I finally understand

I finally understand.

We cheer for Trump not because he is right but because he is wrong. Everything is in service of the joke and the joke is that there is no joke. We laugh when people try to understand our goals and motives as though we have any.

Nothing is real and there is no such thing as nothing.

No, it's because he wants mudslimes banned, illegals deported, and the wall built.

And those to carry out a perpetual revenge on the SJWs as is our natural role as the patriarchy of man.

disinfo shill

we want kebab removed

Everything liberals hate we love

now you're thinking with portals

Intelligerence gathered by /x/ and other boards leaves no doubt that the 99chan admin "fubar" is the person responsible for the continuing DDoS attacks on Sup Forums. Sup Forums did nothing to deserve or invite this attack. But we will do everything to defeat it.

Today, no one can possibly claim that fubar is not responsible. And the attacks will not stop so long as 99chan is running.

If any 99chan users are reading this, I have a message for you. Our campaign is directed against your faggot admin and not against you. Come to Sup Forums and we will deliver the lulz and win you need. The day of liberation is near.

Anonymous has a duty to defend our people by uniting against traitors and lulzkillers. And tonight, as we have done before, Sup Forums and our allies accept that responsibility. Good night, and may God continue to bless Sup Forums.

Former bovine kidney stone here. I admit it's hilarious watching watching the blood chemistry burn, but seriously, we cant let them get out adrenal glands

I cheer for trump not just for the memes but because he threatens the climate of bullshit pieties I live in and I want people, including myself, to be able to discuss things openly. He's made discussing all sides of an issue much easier and started to chip away at the post-45 racism taboo.

Hi Brock

poetic JUSTice

>Nothing is real and there is no such thing as nothing.
That's some nihilistic postmodernism right there

Don't be fucking stupid Trump has been proven to be one of the most honest president's of all time!

it's like they're trying to stop you before you even start thinking... really makes you think.

you were so close until you started typing

I don't want poor muslims on western games servers.


It's like the way "racism, sexism etc" shock people away from candidly addressing topics about the world, thus sabotaging people's ability to think rationally about their condition.
It's like people from the same Kabbalic tradition have pushed these same barriers to thought because they fear what would happen if people tried to get at the truth.

>I finally understand.
>We cheer for Trump not because he is right but because he is wrong.

I finally understand.
This is a shill thread by a Jew using that Mic article as a template.

No, we really do support Trump.

>1 post by this id
>weak bait
>nu/pol/ explaining their opinions
