Sup Forums space colony thread

An all powerful technological orb comes to earth and grants humans the ability to terraform and live on other planets

You must choose a terraformed planet(mars or venus) and establish a colony on it.

>what do you name the colony
>what form of government will the planet have
>what will be the laws of the colony
>what will the laws regarding interplanetary trade be? (taxes, sanctions, etc)
>what sort of defense system will you have?
>who will be allowed to visit and live on your planet?
>what will your long term colony goals be?

Def. Mars. It'll survive when the sun becomes a red giants and gobbles up all the inner planets up to Earth. I would call it Rebel Base.

>tfw can finally make an isolationist community of only white people on venus

How can you even describe how a colony works if its presence is spontaneous by way of alien magic.

You need to have a historical model to extrapolate the economic and social requirements and ramifications of space colonization.

Specifically the biggest question is

>what reason would people have to live there?

>>what reason would people have to live there?
we'd have space niggas

Is anyone excited for Destiny 2?

maybe they can put a penal colony there.

good thinking.

Europa if it's magic alium tech doing it.

Flash melt the ice. It would generate significant oxygen atmosphere and provide a nice water environment for fishing, radiation shielding and export.

Government would be a technocratic research-infrastructure AI for administration purposes.

Why most scientists are so obsessed with Mars?
The planet is dead, nothing, try Venus , has an atmosphere, at high altitude only 80 F and has plenty of acids to power all the batteries you want.

Guys we gotta get rid of this orb evil aliens are following it that it probably fucked over and its trying to turn us into its army. SPACE NIGGERS GET OUT SPACE WALL NOW

Yeah I'm excited they're going to realise half the game then the other half every few months in small increments

I cannot wait to pre order the platinum shitstain edition of Destiny 1.1

Yes, but they need to have space battles like they fucking promised.

Hi goys its nasa. Today we announced we can see some large circles goin round a bigger, hotter circle. It's like fucken ages away and means fuck all but i wanted to tell yas. Have a good evening.

>what do you name the colony
>what form of government will the planet have
Totalitarian dictatorship
>what will be the laws of the colony
No internal consistency by design, the rule of chaos
>what will the laws regarding interplanetary trade be? (taxes, sanctions, etc)
low taxes and tariffs, no sanctions, no restrictions on goods
>what sort of defense system will you have?
When my rule is credibly threatened I'll plunge the planet into the sun or a nearby planet
>who will be allowed to visit and live on your planet?
Everyone is free to visit and stay, infact no one will be allowed to leave EVER
>what will your long term colony goals be?
meh, nah, I'll keep things fluid and people guessing
>what reason would people have to live there?
since people can never leave they have no need for a reason to stay

destiny sucks cock

>abandoning a white supremacy series for it

Made this for the Sup Forums space program 2bh. But was more focused towards rocketry, engineering and satellites when I came up with it

Ahahah this niggers in space.

No son
We'd BE the space niggas

good luck with your incestuous children.