How can one leaf be so based?

How can one leaf be so based?

Just discovered prof Peterson

Anyone have any relevant links I could watch of this great man?

Other urls found in this thread:

The nature of evil speech is a great one, also google history of violence.


question Sup Forums:
>what if i dont want to sort myself out?


I assume you've already been introduced to his YouTube channel, but on the off chance that you haven't, here it is:

Watch his podcast with Joe Rogan.

3 hours of profound truth.


Also this one

Molymeme writes books.

Peterson writes textbooks.

watch all. good man that guy, great lecturer too. his lectures and clear and to the point. that is great ability to have in his profession.

JBP's latest video is really good. Perhaps his best lecture to date.


His lectures on personality are great. I particularly liked his analysis of the lion king but it's all great.

Here he is with Molymeme.

Here he is breaking down post-modernism. The Canadians walking in front of the camera will piss you off but bear with it.

As has been mentioned, his Rogan podcast is a must. An absolute must.

The essential Jordan Peterson, for the Sup Forums minded: -- with Joe Rogan (long) -- with Stefan Molyneux -- with Reality Calls

The last - with Reality Calls -- is where he most explicitly addresses the alt-right. The first two are good and general.

Peterson changed my life so much. Im just so far astray I got alot of work to do. Good luck to everyone else tryin to sort themselves out.

Thanks m8

> stop sexualizing liberals.

>Reality Calls
i-is that a man?

>recent interviews with idiots
watch his older stuff desu

bump for quality leaves

I also would recommend his Maps of Meaning lectures if you want to go deeper into this.

Greatest intellectual of our time.

No joke!

brb going to save my father.


Maps of Meaning is incredible. Essential study for all sorts of human relationships, especially before you start raising any children.
The explanation of Pinocchio alone is amazing.


He was and is a regular guest of the agenda, where they have panels and discussions. Check out some of his stuff on there, should be posted to youtube


If you ever not currently trying to watch all of Genius Leafs content right now

You are not sorting yourself out


Thank you based Jordan. You helped save my life

this video does the best job at summarizing his thought:

'the agenda'? Can you be more specific?

>carrying a calculator in his breast pocket

Yup, isn't it obvious?

I picked it out 30 seconds after first seeing her.

One of the true good guys remaining.

watch his interview with Dave Rubin from Rubin Report, this guy is so invested in what he fights for that he teared up. Amazing person just trying to fight for his right to speak

Why is he always on the edge.
Like sad+ anxious+ angry like he's gonna break down any moment.?
Also his lectures are amazing

Because he understands life, the human condition and it's travesties and is helpless to do anything

Has Peterson effectively questioned the Holocaust enough to be /ourguy/ ?

Listen to his appearance on the Sam Harris podcast and try to work out what the fuck he is talking about

>nobody posting the pc game video

on top of all that he has clinical depression

whether that's due to chemical imbalances or due to his understanding of the human condition and his perspective on history and his foresight into where we are headed i don't know.

Fuck (((Peterson)))

Every second word out of his mouth is Muh Holocaust or Muh NAZIS

Controlled opposition stooge, and not even funny like Milo.

i count 4 memes

congratulations on being a literal idiot

Not in any way shape or form, he is not and never can be our guy because he is and always will be (((their))) guy

And what does that meme?

says the guy with the retarded grammar.


why does the peterson cult exist. He's a cancerous liberal arts poseur pretending to practice hard science

It's pretty obvious that his theory of truth concurs with that of nietzsche


>praises Milo (a Jew)
>Talks shit about Peterson because he occasionally refers to totalitarian regimes as well as constantly berating Marxism

are you actually retarded?

I didn't praise Milo and am certainly not a fan, I just commented that he's a funny degenerate faggot.

he downplays it in some of his lectures
many times that he brings it up, he will also bring up the gulags (and the 40-66mil)

>every second word
maybe you're too fixated on "muh holocaust" or "muh nazis" to listen past that

Sort yourself out

He pushes the holohoax narrative at every possible opportunity and clearly knows nothing of the real history surrounding WW2.

I'm pretty well sorted thanks.

#projection much?

He single handedly makes up for all the awful coming out of Canada right now. And that's a lot of awful.

This is a good one if you want to be scared shitless:

>no understanding why this is is
even I figured that one out, dumbo

He posts a lot of topics and seminar shit on his youtube channel
I watched a couple of them and they were fascinating. Also got a couple of the books he had talked about on the JRE podcast.

On Th Agenda he and his daughter have said that they're both off antidepressants after doing an elimination diet. It was relatively recent. I think that's just how he is


>Reality Calls
What's the deal with this cunt. She's hard to listen too and sorta hard to look at for some reason. She one of those cunts just exploiting the rise of the far right?

>incorrectly uses the term surreal
>relates it to bosch


Because he is great at ripping into Marxists and removing degeneracy


this dude is a retard, he doesnt even know the basics of racial realism. The only Sup Forums approved e celeb is molly. Everyone else is shit, including your goofy centrist retard


go kill yourselves

>chemical imbalances
What is that?

/lit/ should learn how to false flag better.

>The only Sup Forums approved e celeb is molly
You're a goddamn idiot if you don't have immense respect for JP, especially if you like molymeme. JP hasn't alluded to race realism being false at all, he just doesn't want to go down that dark path. I have a lot of respect for his honesty and introspection. He's objective as fuck.
t. WN and NatSoc

Best man, brings lot of education free on YouTube.

its not a dark path if its the truth you tard, if he is "not willing to go down the dark path" he is no better than the leftists who lie to themselves.

Race realism for a philosopher means... What exactly?
Sure, you can argue against the average nigger not being fit for the ideal society. But same goes for white race or Asians.

If you really are a race realist, be a math and political realist as well. Cultural and moral one, too - don't want to go lying too much to hate others.

I hate blm, too. I hate stupid people and structures. I especially dislike indifference.
The simple solution is blocked. You can't just go there guns blazing and having a positive impact. So you think that if people hated niggers, theyd agree with the simple solutions.
But that's not the case.

You see, the issue is not people misunderstanding reality, it's people ignoring it, and using government power to keep it going. Any state that had an interest in governing it's people would care about its laws being broken.

Not with these race riots. Why?
It's not because people assume that niggers are smart.

>potato nigger
>will never even have a use for a calculator
>unless its made of potatoes

what does any science mean for any kind of person?

What is science?

Science is just the pursuit of truth. There are many things in science. Some make you feel bad, some make you feel good.

But its all truth.

Because you see, feeling good and feeling bad are not good measures for life. They are entirely unimportant.

If you are unwilling to go down this scary path of not feeling good, you fall directly in line into the category of the leftists and other feel good faggots who pervert reality and the truth in favor of their feelnigs.

The reason why molly is so great at what he does is that he also walks this path of truth.

Yes. On average, Swedes are homosexuals. We know this. This is race realism. However, so what? They are there. For now.

you make your arguments based out of the truth, not based out of feelings

if you do it based out of feelings, things will go bad.

not sure if there is a more childproof way to tell you petersonfags about reality lol

>If you are unwilling to go down this scary path of not feeling good, you fall directly in line into the category of the leftists and other feel good faggots who pervert reality and the truth in favor of their feelnigs.
>The reason why molly is so great at what he does is that he also walks this path of truth.

So Mollymeme's tackled the 6 gorillion?
JP understands the path that's being laid out for the neoreactionary right to form and retaliate. I think it's necessary for this to happen. He deeply believes that this will lead to "hell" and is done out of resentment and not love for one's people and nation. He's only looking through the lens of history that he's studied. Most normal people don't take on the task of investigating race realism and the holocaust so our ideas seem much more sinister and malicious to them.

what the fuck does it matter where it will lead to. You know what it will lead to? To him having bad feelings...but not to the truth.

You see, peterson is just another "muh feels" fag that has no relevance to anything important in the world.

We will walk from the truth, through the truth, to solutions that are based around the truth.

Does that mean genocide? Well perhaps it does, but you commenting on that is no better than leftists "muh feels"

now kindly just fuck off you dumb little kiddies (that includes you peterson you mentally underdeveloped retard)

>(that includes you peterson you mentally underdeveloped retard)
Underage detected.

What do you not understand?

>He sees the tides turning hard
>He has a normie concept of history
>He doesn't understand race realism
>He doesn't understand the west is intrinsically tied to Europeans

Everything else he says is spot on faggot

all he peddles are feelings, thus he is no better than leftists.

Prove me wrong.


dare I say that he is /ourguy/, pol?

>Prove me wrong.
He wants to avoid the paradigm of Chaos and complete order. It's self fucking evident if you'd watch his fucking videos. He does a fantastic job dismantling communism and has immense knowledge of life in Soviet Russia. He has a very fresh and interesting view of religion and its role it plays in society. He talks about complex social systems, not fee fees. What the fuck are you even on about? You don't like him because he doesn't advocate genocide? 15yo detected.


Does genocide and cruelty do good or feel good? Does assuming supremacy do good or feel good?

thats not a paradigm, thats a false dilemma lol.

This "complete order" never even was once achieved in the past, you know what "complete order" used to mean in the past? Healthy people, good laws that function for the people, no corruption in government, a healthy unified population that wanted to do science, explore stuff, go to the moon.

That is what complete order used to be like in the US at the last stage of the order stage of civilization.

You see what he is peddling is indeed this mentally underdeveloped horseshit of that of jew given lore of "muh ebil nazi's", he doesnt even know about the end goal of the natsoc dudes.

His moderate muh feels stance is nothing more than a testament to him not really developing himself further, learning about the various ideologies and instead of being content in residing himself in feelings and self imposed limitations which he never even explored as to why.

he is not a honorable person. I bet he doesnt even realize that he is standing on the back of pic related, on the backs on other whites who build the nation for him to spout his dribble in.


Especially since supremacy arguments have no way to prove that the truly superior qualities did not already die.

How does the superior lose? Der Jude didn't win, though. It'll be a surprise for them.

does wanting to prevent another brazil, with its horrible crime rates, high corruption and inefficiency of everything in it because of the low IQ feel good? Of course it does, because I like civilization and people.

Peterson doesnt even know about this black swan event. I bet he doesnt even know the term.

You see, peterson is actually not very bright at all. For his many years that he has been on the philosophical scene, he barely even has any kind of divergent thoughts.

he really is on a the lower end of the IQ spectrum, of this whole movement, he barely registers as even being relevant to any of us. Because he is actually an outsider. A hostile, immovable outsider that did not do his homework and refuses to fall in line with us.

and then he wonders why he is rejected by us and treated as such.

Well there you go. Now you know you egotistical underdeveloped retard.


>That is what complete order used to be like in the US at the last stage of the order stage of civilization.
>You see what he is peddling is indeed this mentally underdeveloped horseshit of that of jew given lore of "muh ebil nazi's", he doesnt even know about the end goal of the natsoc dudes

Yeah I agree with this

It's not a false dilemma though, it's definitely a paradigm kek.

fair enough. I still like him for his take on religious subtexts and archetypes. I agree though, he doesn't understand what's necessary for the West to survive.

>leaf professor
>posts pic of the U.S.

Your definition of complete order is not the one he is using, which amounts to something along the lines of a static amd unchanging environment that is completely predictable, with chaos being the opposite.

I don't really disagree with him being the embodiment of civic nationalism though.

basic racial realism

that is also why he does not get the Sup Forums stamp of approval, since his fans or he himself is coming over to our home, it is entirely within our right to tell him to fuck off and to even ban him and his followers.

He is not Sup Forums relevant. And on other places we do ban people and fans like him. If the mods here were sorted out, the community would also decide to ban him.

There are lots of retarded cunts like him on jewtube that try to peddle to us, but they too are not Sup Forums approved since they do not allign with our values.

Shit even molly doesn't fully align with our values, but we tolerate him somewhat because he is so alike still, and personally, because he also is not a dumb cuck

if peterson is reading these words: Fall in line with us or get the boot, you dont realize that with fucks like you its the other way around, we are more valuable and smarter than you, you are our audience, not the other way around.

lurk moar and shut you fucking dumb face


well do you think that the leaf nation has a great amount of somali immigrants happening at the time when the us was having only whites? Kek.

also, to add, it definitely is a false dilemma. Since one of the outcomes is false "muh ebil fascist nazi's" is definitely one of those things that were made by the jews, he is taking talking points from the kikes.

>a new Brazil
Now that's an entirely different thing than race realism. I don't want Sweden to exist 20 years from now - is it pro or against race realism?

>refuses to fall in line with us
>low IQ
>no divergent thought
Ah, so you were just pretending to be retarded.

>material regarding existence and philosophy, the nature of knowledge and reality
>yeah but how does he conform to this one single aspect of this thing that is very important for me?
>he doesn't do it publicly and out of place? Heretic has nerve!

why is that in every peterson thread some moronic 1488 stormfag appears and start shitting everything up? its probably even always the same. dont take the bait, spurdo

>He is not Sup Forums relevant.
How is he not? He discusses human nature and our relationship with stories and our surroundings and religion. How is that not paper origami?

False flag hon. Realistically, if anybody had beliefs like those, they couldn't type any of the words they do.

Hey nigger, I completely understand he's not Sup Forums incarnate at all. I think he has a lot to offer like his reconciling religion and science perspective. I'm not taking advice on immigration from the guy.
Moly is a fucking autist that had JP on his podcast as well. JP could run circles around Moly but you're slurping his cock. And it's not a false dilemma, when you're faced with the overbearing far left, the only thing to counter it with is the far right you mong.

Don't forget he would see people on Sup Forums as just another side of the same evil.
He is correct.