How do we end world hunger ?

how do we end world hunger ?

We give blacks birth control.

there's no starvation when these shitskins are dead.

killing everyone

starve all the niggers to death

you are not helping

Genocide, replace non whites with whites or asians capable of working, create an industry in said country, then watch as your new inhabitants work for money and use money for food. Less gibs=less talentless births
less talentless births=less mouths to feed

He has spoken.

Let them die


black people are useless

By killing all hungry.

Kill every corrupt politician in Africa and give the money to the people. European empires had to come back bc history proved blacks can't govern themselves.
Our case:
>have huge African empire
>most of the colonies were more developed than mainland Portugal
>most people (including niggers) had a first world lifestyle
>some terrorist groups wanted to take over because my sheckels and USSR pressure
>start killing whites cause muh white oppressor
>start war
>colonies go to shit
>we win the war, even though everyone in the world was against us (except based South Africa)
>commie leaning gov gives them independence
>next day niggers start fighting for power
>civil war in all colonies
>now their people are starving while some niggers have enough money to buy our biggest companies.

Let them starve, I don't care about niggas and they don't care about you


Stop feeding them

>we win the war

Like they were willing or intelligent enough to apply it.

End medical aid to niggers except condoms

By letting the niggers starve. It's either that or over-exploit this planet's resources until everyone starves. World hunger should be ignored completely.

As long as you don't feed it, it ends itself.

Bullets for the hungry, the fat, the Jews, the faggots, the mentally ill, the niggers, and the sand niggers.

Population reduction, especially of those who can't sustain themselves.


If the hungry starve, there will be no hungry.

eating insects

Natural selection. Those who can't eat should die off.

There are already more niggers in African than they can support, so what do we do? We send them money and food so they can survive and have lots and lots of children. Result: even more people they can't feed. So we have to send them more money and food. Producing even more people they can't feed. Etc.

Population collapse
Land reform
Tax incentives to upkeep personal farmsq

wrong map

>how do we end world hunger ?

Race-specific bioweapons.

Why should we?
If they're too stupid to survive on their own, we'll colonise them.

We kill the hungry

Let the famished waste away, the truly starving eat their bodies and let time alongside disease take care of the rest.

Cease the pointless spending on foreign aid to perpetuate artificial populations, focus more on culling the excess.

Africa has famines because their governments steal all the money and let them starve.

Stop giving aid to Africa and other poor places. Their populations will adjust accordingly and there will be less starvation.

That's a spooky wojack.

>how do we end world hunger
the less people the less mouths to feed

OK, this is a sérios question só i wont troll.

1step, the objectivs of the millenia, or decade by the UN should also contemplate the end of children labour and methods to discourage pop growth in the countries with overpopulation. They simply need to have less babies.
Step 2, getting jobs, even if they are farming jobs to feed those people with as much they can produce
Step 3, it would all come down to this, we need to do a new conferance of Berlim to redraw border according to religion and cultures while keeping a strong military presence in África, mainly to overthrow the corrupt governaments since when they do it, shit just gets worse.

Indeed: once we kill ALL humans (since we are only one race) the problem will be solved.

Why end it?


have less humans

Eat the hungry

They have gone from 133 million in 1900 to 1.3 BILLION now


3 BILLION in 2050...

All because of food aid and medicine.
They still can't get beyond sustenance farming and putting equal faith in with doctors.

*witch doctors

This and most important thing

> Teach black how to grow food

That is main reason why they are starwing all the time.
Retads does not know how to grow own crops and just relaying food aid.
As more and more are relaying food aid, less they are growing their own food because food aid is easy, no need to do anything to get food.

Niggers, unbeliebly lazy idiots.

You depopulate the areas that can't do anything but breed more gibmedats by giving them nothing.

We literally fed humans and just like other animals, they just kept breeding and feeding and wanting more, destroying any attempt at self-sufficiency when it was easier to just ask them to crank up the aid further.

The solution is to lock Africa off and let it pay for it's own food or starve.

Most areas affected by hunger are undeveloped places which get food relief but locals fuck it up by enjoying their food without foresight and then breeding till what they get is not enough anymore, leading them back to starting point. Often the relief is used for immediate needs without even an attempt to create lasting effect and if we get some poor sod who's one of the starving but intelligent and determined enough to, say, farm shit - other starving people will quickly stomp them into ground and steal the fruit of their labor.

There's pasta floating around about this problem, where the person notes that if Africa wouldn't experience such a boom in population, they'd be able to support themselves even in the most primitive regions just right.

Thus, the only solution would be to control populations and once they'll reach low enough level - massive scale education.

Anons in the past suggested culling or leaving people to starvation but neither is humane (inb4 mudhut blacks aren't humans - i know, but let's leave the meme and be semi-serious). I'd recommend using greed of the very same people who just use resources - offer additional benefits, food and other items at the price of them consenting to infertility-inflicting procedures.

>give blacks birth control
>spend Billions to subsidize niggers
It's much more easier and cheaper to castrate 50% of the population. Give them a $500 amazon gift card and snip snap. You could even be nice enough to just cut all female falopian tubes so the males can still rape and pillage like nothing happened. Win win, the niggers get their bread and circus and we get less niggers, under budget and ahead of schedule

World hunger is reducing year on year
I'd give it another 25-40 years
Either that or TPTB get their new world war which will thin the numbers back to their more desirable 1.5 billion