28th Amendment

We have to write a 5 page essay on what amendment we would add to the Constitution in my politics class. How can I redpill the class?

Other urls found in this thread:

congress.gov/resources/display/content/The Federalist Papers#TheFederalistPapers-78

I also might write one of these essays. Tips appreciated.

Balanced budget amendment. Restrict term limits. Return control of Senatorial elections to state legislatures rather than the popular votes of each state. All of those are decent options.

A ban on mislabeling mental illness as a gender.

Ban the draft.

Another would be an amendment to ensure no single state, regardless of population have more than 1/20th of the electoral vote, and should one have it, it must be balkanize such that each state makes up less than 1/20th of the electoral college (18 votes) to ensure that visibility of issues that are locally based is maintained.

That would break up the powerhouses of CA, TX, IL, PA, NY, and FL and help balance the election.

No Age of Consent.

Make it so that one's family out to the forth degree cannot hold any national office after they do.

this one is still waiting to be ratified. it would cause major butthurt to certain peoples.


1) go a relatively easy route with "the privacy amendment"

2) go the Sup Forums route, repeal the 14th

3) my favorite, reinforce the 2nd with SHALL NOT BE INFRINGED X INFINITY. no NFA, no states getting around it, no ban or country of origin bias (like Russia). As many small arms as possible and some ordinance

28th amendment - repeal the 19th ammendment.

Calm down milo

Agreed, followed by the 29th: No Roads

28th Amendment. You have to be this white to live in the USA

I though the meme was that Americans aren't white

these are good choices

something about reaffirming that the secretary of the treasury has the SOLE authority of creating currency and its standards, and that the secretary is a public office that is independently voted on by congress (not appointed by the overpowered executive office like today). barring that, an amendment making it mandatory that the fed is audited every 2 years and the chair can only be in power for a non-renewable 4 year term that is elected on by congress.

We're going to meme America White Again

freedom of speech in public forums to include "hate speech," as anyone can make up anything for why anything is hate speech.

Voter ID required in all 50 states

No Pres. Baron Trump, you fool, you foolish fool.

>uno post under los ID

Dios Mio

Talk about modifying the 14th amendment to get rid of birthright citizenship / anchor babies. Explain why it's needed and how it's not the same as bringing back slavery or whatever conclusions lefties jump to when it's discussed.

Name one political dynasty that was good for the country. If not having Barron as president was the cost of not having another Clinton or Bush I'd take it

The banks and money have to be backed by a rare earth metal

Why is that needed? Anchor babies are good.

Argue for percentage based Affirmative Action. Whatever the job, it must have a workplace diversity equal to the ethnic makeup of the community. If people in your class don't call that out as batshit insane, and it catches fire across the nation, I still win as Jews are only 2% of the population. Guess who know longer gets to be 80% of the news room?

The Four Options

Always remember, Muslims are free to leave Islam. It's not as if we're talking about changing one's skin color or DNA. If they decide to leave the country, then we will give them severance pay. What they can't do is stay here and openly remain Muslims. Any "secret Muslim" who is found out will be taken to a very unpleasant offshore prison before being deported.

A Muslim American has four options: leave Islam, become a secret Muslim, leave the country voluntarily (with severance pay), or be forcefully deported. The only Muslims who will be placed in internment camps are the ones who are about to be forcefully deported.

What do you all think of the proposed amendment to reverse Citizens United?

Anyway, what we really need is an amendment to weaken the broken, unaccountable, activist judiciary. Judicial review was a mistake. Legislation from the bench has become the norm.


Amend the second amendment to just say "the people have the right to own and wield weapons peacefully without interference by the state"

"Upon a vote of 3/5ths of the Members of the Senate present and voting, and 3/5ths of the Members of the House of Representatives present voting, a ruling of the Supreme Court on an interpretation of the Constitution will be over ruled and set aside

On the majority vote of the legislative both legislative bodies, or of the single legislative body in such states as have unicameral legislatures, in 3/5ths of the States, a ruling of the Supreme Court on an interpretation of the Constitution will be over ruled and set aside."

At the moment, there is no check/balance for judicial overreach by the Supreme Court. The Court has taken unto itself the right to make rulings on constitutionality to an extent not foreseen by the founders. This may be inevitable, there is no other body constituted and situated to rule on such questions. But in situations where the courts overreach, there needs to be remedy. The 3/5ths threshold is high -- but it should not be an easy threshold to reach, overturning the court should be reserved for egregious error.

"The term in office for members of the United States Supreme Court shall be 10 years. No justice may serve more than two terms on the court."

Not sure 10 years is right, but it seems as good a number as any.

"Congress may not cede to the President powers and authority specifically reserved for Congress.

Unless re-ratified by both houses of Congress during the ninth year any law passed by Congress is in effect, said law will lapse and become null and void at the end of its tenth year in effect."

Congress has punted on too many regulatory and policy issues to the Executive, this would address that. It is also necessary to address the endless accretion of laws-- a sunset provision would accomplish this, while allowing the retention of laws that remain relevant and worthwhile.

Also, trim away the War Powers act and make Congress do its job in declaring war again.

holy cow this sounds crazy.

tell me more user

Dissolve congress.

Institute autocracy with emperor trump in absolute control of the Empire.

What would you use as examples of legislation from the judicial branch?

any congressman serving while the US government has a deficit is ineligible for reelection

government shutdowns result in executions

>What do you all think of the proposed amendment to reverse Citizens United?

It is stupid. People do not lose their rights to free speech, to petition their government or to participate in elections just because they act together as a group.

Citizens United does not say corporations are people, it says that people do not cease being people when they act together.

Phenomenal idea. This X 9001.

Dont you think "wield" is too broad a word? It shouldnt be a constitutional right to brandish a weapon in every situation. That isnt safe.

More words for certain.

>On the majority vote of both legislative bodies, or of the single legislative body in such states as have unicameral legislatures, in 3/5ths of the States, a ruling of the Supreme Court on an interpretation of the Constitution will be over ruled and set aside."

Sloppy edit fixed.

Carry works too, I just want it constitutionally guaranteed. And maybe change "the people" to "the citizens of the united States of America and it's territories"

Reversal of Prop 8 in California immediately comes to mind, as I was involved with that. Activist judge overturning a legitimate popular vote. The recent overturn of Trump's executive order on immigration is similar. Roe v. Wade.

Huge ones
- marijuana decriminalization
- income tax
- need to deal with the fed
- balanced budget
- health care

Plate is full to eat and plenty of ooportunities to make big moves in other demographics.

Ban usury

Not him, but the obvious example would be the "trimester" scheme in Roe v Wade. Whatever you think of the underlying Right to Privacy argument of the ruling, when they got into creating from nothing what the law WOULD be, as opposed to ruling on whether a law passed by Congress was constitutionally valid, they usurped the power reserved for Congress.

Never guarantee a violation of the NAP

Congress appointing executive officers. That screws with separation of powers to an extent that seems unwarranted.

What are "weapons"? All weapons?

I think what others say are good.
- I especially like the congressional term limits or at least a 2 term.
- senate seat back to representing state governments instead of popular votes
- I like the idea of abolishing the federal reserve and giving back the power of the purse to house and currency distribution chosen by upper (state elected senators)
- mandatory domestic passport (papers) distribution for citizens required for voting/federal level ID
- denial of social services to non citizens + limits on social services
- all legal age citizens required firearm training and use and required to own at home
- term limits on Supreme Court max 25 years.


Yes, just like the vague "arms" language that is in the current amendment. They can already limit purchase of weapons of mass destruction. Given the wealth to purchase it you can own a jet, gunship or tank. Just no one has found the desire to get it yet.

liberals can't read the 2nd so just restate it a bit more clearly

Constitutional amendment codifying judicial review. It will redpill your class on the Judiciary, that they were never intended to have the power of judicial review and grabbed it via the horrible decision in Marbury V. Madison.

Divide and conquer is the game. Incentivise each group and would kill 2020.

>toddlers required to shoot their family members at home

get load of this guy

You're supposed to quote OP.

Good job retard

Glad to see somebody else understands what's really going on here. Judiciary OP, pls nerf.

This would be a very interesting one as well.

An amendment that prohibits any person under 21 from proposing an amendment.

That way, when all the libtards in your class make anti-Trump amendments, you can S O I L I T

>Hes a fag and a retard.


Repeal of the 14th Amendment should be the 28th Amendment

This is much better than what I suggested

Judges exist to decide who and what is against the existing law of the land. Judicial Review is good and is imperative to maintain the balance of power.

Legislators are still allowed to make as many laws as they want as longs as the Constitution allows. And when it doesnt allow, they can just change the Constitution. Dont limit the Judiciary.

Repatriate all of the slaves back to their lands.

Balanced budget amendment is a shitty idea for a number of reasons and state legislatures regaining control of Senators would cause a few problems but not bad arguments.

Congressional term limits is a good and easy one

But activist judges can choose whatever cases they want and will into law whatever they wish. What checks and balances are there? They're appointed, not elected, and hold office for life. They can't be voted against or voted out. Overruling the SCOTUS takes a 2/3 supermajority in Congress. That combined with the first-past-the-post U.S. voting system (leading to a two party system with each party having equal representation) means that partisan rulings are completely untouchable by the legislature- and thus the citizenry.

God no, the Federalist Papers spoke of congress as a tyranny of the masses that could act as a unified group in THEIR own interest, as a group and as an individual. The reaching power of the SC was implemented by the founders with Marbury v. Madison in 1803. Yes their power is greater, but the fear of tyranny of congress is seen now with their incompetence and ability to sell themselves like common prostitutes.

Repeal of the 14th amendment's birthright citizenship.
All born here would be grandfathered, but all future citizens must have one (or both) parents be US citizens, or go through the naturalization process.

Exactly. The judiciary is the most rotten and anti-democratic institution of them all.

Muh niggaz

>just like the vague "arms" language that is in the current amendment
So how is it different?

Great, you love judicial review, wouldn't you rather it be in the fucking constitution? As we have it today the SCOTUS is exercising a power it was never granted. How ironic that the Court gets to determine what is and isn't constitutional by welding unconstitutional power?

Would this mean we get for force women into logging and mining jobs in order to attain appropriate balance?

>Marbury v. Madison
>implemented by the founders


Missed this one.

Congressional and Senate term limits.

No former government employee of any capacity can be a lobbyist or work on a political campaign committee or PAC.

Serious? Please bring the banter on how that's positive and doesn't just lead to systematic problems of people abusing this right.

just an addendum to the 2nd amendment that says

for 1000 pages

t. Pablo

The courts have already decided that arms apply to small arms. Don't need to be too specific and limit something that might be invented later.

California has term limits. Truly terrible. Everything is short term instant gratification with a new group of idiots every few years. It's fucking retarded.

I'm not following. Judges dont need to follow past legal precedent if they dont want to.

Judges make interpretations of the laws written. The check against that is changing the laws to be enforced differently. Presidents can veto laws for political reasons and get voted out in a few years. Justices serve for life so they can be free from the influences that come along with maintaining elections.

>It's another muh Marbury v. Madison episode

It was totally justified in that Congress gave the court the jurisdiction to hear the case even though it wasn't in the Constitution for original jurisdiction, this is why the court ruled the Judiciary Act of 1789 unconstitutional even though it was the law that enabled them to even hear the case. Marbury was not a public official who took the case straight to original jurisdiction but he was not a public official because the letters for his appointment were never delivered. Marbury petitioned the court to the hear the case and make Madison deliver the letters but under Article III of the Constitution.

Marbury should not have done so because he was not an official officially so the court did not have original jurisdiction even though Madison was Vice President but he did not initiate the suit. That is why they ruled the way they did and Madison got away with not sending the letters even though the court said it was illegal under the law but the law itself was unconstitutional because it caused the court's original jurisdiction to extend beyond what the Constitution described.

If the court couldn't declare laws unconstitutional god only know how much worse America could be, that would entail gun control being legal, the end of free speech, etc. That's what the whole damn point of the Supreme Court was. There's even numerous writings from many of the people involved in the state ratification debates of the Constitution and Federalist Papers No. 78 stating flat out the courts should be able to rule things unconstitutional.


congress.gov/resources/display/content/The Federalist Papers#TheFederalistPapers-78

"taxation is theft"

Ban the jews


Audit the Fed by the Congress, literally the biggest collection of beta baboons on the planet. Does anyone watch when yellen is being questioned by Congress? The congressmen clearly do not have even a basic understanding of finance or the role of the fed. It's fucking hilarious.

Citing the Federalist papers as a constitutional argument is the dumbest shit ever. Do you bring your master's thesis to court when you are litigating your botched contract for deed? The Federalist papers have exactly nothing to do with the actual language of the actual contract enacted between the people and their new government.

Make the Bill of rights un-repealable.
And non-negotiable.

Yes I would rather it be in the constitution, but I dont see that happening. It is ironic.

But I also mentioned the state ratification debates which included many more people than the framers who wrote their views. Those people voted in favor of the Constitution's ratification which is how it even became law in the first place. Yes, the people gave power to the Constitution, not the framers who wrote it, and many people agreed that judicial review should be a thing, at the state ratifying conventions, over two dozen delegates in at least seven states indicated that under the Constitution, the federal courts would have the power to declare statutes unconstitutional.

That was by far the majority opinion in the country at the time of ratification. There are few written dissenting views expressed from that time.

>5 page essay

I can't write this much about anything. I'm afraid of college, guys

The world according to Marbury V. Madison

Two people argue about who gets the last cookie. They ask a third person who says that they do not have the right to tell them who gets the cookie. Third person proceeds to say that because I am able to determine that I do not have that power, it means I actually have the power to tell both of you what to do, and I get the last cookie and I get to fuck both your wives.

>go to library
>ask librarian for research help
>find 7 sources
>take one idea from each and write a page about it
>site source

Yes, and the blue haired Whales will hate it.


Again you have all of this positive mojo for why judicial review should be a thing. Don't you think it should be in the fucking constitution? Don't you think that important contract devices should actually be enumerated in the written contract?

Just write the most extreme solution to the most extreme problem.

Campus rape has gone TOO Far
>Segregate Class
>Dress women in black
>Arranged Marriages from birth

Oh, that's too far? OK, I guess campus rape isn't that bad.

Oh boy, where to start? Cancel out the 15th and 19th Amendments.