By sacrificing Milo, we just got the left to admit Bill Maher and George Takei once advocated for pedophilia as well

By sacrificing Milo, we just got the left to admit Bill Maher and George Takei once advocated for pedophilia as well.

Yes, well done. However.

You need to focus on getting gingsburg's comments about lowering the age of consent out.

Imagine the possibilities of Trump appointing another supreme Court justice sooner than we all expected? Let's get this goblin the fuck out

Other urls found in this thread:

You'll need to find the source of the comments (she herself saying it, not someone else quoting her) and archive it first. Otherwise it's "muh fake news" and it won't work.

Jesus these cards are prophetic.

Speaking of prophetic...

No one cares and they were different contexts

what's the name of these cards, i see them posted often and would like to look into them.

how do we know your not a JEWWWWWWWWWWWWWW

>Oh mmyyyyyy

look at the flag, i have a bigger chance being a dirty muzzy than a cheaky jew.

You need to link video or something with his actual comments if you want things to start moving

Nah, ya think?



Does it really say

>here you go, sir. double cheese, pepperoni


>yfw Milo gets 4 earings on his right ear

We need to make sure as many people as possible know about both. Message Tucker and the right media

What does he know?




>that face


when you like my balls sorry


TFW you are living in the twilight of man, where eldritch horrors stalk the Earth while moral and racial decay slowly bring all that is good to ruin.

It feels fuckin epic you punk bitch

Read and think of little yellow selfies

Trump is the sacrifice. He is compromised.

Bill Maher isn't left wing. The guy's more Islamophobic than all of you assholes AND he's a racist who fetishizes Black women. baka. He's a real piece of work and has been for a long time.


Look. We don't give 2shit about those degenerate clowns: other is a liberal-rightwinger-zionist who is against family values and other is a hollywood inner. So why in earth they would be important? #MiloThePedo #TakeiTheRapist #MaherTheCuck
And I'm a evil pinko

He's scummy and has generally held anti-pol values, but I honestly think he's just a guy who is trying to make money and do a job- without being in on a grand agenda

Are those actual frogs falling from the motherfucking sky?


It has all been foretold. We are dupes.

No way. We are not having LB fucking J all over again.

>Bants on himself
Obviously not really a Brit.

>sacrificing Milo
the day after Milo commits suicide, the sun will nevertheless rise, the birds will undoubtedly still sing, and President Trump will sign more executive orders.
The World does not revolve around swishy attention whores.


He is jewish homosexual that like big black cocks


Bump for purge all degenerates.

these are nothing, collateral damage that doesn't matter one it in the culture wars, while milo was a huge pain for them

sort yourself out man

I dunno this could mean he goes full emperor after he gets tired of the lefts shit

tb h just lower the aoc to 15. 18 is way too high

>requires magic action

meme magic


We didn't sacrifice Milo.

Minor, top level factionalism, and he's no longer at Breitbart. That's all that changed.

Here's is Ginsburg's original statement/document

I tried to post as a reply here earlier but the chans were not posting for me for some reason


man i miss playin this card game. Anyone know how to emulate it online?