Mfw you think I'm going anywhere

>mfw you think I'm going anywhere
>mfw my book is definitely still happening, will now sell than it ever could have before
>mfw now I am my own brand and am starting my own company
>mfw I will continue to tour the country and give my presentations as I red pill massive amounts of people by broadcasting the leftist hysterical reactions to my presence
>mfw the pewdiepie thing just happened so no one is falling for the dirty media's tricks aside from shills and full on cucks anyways
>mfw the real pedophiles will always be liberals and everyone knows that
>mfw the left failed yet again

Other urls found in this thread:

actions speak louder faggot

get to work

The left always helps those they try to hurt, and hurt those they try to hate. It's like poetry

No worries Milo, we will keep the liberals at bay.

>mfw my book is definitely still happening, will now sell than it ever could have before

Yeah. Where?

>>mfw the real pedophiles will always be liberals and everyone knows that

Statistically, pedophiles are white, religious right wing males.

fuck off pedo kike faggot

Other publishers have approached him and he'll announce something within weeks
didn't you watch the press conference?

Did mcmuffin really think pedo accusations were somehow going to completely take milo out of the picture? The fact he's outed 3 pedos in his career is compelling evidence to debunk the selectively edited clips that suggest he's a sympathizer

Here's to you Milo, keep going
you are our Giovanni Pico
the left

why the hell do you retards keep saying this was done by the left? It was his own words that he condoned pedophilia, and Breitbart, a FAR right news website who wanted to have him fired. Do you dumb asses even listen to yourselves anymore?

Those numbers check out.

Milo didn't start the global movement he grafted himself on to. He rose to popularity during Gamer Gate and simply looked at what the populace wanted and gave it to them.

This is a setback, but this isn't the end. The next scandal will come along and everyone will forget the shit the media cooked up to smear him with.

He will lose some money. He will lose some fans. But there is no way in fucking hell the man is finished.

I'm usually against media smear campaigns.

But Milo is actually a fucking disgusting piece of shit. The media is right this time.

Sup Forums is now and forever /milo/

If you're really Milo then you have my congratulations.

nah m8s, you guys are spazzing because your disinfo character assassination failed

nsa now blocks me from posting images on Sup Forums, Voat and Reddit,

pretty sad, but true

Milo I was going to come wee you when you were in Mankato, MN recently. Had to work but my girlfriend watched your live stream. I wasn't a huge fan before but she started questioning me about my beliefs and if I agreed with you. Well, to be honest I do. A few weeks later she left me a good bye note citing we have different views and aren't compatable. Not saying you had anything to do with it at all, but my point is that the United states is split down the middle and our movement is diving so many people...such a critical time in our history! Please keep up the good work, you have my full support and I hope this situation elevates you to the next level. Godspeed

Nice try, CTR faggot.

Replace white with black and brown.
Niggers in africa rape babies thinking it would cure their aids.
Sandniggers, mudslimes, need I say more?

Good luck getting colleges and jew media to book you ever again.

Without that, you're just another le epic youtube internet man. PJW-tier.
Keep redpilling people just know it'll be harder without that exposure.

Stay based you dangerous faggot. I redpilled my QT GF and she loves you now.

>mfw not even larping

oh wait, I'm blocked from posting images

Sup Forums understands that this is an open war


I'm going to buy 10 copies at least

itt: nu Sup Forums

i support u milo

best Sup Forums

>>mfw you think I'm going anywhere




kisses from Canada

>I'm going to buy 10 copies at least
Stuff them up your arse. It is what the author would do.

nice get

let me remeber you that muslims marry 9 year old girls like their prophet... DAY OF THE RAKE WHEN?

>nsa now blocks me from posting images on Sup Forums, Voat and Reddit,

Yeadh...yeadh and you're a fucking mkultra project too to create the ultimate shitposting leaf
when your triggered by a code word you probably post scat. Like the bourne identity but with runny diarrhea

please stop drinking daddy (◠‿◠)

potato famine when?

yup its a faggit

Of course, he is a defender of the freedom of speech. No media hit job is going to work. Fuck the media. You got this, Milo!

Check em, milo will be fine :)

Yep. Convinced.


Get in here!!

They pretty much Martyred him, they never learned from the last instance of when they did that.

I love Milo. I never waiver for one second, and the more the left/MSM tries to smear you, the more I hate them, and love you Milo.

yup, a dangerous faggot

btw you are being rude :(

Sup Forums is only for nice people

We honor your sacrifice and acknowledge you're not the total faggot we thought you are.

You chose the name Anonymous. You must be nothing to become one of us.

God I want to fuck you.
You filthy degenerate, faggot, kike of a man.

Now I'm confused...

Your poll has major issues with validity due to a low operational scale. Keep poll choices free from limiting and subjective responses in order to increase validity. Google likert scales. As it sits, your poll is pretty much unable to generalize to a larger population, or explain anything, really.

Nice. KEK is with Milo
Pepe is with Milo

If Milo wants to make a transformation from this MSM takedown attempt, he could go full Spencer/Skreli, and appear always with a pepe pin on his lapel.

If KEK will involve himself with this matter, the Pepe pin could cause the suicide of millions of leftists and SJW overnight.

Well he's giving 10% of his royalties to child abuse victims and he has outed child abusers before. He just needs to start doing more.

sweden just approved a muslim child bride as legal

Check out the gets on the other responses...praise KEK

So does kek will it?

>Media tries to falsely shit on Trump
>He becomes the President
>Media tries to falsely shit on Pewdiepie
>His fucking subscriber count goes up
>Media tries to falsely shit on Milo
>His fucking fan count goes up and several publishers come to him about publishing his book
When the fuck will they learn?

>mfw this is all actually funny to me and I'm laughing right now


Milo wants to transmit AIDS to all black homos
he revealed his true motives in a Steven Crowder intervew

too lazy to find the exact moment, but the keen eye can tell his true motives

it's ok though Milo, you king of kangz

I can still laugh at comedians, unlike the politically correct left. Hence why I am able to enjoy milo's dry, gallows humor so much

Really activates the ol' almonds.

God I hope that book comes out. Been curious to see what's in it.

laughter is the key

Sup Forums is always right because Sup Forums is always wrong, but through the lulz the truth is peculated within the minds of the discerning ones

I would post amazing Kek imagery but like I said, I've been blocked by nsa because I have info connecting Ottawa-Pizzxa gate with the Clintons

ahh well, I'll fix it tomorrow for the real people like you sharing here on the board of peace

>Keep poll choices free from limiting and subjective responses in order to increase validity
Yeah because "GAS THE KIKES - 2%" and "KEK IS OUR LORD AND SAVIOR - 3%" and "I HAVE POOP HAT LEL - 5%" would increase the validity.

I'm a fan of Milo. I would pay to hear him speak.

Milo was always hated by Sup Forums oldfags. Only r*ddit newfags and CTR praised that faggoty niggerfucker. Why would Sup Forums support a kike who took nigger dicks in his ass daily?

no, you do not get to say nigger if you are a 1 post shill

nice attempt at memeing though, except you give yourself away

> lurk more and more, soon you'll see our truths

>kicked out of Twitter
>book cancelled
>kicked out of CPAC
>kicked out of Breitbart

>T-this was just a failed media attack. Milo will be back in no time!

Boy you clowns are going to have a wake up call.

yfw you lose all your money and influence

Because he supports the Emperor

Well /news/ told me different. Checkmate pedos.

wow you are pathetic

it actually hurts me to see how hard you guys are wasting your time, nice ip though utter faggot liar


where is your trip faggot


>Sup Forums are now the ones screaming conspirancy and smear campaign
Let me guess: The russians were involved in this.

Don't compare Milo to Pewdipie. Pewdipie made a few off-color jokes but Milo unironically supported pedophilia. It isn't even a close comparison.

We're going to support this fucker TILL THE END.

He's the based fag we all love

Bacha Bazi, faggot.

he didn't support pedophilia.

fuck off

Kek be praised

He browses Sup Forums. He's amongst us, you know

cuckservatives did this, friendo

Good ally to have in the culture war.
It's hard to convert normies by cracking open the ol' Mein Kampf.
While Milo is a degenerate faggot and not one of us, he is definitely more of a useful tool/ally than an enemy.

If he can make blue-pilled millennial women look at Trump in a better light, than he has done his part.

then* he has done his part

feels bad man, there is an avalanche of angry liberals coming our way in 2018 and the cucks are dividing and conquering themselves

As a bonus, while I like Brietbart and read them regularly. Milo is now unshackled to pursue things like pizzagate if he chooses. He has said during his talks, some things he cant talk about due to being an employee at BB. Now, he can do anything he wants.

t. "Hebophile"
Fuck off, you fucking pedo supporter.

K, stop coming here though, go do your thing with college lolbertarians. And tell them about race and crime statistics more often.

No shit...That's why we act like we act...

Getting your name tied to this place will actually ruin you

Can you site those "statistics"

in the past if the media did a hit job like this you were fucked, thanks for the internet

the information age has lead us to the age of


I have a good pic of this but, again, unable to post images any more after nsa doxxed and blocked me

Wtf I love pedo Milo now

thank fuck

love it. At least you found some positive to it, and it might really happen in the future.

statistically you are a retard, and you have no statistics to prove WTF you are saying


are there people who actually thinking sucking dick is gay?

you're sharing protein
you're admiring masculine physique
being in the vacinity of other high testosterone males increases your own testosterone

eating pussy is gay because you're litterally slurping down estrogen. and long term relationships have been proven to lower testosterone.

spartans had gay orgies all the time and they were the height of masculinity. you bet they were at least fondling eachothers test producers.

all these summer DYEL's piss me off. their twink bodies don't understand, but in time i'm sure they'll get it.

Poor LARP, 4/10.

Breitbart cucked out on Milo so they can get fucked.

If this is divide and conquer bullshit from the left, you won. Congratulations.

>MFW Milo handled the podium like a boss.

I think links and pics are down. All I wanted to say in here was I found a study online that says faggots have bigger penises and maybe this redeems Milo a bit. 7" here. This is now a masculine general. For the record yes I am of the strictly dickly fan club

How come Milo is so hot?

>Character assassination.
>When the left literally harbors several known """comedian""" pedophiles who have publicly admitted to diddling kids.
>Leftard rags like Salon literally actually defend and endorse pedophilia.
>Leftist politicians constantly caught or suspected of being pedos.

Remember Anons, every single thing the left does is projection, anything they accuse their enemies of doing is something they themselves do on a much larger scale.

abhorrent post, your use of memes is so weak

I wish I could post my pic related, but NSA has banned me from posting images here, on reddit and Voat

well done, you are hurting yourselves so much by waking up the individuals who seek the truth

For all the talk of being redpilled all the "redpilled" teenagers outed themselves when they rushed to defend a gay limey kike about Pedophilia comments. I expect Sup Forums will cleanse itself once they all fuck off back to where they came from when it's clear Milo's not coming back.

Responding because this board is gon get real boring real fast. The fuck is going on? But youtubes are okay? My buddy once claimed what you did. We're all straight but he knows some gays apparently who said this. 6.5 here. He also said bathmates work real good