Feminist Witches worldwide planning to cast spell on Trump on February 24th:

Feminist Witches worldwide planning to cast spell on Trump on February 24th:


Low energy. They'll fail as usual

our meme wizards far outrank their petty attempts at "magic"

The most successful magic is powered by virgins

That's why Sup Forums is unstoppable

I shall try and convince them to record their "magic" and post to youtube. Womyn-magic only works while fucking anyways

We must pray for trump on this day to protect him from this satanism.


Johnny Depp looks like shit!

Not going to bother giving that site hits.

If they're Wiccans then they're doing something very wrong according to their writings.

You're never suppose to cast a spell to cause harm to someone.

They're feminists


kek will bring us to a new era of freedom no amount of larping with Halloween toys is going to stop that

Clinton, the high priestess of Moloch, was humiliated by kek, what do these small time larpers hope to accomplish?

Wow this us still going? Lots of meme magic in the original thread. Don't worry. It's taken care of.

Let's cast a spell of our own all of us at the same time as they cast their spell fap to our waifus and scream REEEE and tue cloud of autistic energy will completely block the spell

Check my warlock digit bitches

>do no harm
>cast hex
dumb fuckers never heard of backfire huh.


>The cloud of austistic energy
sorry a bit of cum fell on my keyboard

Sad but true.

Pic related is from the original thread.

Shadilay, praise Kek and the prophet Pepe (mbuh)

Oh no, you mean they're going to announce a spell that anyone with any rudimentary knowledge of the occult can cock-block like a fucking champ?

Seriously though, magic? I hope they call upon Ma'at. I really do. She judges you before she'll judge the person you ask her to and she will not give you a free pass.

And if they call on Hecate, chances are they'll be the ones "hexxed" because Hecate doesn't fuck around and can smell bullshit a thousand miles away.

That's a myth. The "virginity is purity" is bullshit. The myth is based on the impression that a woman who is virginal is a pure soul without sin/darkness and we all know that that's bullshit.

Holy shit. This is serious guys. We need to get to burning some Witches!

But seriously, spells are basically low-tech memes. They stand no chance.

If you masturbate you're the same low energy. Sorry to inform you.


And the "for their own good" is basically a guarantee that this will backfire spectacularly. Do they really think the gods they're petitioning will not see through that shallow rationalizing bullshit?

Also... I smell a fellow witch. Well met, friend!

don't think any sort of deity would put up their shit for feminists in current year. basically not your army gimmick.

Well, I suppose if they memed this enough, it might have a minor effect, but thankfully a lot of people aren't aware of the power of ritual spells like this.

This is a binding spell, so it only prevents someone from causing harm.

send light and love to Trump. These are the only things you can mentally send someone without incurring bad karma.

These witches are engaging in black magic which is awful karma for them so it will hurt them way more.

However, any with some spiritual knowledge send Trump love and light.

That's a myth. The "vital energy" is just a bullshit holdover from the kundalini aspects of mysticism which, if you actually study that shit more deeply than a common tween-angst "witch" ever will, is only powerful in that your semen has sperm which has potential life attached to it. That's all.

Kundalini is legit but too many people totally misinterpret the teachings surrounding it (usually because it's passed on my "gurus" that are better at taking money from stupid tourists than actually teaching the hardcore stuff. If you want to know the really hardcore yoga/kundalini shit, you need to seek out the Aghoris.)

>tfw no cute witch to curse you

>Sup Forums fucks around with magic they didn't even think existed and changed the fabric of the universe
>feminist witches (lol) try to use magic and nothing happens

A very amusing and perfectly crafted post.

Damn. This thread is even more powerful. It's getting stronger. Tomorrow night is the night.

Then it will backfire and prevent feminist cows from destroying western civilization.

A meme magic thread and people aren't even checkin. Proof all of our meme mages are nocturnal.

That is the most trivial spell that wouldn't do anything, no matter how many fluff bunny wannabes they got in on it. I guarantee you Trump has a few people working for him to misdirect actual psychic attacks and the like, if not himself.

Most people doing this won't even banish properly/at all and will end up causing more harm to themselves.

Your digits are rather powerful there friend.

I reverse their incantations

>Sup Forums declares unrestricted meme magic warfair

>Implying kek isn't protecting the god emperor

It's like they WANT to get assblasted.

Binding spells only really work when there's no emotion involved. You have to walk the line or your biases and preconceptions will intrude which will very likely lead to the karmic punishment/gifts to be rained down on your head.

Also. Bind trump from doing what exactly? From doing harm? That's too overbroad.

Bindings need to be about specific potential actions or behaviours.

If they really wanted to do good with their craft, the better bet would be to coax out Trump's empathy to temper his ego. All you can do after that, however, is hope for the best because if you go too far and try to suppress his free-will, you're delving into the really dark shit. The blackest magic possible is the stuff that steals people's free-will because then you're essentially saying to your gods "Yeah, you made a mistake with this person. I know better so I'm going to correct your mistake."

No god or goddess will appreciate that level of hubris (save for the primordial ones that just DGAF about morality and righteousness.)

oh, karma will have fun with that

Trump will do something like cough once or sneeze on air and the witches will rejoice that "They did it"

Look, it's scared.

We should create a counter ritual involving repeating numbers, frogs and Shadilay and perform it at the same time to grant Trump protection.

I'd suggest a barrier. That would help protect him a bit from the parasites on the hill too.

Though, nuclear option would be to induce an awakening in Trump but that's a dangerous game because it could push him into literal insanity and he's already someone I don't think is running with a full spread of appetizers.

Shaliday! It is revealed!

You have to remember that these people have deluded themselves into thinking Trump is Hitler. When he doesn't round up gays and Mexicans into extermination camps, they're going to try and take credit. Because they stopped him. With their magic. It's the old "the sun will return after the eclipse" play.

Pardon me as I examine and give distinction to these particular repeating numerical combinations.

Magic has and requires a strong spiritual distinction between men and women/the "Masculine" and "Feminine" principal. Siding with people who want abolish masculinity and femininity is Kike-tier.

where they joking or serious?

Will your mind collapse if I get quads, pents or SEXTS with this post?


Is someecards.com fake news or alternative facts?

They're liberals. They don't understand reality.

All brothers and sisters and believers in Jesus Christ need to pray against these spells and for the safety of our president.


Trump had /fringe/ and aryan magicks on his side they didn't stand a chance.

Thanks for this, I'll send it to my ex-wife. Seems to be right up her alley if you catch my drift.

>Sigil magic is weak. Common mistake.

It's only as weak as the energy you can channel through it. Otherwise it's as powerful as you make it. In their case, it clearly wasn't enough.

A drunk Australian shitposter already outranks their pathetic attempts at magic.
S H A D I L A Y!

They don't know the meaning of true power

They are using lower class magic. Meme Magic trumps all other magic. Our magic changes timelines, what does theirs do?

I get it, your marriage failed because you're a shitty Sup Forums poster.

The law of cuck magic state that if you hex your enemies, they win.

that was my joke that I posted. I thought about it and supposedly sigil is chaos magic and people think memes are that but in my mind it's a separate type that invokes an archetype so it's more powerful. what do you think

The instructions on JoS do not aprove of this retarded curse, however I got Trumps back.

Here is how you can participate.

Step 1. Light a candle
Step 2. Sit in front of it.
Step 3. Calm yourself and gather your energy by saying praise Kek or simply think of how you glow with white light.
over and over. You should say it 7, 77 or 777 times, depends on how dedicated you are.
Be sure to use present tense here.

Then say Praise KeK 4 times

So mote it be.

thats the end.

Be sure to allways think about and feel what you say.

This may sound like a shitpost but I am acctually serious. the 7 is obviously from the Trump will win post and the 70 years 7 month and 7 days. And the 4 is because of the 4 frog gods and 4 is fucking magic anyway.


Trump is under Kek's protection. No weapon formed against him shall prosper, whether physical, metaphysical, or spiritual.

We need no magic, Kek is our protector!

That is some gay tier magic, Hans. Sounds like one of those witch cows.

I guess this means we should stick to meme magic

Kek agrees, although user's spell surely wouldn't hurt anything. Praise Kek and praise meme magick!

Alister Crowley literally buttfucked his manservent on an altar in a pyramid until he was so mentally ruined that he never recovered

Now that's a proper fucking spell, not this lighting a candle and praying to it bullshit

haha Meme magic is much more simple, subtle, raw, and effective. It practically works by itself.

As if Trump wasn't protected from such stuff.

Say it with me Sup Forums: removus me poopus

So much for that "Harm none, do what ye will" bullshit, eh?

Attention fuels reality. As long as Sup Forums gives attention to trump nothing will happen. No need for rituals or anti-wichcraft.

>mexican warlocks

Yes I have also thought that, but as said, it wouldnt harm anything. And I will totally do it.

The only right answer. Kek larping is fun though.

Kek agrees

Wouldn't be surprised if a few of them accidentally light their house on fire.

Can't wait to see this massive wave of butt blasting once their magic returns to them thrice fold, and with the power of a dark god behind it.

Praise Kek

You don't think people have tried magic attacks on every US president in history?



You fuckers just had to choose my country's independence day for a fucking curse, didn't you.
Looks like I need to start stocking up on some firewood.

Magicks of old praticed by weathered hags of the black spade against memetic digital warfare from the fourth channel of hell itself.

Easily countered by the protection of Kek

So...they were low energy?

why do gay ass spells when you can summon a jinn?

Praise kek

Really? This is like that Saudi cancer praying cult...

it's on meme magic vs dry cunt magic
who will win?

I prefer to summon a gin. And tonic.

Styx did a video