When every thread becomes a bait thread

What a shit hole.

Other urls found in this thread:


Spineless nu/pol/ is sitting back and doing nothing, maybe half of pol is fucking asleep or something but there is no one is making a fucking effort to counter shariablue's sliding

Leotardo Dicraprio.

if we indulge them- and I'm being serious- they get paid and Brock/Elephanti5/Soros&their#buddies eventually run out of money for their pet project, no?
I have no doubt that we can run them out, but what we're doing isn't hurting them enough. They can run another CPP false flag and play victim. Let's at least suck em dry and win over a few Brock no-lube-buttboys; shit- maybe even lowkey win over enough of them to get a few juicy leaks
>>could be awesome, totallynotbaitopandimeanityouseemlikeaniceguyweshouldhangoutsometime

You are late, there were huge happenings.
In short, these are not shills, they are bots. Before that Sup Forums was connection error banning people by ID, disallowing them to post, some - to post with images.


Kill all larpers and role playing piles of shit

late stage image board


why am i always 3 fucking shades from magenta now
what faggy shit is this even
Thoth, I will sacrifice my fucking cat- give me green

Of course it's a shit hole

It's designed as a shit hole

> In short, these are not shills, they are bots.

What's the difference?

like no politics at all

this thread is really good bait

There's a HUGE difference. Shills were participating in creating content. Bots are blocking board from working. There is shortage of shills because they are human. There's probably no shortage in bots, there's no max for them.

whats with all of the fucking sliding

>While recovering from a site issue, we lost some older images. Please post some new ones to make up for it!

This just makes me really wonder what images were lost


The only thing that has worked against this swarming so far is heavy moderation, but we don't have that here. They can drain us out. I am not sure what we can do other than keep scrolling.

It really is sad. How sad mods wont do anything and how pathetic the extent the people will go to to make these every day.


Couldn't post images yesterday.

Should we slide the sliding with links to this?

that's not the real 8gag the real one is .net

this made me laugh thanks leo

That was a sentence fragment. Why would you post thi.. oh lol bait is the theme. JK you're faggot. Plase go

The problem is newfags taking them seriously instead of ignoring

Posting on several other boards is down though

You haven't heard about layer 2, have you?

That dude is a faggot IRL.

Just put filters as pic related and 90% of the shareblue posters are gone

Pretty much.

This place is full of new faggots and triggered libs looking for Nazis to yell at.