Does anyone have that screen cap with that line like "this website has always been a place for the opposition...

does anyone have that screen cap with that line like "this website has always been a place for the opposition. If it was Nazi, they would be commie, if commie they would be nazi. Now it has taken up the cause of family, tradition, religion, and morals. What a sad statement it is about a society that those are the values of the weirdos and freaks

Other urls found in this thread:



Here's your fucking (you)


got you my man

Here's what you're looking for my dude

oh god, what have I started

Give me you's for saving rights.

include me in screencap

we are the avatar

wasn't exactly the one I'm thinking of, but close enough. Thanks bud

This is well said. I might actually put this on my kikebook with the intent of starting a war.

do it. post results

bippity boop

WOW so deep

is that how Sup Forums thinks of itself because you are all love pornography and anime

>all love pornography and anime you english bud?
2. Not all of us. In fact most use to be against until reddit and other normies started flooding us


this. This is the one. Thanks based mudslime poster

anytime burger

well fuck me, how long ago was this?

Don't include him

yeah, I really wish it had a date

right... it was normies and reddit that brought anime here


ok, anime was always here because fucking Sup Forums, but the fact remains that before the normies showed up, pol was pretty unified against both of those things, we tolerated anime but didn't endorse/like it

It's about b and Sup Forums in general.
I don't ever remember specifically pol being communist.
Modern communists can't handle debate with nazies so they just leave or are paid.

I got you, OP

woops, accidentally misclicked those other posts

when the first post

is the best post

not the fifth?

1 hour ago :^)

but seriously 13,626,482 would be a while ago.
10m get 2/7/13 (thanks Reddit)

I can't find any other gets but I'd guess 13.6m was sometime around may-july 2013.





