Le Pen Refuses To Wear Muslim Headscarf


Pretty based. How will leftist cucks react to this?

Pic not related.

Id put my cock in her pussy if you know what I mean

Tits or GTFO

>how will leftist cucks react to this?
Hang on, I'll check reddit

care to elaborate?

It's procreational ritual between two opposite sex human beings


Children get out please

One assblasted euro writes:
>I can't believe people are swallowing this shit. This is an act of a troll. In any official meeting one is supposed to discuss the formal protocol prior to the meeting. This is a charade and she had no intention of meeting the mufti. Our former prime minister wore a scarf when she met the former Pope. See it as a populist bullshit that it is and not some progressive principled stance from a party that wants to ban gay marriage, abortion and wants to reintroduce death penalty.


Why does she hate bombpeople?

Malika LePen dances on nigger music, Lesquen wants to re emigrate all niggers Le Pen is a cuck.

Another assblasted Euro writes:
>She wants the migrants coming to France to integrate by adopting the local customs and e.g. taking away the veils but when she goes abroad she doesn't care about the local customs. Typical "Do what I say, don't do what I do".

What did he mean by this?

>How will leftist cucks react to this?

>Dat's racist, she's a Nazi!

insert all the other terms that the left has now made meaningless.

Is she the least cucky of all the cucks you gotta vote for

It's exactly how a feminist SHOULD act.

> Objects to oppression
>Wants women to wear oppressive headscarf


Still not following, please expand on this concept, use pictures if possible. I am not a bright man.

Underrated comment


One assblasted Krauts suffers cognitive dissonance and changes the topic:
>How does a woman who defends the Nazi occupation of France as "not particularly inhumane but there were some mistakes" get so much support in France?

>foreigners must Live by our customs
>refuse to follow local customs

Would she refuse to wear a scarf in Italian or Greek churches?

Yeah bro! I would totally, like, lick her clit... and stuff.

If for the sake of anything other than creating a child in the missionary position, you deserve to be purged

What's wrong with pic?

Based Madame Le Pen.

Agreed, made me lol. Especially coming from a Korean. I know many Koreans and they are funny as shit, extremely based as well.

Two facts:

>You're black
>You're 13

>to make an appointment with a cleric at his office, to ask to be a guest in his religious building where the requirements were explicitly made clear from the get-go, and to then at the last minute demand an exception, is just rude and is about being a bully in another country. I don't support this.



Because nudes aren't allowed on red boards anymore, because of 'muh misogyny'

>a party that wants to ban gay marriage, abortion and wants to reintroduce death penalty.
Now out of these which ones are actually true? I'm going to guess none of them.


Because she is attempting to emigrate to their country and live amongst them.

It's almost like a false equivalency. From the media, no less.

You guessed right.

Good, that country used to be at least 50/50 Christian and muslim at a point, but we all know what happens with muslims and countries, they rip it apart with civil wars. I hope you german cucks see Lebanon the way it is, because eventually it will become the next Germany. Where is the christian population in Lebanon? Seems to be getting less and less every year.



absolutly degenerate
marry her first

Thats what i was trying to say. Fucking libtards changed cuck to kek