example why white population in us is declining

who said that the OP was white, iruan?

I'm from kansas, so I don't know no better. Thanks


What's up with you guys and "Non Hispanic whites" instead of "Whites"

What makes white hispanics of PURE SPANISH descent not white?

Hispanic is not a race and any race could be hispanic because hispanic is a geographic term

You guys are anti white if you guys are going to exclude pure Spaniards from the "White Table"

254 million. You idiot

Are you just asking this in a desperate attempt to get white people to move here?

the amount of Iberians in the pool of "white Hispanics" is like four percent, it's mostly mestizos

Because you idiots fucked with the Mestizos too much and now it's impossible to distinguish without triggering people. So now you both just lumped together.

>Implying that's a bad thing

Shut up we need less Niggers and spics. It's time to boost the white birth rate.

I don't think it's a bad thing.

Don't be obtuse. Spics are a very specific phenotype.

You only need 197,870,516 to be 100% of the country.

The leafs math holds.

find yourself a qt and get her pregnant and raise a family

churn out as many kids as you can take care of

No-one gives a tin shit what you think, but here's a (you)




Get rid of 71 mill non-whites?

This, subtraction is the operation we're going to be using here

It's less than 63% - I've seen 56% here on Sup Forums. They count Arabs and Levantines, also Afghans, as white. Yeah, take the black pill.

we would need 400 million whites to make 45 million blacks 12.5% of population, 800 million to make them 6.25%.

Easier to simply pay for their repatriation to africa.

I don't know. I have had such a headache today that it is making it hard for me to think properly.
I am still shit at math regardless, but I'm especially shit at it right now.

>Graphic on the left says 324,581,xxx as of 11:57 PM EST, on Thursday the 21st of February 2017
>Graphic on the right says 326,625,791 as of the same time and date.
What gives?

I've never been more convinced that pol was non-white than after I saw this thread. It took a fucking leaf to figure it out and retards are ignoring this post.

Another way to do it:

A lot of the worst ones are Jews. They've got an identity apart from 'white', so they're more free to slam whites. Seriously - the next time you see an author bagging painfully on whites, research their heritage. 95/100 times it'll be a Jew.

Kek. Most American "huwites" are mongrels. About one-third have injun blood. Your government also counts spics, Arabs, Jews and southern italians as white. Don't kid yourselves, there are probably only around 80-100 million pure blooded whites in America.

stupid fucking paki.

> tfw when too much Indian blood to be puuuuure white
> but not enough for part ownership of a casino :)

>mongrel detected
Don't blame me, famalam. I wasn't the one that told your great-great-grandfather to fuck a Mohawk QT 3.14.

Why would it be 120*4 and not 120*5? 120/480 = .25, whereas 120/600 = .2

>it's a "let's remember how to do pre-algebra again" thread

What are you an asian? You're massively overcomplicating the issue.
Remove 120 million niggers, spics and assorted non-whites. Simple. Much simpler and much less destructive than doubling the population, even if it's with whites.

You need 53.5M more whites keeping other races' numbers constant

Now in the largest study of its kind conducted so far, researchers at 23andMe and Harvard University have published the results of a genetic analysis of ancestry among the American people.

The study itself is quite impressive, conducted with 160,000 people who agreed to allow their data to be used anonymously for research purposes when they submitted their DNA for analysis with 23andMe. Such huge sample numbers, which are “an order of magnitude bigger” according to an author of the study, allows for a much more thorough analysis than ever before, helping the authors produce a detailed geographical map of ancestry in the United States. Three major population groups considered in the study: African-Americans, European Americans and Latinos.

Broadly, the genomic analysis found that on an average the African American genome was 73.2 percent African, 24 percent European and 0.8 percent Native American. Latinos as expected had significantly more Native American ancestry with the average Latino genome being 18 percent Native American, 65.1 percent European and 6.2 percent African.

With respect to European Americans, the percentages are much more different than African Americans or Latinos, with European American genomes being 98.6 percent European, 0.19 percent African and 0.18 percent Native American. In general, the numbers seem to agree with what one would expect given the history of American colonization by Europeans and their interactions with African and Native Americans.
Now, as you were saying?

Why not aim for 100%

already debunked here
those 50-whatever million would have to replace non-white Americans. Adding 50-blah million increases the percentage of non-Hispanic white Americans somewhat, but not to 80%.

Over 9000


>muh white mexican meme

What all 6 of you?

We would need to deport approximately 49.5 million minorities
if there are 30 million illegals, and each couple averages 1.3 anchor babies and none are left in America by neglectful parents, this can easily be done within the confines of existing law.

The numbers don't matter, if you wan't to see a nigger you know where to go.

Literally just Google 197870516*0.63

Given those numbers
84 776 904 additional whites