How is to be the laughing stock of the internet, Sup Forums?

How is to be the laughing stock of the internet, Sup Forums?

my id color will be blue

That's actually pretty funny. Good to know we're still the funniest part of the internet.

JUST Cuck cart my shit up famb

>laughing stock

Pick both

>Implying we care that the sheeple don't understand the dangerous trend that cuck carts promote.

That cart does look pretty gay desu.

Those cuck carts are pretty convenient tee bee aych.
Big enough that I can buy a thing of beer and still get all my other groceries without a fuckin' overburdened basket.

Probably similar to living in a sub-human festering shit hole like Brazil

That's actually a great thread and Sup Forums never has given 2 shits about Milo. I don't know why they even bothered shilling here. I'd say we're pretty fucking neutral in the whole ordeal.

If you change the word "cuck," whatever rag she writes for would probably publish a short article inquiring about that topic.

That's a fucking great thread. What's the issue?

That's actually a great thread and Sup Forums never has given 2 shits about Milo. I don't know why they even bothered shilling here. I'd say we're pretty fucking neutral in the whole ordeal.

>my id color will be blue
Mine will be the manly pink.
Also, Cuck cards are badass!

>she dares come to Sup Forums

Eh, eventually she will become one of us. Its only a matter of time.

>Sup Forums makes a funny satirical post
>twitter user gets the joke and builds on it

What's the problem here?

>tiny cuck carts

We all know who is responsible for this....

First of all, that's kind of funny. Second, i have never seen these carts and the way it looks moderately triggers my autism.

Made me kek

the cuck cart must be stopped by any means.

Anyone else still having connection issues?

the only one on Sup Forums that posts about Milo is Milo

Fucking laughed my ass off

>tiny cuck carts

We all know who is responsible for this...

Literally who?

>The gall of the posters on this Malaysian sepak-tekraw themed calligraphy database, how date they have fun

>The gall of the posters on this Malaysian sepak-tekraw themed calligraphy database, how date they have fun

but thats hilarious

Its a keen observation combined with board terminology + maybe just a shred of truth and thats why its brilliant

Go ahead, underestimate us. We want that. We got a fucking presidential candidate to make an official statement about a FUCKING MEME.

Cuck cart is a misnomer, there's no space to sit your wife's black son.

I have never seen these cuck carts here, we are the last implicit stand of family values.

How do we deal with the cuck cart problem?

I don't know about you but it pisses me off to see young men dragging their shopping along instead of carrying it like normal people. Fucking laziness epidemic, any sort of physical labour is seen as worse than cancer.

Same with when you're traveling and people are dragging their luggage along on wheels instead of simply carrying it. Grinds my gears.

Hang Around.

We do it for free.

Wait. Some guy who regretted voting for trump told me shills don't bother coming here.

>The gall of the posters on this Malaysian sepak-tekraw themed calligraphy database, how date they have fun

I don't know, I'm not Brazilian.

We have those carts at my grocery stores down from my apartment. Those are the ones where you can attack a regular shopping basket onto a little cart right?

I need a quick rundown on cuck carts

The only person that give a shit about Milo are shills looking to divert discussion.

Milo is not smart or the intellectual he portrays himself to be, he just goes after low hanging college SJW progressives to seem smart in comparison.
According to Milo, feminists and political correctness is the pinnacle of problems facing the west.
Milo is an attention whore yet criticizes SJWs for doing the exact same thing, he is a hypocrite.
Milo is nothing more than a """"journalist""" riding the anti-SJW wave as a careerist.

Fuck Milo, I could not give less of a shit and I doubt anyone here does.


That's actually funny desu senpai. It's nice to see some light-hearted material on Sup Forums from time to time.

Why didn't the just make it shallower instead of making it look like a child's toy?

Whatever keeps these faggots off my board.. or even mentioning it, or Sup Forums from being mentioned in any SM post, or... reeeeeeeeee

I'm sure you had fun writing about your cart, idiot.

Now kill yourself.

Really? I thought they were everywhere by now. Any grocery store I've been to in the last 5 years or so has them.

Call me a cuck but I like the small carts. They are easier to move around all the fat fucks clogging up the aisles so I can spend as little time as possible in the grocery store.

Plus I don't buy more than a small cart could fill at any time anyway since I literally live on top of a grocery store and just buy enough that I can carry in one trip.

Cuck cart thread was the best one on here in about a week. The leftist cunt has great taste.

guess what Sup Forums?
after Milo's career is truly over
you're next.

kek, triggered single cat lady with a career

But that's actually a serious concern and a pretty interesting angle to approaching the topic.

The dumb bitch probably wanted her confirmation bias confirmed and see threads going "How we can draw more spaztikas for the media to write stories about and show that indeed Nazi's are marching the street?"

Grab your cuck carts everybody, we got some black cock to admire!

Hi, can anyone see my post. Linda, does this place have a like button. Where do I send my friend request? Nigerians suck.

You can fit 15 old-style fingerboxes in them.

haha, there's shills trying to stop pol. and you think retarded liberals can?
hahahaha. i can't wait to laugh at the left SJW retard posts.
pls come so we can fuck them with logic and memes. i encourage it.
plsssss. we want to laugh at you more

>I'm going to go gloat about MILO
>ree why aren't they caring

We care so little about MILO we would rather talk about the cuck cart phenomenon

Cuck cart was what makes this place great so it's no surprise some libshit pointed it out.

No problem obviously. Free promotion.

Why can't I post pictures



lol fagget

>we care so little
this comment basically sums up Sup Forums
fuck you spastic liberals for thinking we care about what you think. haha. fucking losers

>Liberal goes to Sup Forums and finds something funny, and wants to share it, but has to word it in a snide way so as to make it look like they don't like the place

She'll be red pilled within the year. First you come to laugh at us, then you come here to laugh, and then you just come here.

Jews dont know how to bant. They are less funny then a cuckservative

Guys we're still under attack -- some IPs are blocked from posting with connection error
I'm posting not from my usual internet connection.
We're still under attack. My former IP is blocked from posting, receiving connection errors instead. Not banned. All pages are working. Just connection error. It's about IPs. The fact I can post from another IP but same device proves it.

Pretty much a microcosm of how women see the world:
>One cuck-cart thread
>Ignore the billion milo-threads
>haha Sup Forums is more interested in cuck-carts

>One intelligent female
>Ignore the millions of fucking retarded ones
>See, women are just as smart as men! Muh patriarchy!

Kinda sad how women really can't understand basic realities.

pretty funny

bumping shitpost thread, I'll bump a Syrian general to make up for it

And yet they waste so much money on us thinking we are relevant.

Also I still can't create threads from this IP

It's excellent that they still--after everything!--continue to underestimate us. *rubs hands together*

I'm really struggling too

reminder that mods deleted the cuck cart thread because they're clueless

i also wouldn't be surprised if cuck cart becomes the term for those things

Its obvious that cuck carts are being used to promote the single lifestyle they want whites to live in. It has just enough room for a weeks worth of tendies, 14 two liters of mountain dew(weeks worth), and an industrial size bottle of jack off lotion(weeks worth)

Trust me I know this.


>reminder that mods deleted the cuck cart thread because they're clueless
Christ almighty, I doubt it.

They deleted it because it was too powerful an angle. Meme magic is actively suppressed.

>person with a pussy comes here
>this is the thread that draws in her bird brain
Why are women worthless pol?

It works sometimes but you have to work on it a bit. There is no IP ban since I'm not changing IPs. I even have a (((pass)))

but do they hold the huge volume of enema packages and astroglide you're purchasing?

naw that just happened to me. said i had a faulty connection or something, though my internets worked fine., then i waited a while. now i can post again. weird.?
wtf was that shit anyway?
suspicions rising.

wow Sup Forums watch out! a teenage girl just dis you!
she might use a "rubber/glue" dichotomy against you!!
you know the famous:
"I'm rubber you're glue, your words bounce off me and stick to you."

>this is the thread that draws in her bird brain
But it's actually a good thread. It's a reflection of the death of the nuclear family. It's not even off topic.

yeah better go back to talk about the manspreading issue amirite.


This Eleanor Robertson does not appear to be very smart in spite of her desperate choice in glasses.

We're the degenerates that are put in the maximum security area of any insanitary.
Mostly, people avoid us and call us too crazy to fit anywhere, but when shit hits the fan, they will break the lock off begging us to save them.
We're the necessary evil, the ones who would make the biggest enemy shoot himself in the face from all the shit he will see when the doors are unlocked.
The world hides us, but desperately needs us to maintain the chaos within chaos.

ive not heard that spell cast in some time now...

wow it's fucking nothing

welcome to free speech

this section of the internet defeated hers in the last election. stay mad, cunt

reddit is for pussies

Niggers, deep state user here.

The cuck carts are a deep state psy op. That's why the (((jews))) immediately ridiculed the op in an attempt to discredit him. Keep digging.


no one cares about milopedo

Don't give a shit.

Now someone redpill me on the cuck cart menace.

>you go to Sup Forums expecting some hyper-organised collective of white supremacists and fucking white males
>you actually find an extremely ethnically diverse group of miscreants screeching at each other and semi-seriously discussing shopping cart size
>these are the people who memed Trump into the White House and BTFO of you at every turn


>woman posts funny picture
>some people check iut the source
>some stay and get redpilled
thank mr woman

The normies are waking up
The deep state won't get away with cuck carts


They lost to people who fight over shopping carts.

o i am laffin

in all seriousness, there is an advantage bringing these cuck carts to the normies attention

Aren't those normal sized carts though?

>message board called "politically incorrect"
>sarcastically acts surprised that posters aren't talking about the same stuff she's talking about

manlet detected


Like this?

fucking cuck carts when will they stop