Who here is too old to be here?

> 46
> Feels old man.

Other urls found in this thread:


I'm 31 and feel old too user. Although it's worse on other boards because it's more of a constant reminder. Like Sup Forums for instance where people talk about the systems when they were 'little kids' like PS2 and Gamecube. REEEEEEEE it should be NES as your first system! Also these kids wear tight pants that would have gotten you called a faggot in my school days.

Anyways yeah I especially feel old when people say 2016 (even in 2012) was their first vote. Given you are 15 years older I can imagine...

I'm not sure how old is too old but I'm old enough to not give a fuck about Pewdiepie, but maybe the world passed me by.

19, man i wish i was 15 again

Also I kek when kids are like "do u remember 9/11". Nigger yes I do because I'm not a little kid or a Jagermeister drinking college bro faggot.

Are you a grand master wizard yet?

31 too. Ya feels bad man.

I'm 18 and I feel too old to be here. I unironically liked pol when I was 14 but now I just laugh at how dumb it all is

88 here. Feels good.

Same age. Only came back in the last year or so.

I rationalize it by saying I'm close to moot's age and was here since my early 20s.

People over 35 or past 40 are really wierd though, like hanging out in a highschool parking lot to chill wierd.

You faggots need to quit feeling sorry for yourselves.

t. 31 year old


Turning 27 next month. Been on this site for almost 11 years, after Nsider closed down I started frequenting before I just came for the dank memes.

Just f my shit up family.

>not giving a fuck about /ourguy/ savior of the white race PewDiePie

kys user

Nice trips friend.
> pewdiepie
> annoying orange
> grade A under A
My kids watch this crap and I think the world is passing them by.

On the other had I run a number of Minecraft servers and wonder what happened to Sup Forumscraft

The pic is Natassia Kinski, bit of a sex symbol from the 1980s, I had this poster in my closet as a boy. Her dad was loco and acted for the guy who directed Grizzly Man. Anyway, Sup Forums has a number of fogies and I was hoping to attract some of them.

> Drol was an Apple ][ game by Aik Beng


Feels good man. My dogs mouth that is, not my age...

>implying i give a fuck
My life was fucked anyway, might as well shitpost. Can't get much worse.

>6 years
I want to die.

But I like this place. There is always some shit going and a lot of shill threads but this beast just won't go down

23 and wish I was 18 again

88 I doubt but I believe 67 man. I'm glad to have some old timers in our company.



I'm 32 and also an undergrad at a university, so I pretty much spend all day around 18 - 22 year olds since when I'm not in class or the library, I'm on Sup Forums. I also look about 22. I feel like a secret agent. And to be honest, I fucking hate young people.

muh nigga. What was Trance scene like in the 90s and early 00s? Was it glorious as it sounds? Was it really mainstream?

26, I thought I was getting up there for this board. Y'all old as fuck.

I'm 18 and honestly I don't see how you could be "too old" for Sup Forums. We need everyone we can get.

I'm half your age. Make useful and give me some sound advice.

Kek, I'm 35. Come here pretty much for the memes and to see what the kids are into these days. I smoke pot and listen to lots of music new and old so that helps to stay in the young mindset.

I'm turning 27 next month too bro. Also I have no future and my life is a mess.

>tfw you realize you're one of the young ones as a 20 year old

>tfw 20


I don't know if I wish I was a teenager again because I'm pretty sure I'd fail with women by ignoring any girl who liked me just like the first time around

As an adult if I want some fuck I can probably just go on tindr or find a hooker, who needs love at this point

Try this one youngin'

Sound advice would get you out of this site so this might not be the best place to ask.

said no one in their right mind ever

Doing this shut for a decade kills your soul. Also, the decrease in quality is depressing. Oh well.

49. not old

I'm 20 and I feel like I'm always talking to 12 year olds on here.

I'm 46, turning 47 in May. I'm a crack addict and I'm on welfare so I have nothing better to do.

I dunno man I would go back to 15, was pretty good times, would like to do a do over on some things.

I guess it was bad if you hated high school or were bullied or something.

a year younger at 37.
Is everything supposed to be sore as soon as you hit 35?
Not painful but just gratingly sore?



>tfw kids today will never experience 5 1/4" floppy disks

I remember being in 4th grade in like 1997 and being blown the fuck away at grainy 5 second long animal video clips on this biology encylopedia CD in elementary school

Also playing Number Munchers and the original Oregon Trail, also Calvin and Hobbes and casual racism in pro rasslin'

Thanks man I suddenly feel better about myself


Omg youre right.

31. I still love this place and will always come back as long as it's up, even if idgaf about Pewdiepie.

Also 25

You and me bro, you and me. Turning 27 in July.


More like 1995 actually, I went to the original 1995 WCW World War 3 battle royal where Randy Savage won the 60 man battle royal.

Yeah. I would say around 35 is about right.

Same here. Found this site in 2006 or 2007 looking for wallpaper. Since Trayvon it's gotten too fucking funny not to pass up and started hitting it daily on my phone. That and most news is so filtered & controlled, this site is a breath of fresh air even with the juvenile shitposting.


Most times when i come here i browse the catalog and go elsewhere but every now and then there is a great thread on here that reminds me why i return day after day.

>double digits
don't succumb to their conditioning
there are no limits
you are only confined by the walls of your own mind

not if your in decent shape, empty, desolate depression seems to get worse however

>I'm 18 and I feel too old to be here. I unironically liked pol when I was 14

It all makes sense suddenly

I guess one redpill I learned too late is to hate gossip. You see, if you gossip you out yourself as someone who cannot be trusted, who likes to spill secrets, etc. Lots of stuff about being honorable will stem from that. Be prepared to be the last to know shit, but it is a good place to be.

Respond to my thread phaggots

44 here. I like Sup Forums for news and HAPPENINGS and memes

starting university this autumn at 39, just because I can, I'll probably have my masters at 44, just because I can

thank god I wasn't born into this faggot era, no joke

I'm 22 and I feel too old to be here, but I think that's because I've been here since I was 15 or something, back when mudkipz and boxxy were the memes du jour and there were hidden boards on Sup Forums and m00t would post and Sup Forums was ACTUALLY secretive

But I don't lurk for the memes now... I lurk for something greater : ^ )

61 , lurked man and boy,,,going no were dis be home an ting

Revived ancient Egyptian god here

Yeah maybe that would be the same thing with me...
But You should not visit hookers if you're still 25 man. In today's society you probably still have enough assets to score a casual club slut


im more concerned that kids will never experience the glory of a dangerwank to your dads VHS stash and the fear of ramming the rewind button as you hear your parents coming home, hoping you'll get the tape back to the correct timecode and restashed before you get thoroughly busted.

22. I feel like I'm 50 though. Physically at least.

Bones should not creak like this and eternal exhaustion sucks.

25 - was on here when I was 20 but became a full on SJW before a friend red-pilled me. Age wise I don't feel old or to depressed because I have a ok job and fiancé with big tits.

get out of here, kid. This thread isn't for you. Call mommy and daddy, tell them you're lost and they need to pick you up

Born 1980.

I come here because it's top notch news. It's about as non biased as you can find with MSM literally chimping out full lefty mode nowadays.

I consider myself a classic liberal, free speech for all, hate speech included. Fuck neocons and the new left.

>want to go to university
>realize I'm too old

55 here.

I remember you, you're that scanned driver's license user

kek. My buddies dad used to have a box of 80s/early90s porno mags we'd look at back in the day. Takes me back to my 56k days or looking at TGP sites with no preview on my Dreamcast (had a modem and browser)

Had a 14.4k modem but usually used that for Warcraft II

I did that once before too.
No one believed me in another thread similar to this.

Oh man I remember finding my Dads porn vhs that had some whore that had a black guy nude modelling for her to paint and on the same tape some weird vampire sex thing

Why? 25 is not too old.

I'm 26 and I feel way too old for this site. This praise kek shit is fucking retarded; I feel like I'm sharing a board with 14 year olds.

I'm not old but I think I should've left this site 7 years ago
I just cant do it

I could not agree more. When I discovered Sup Forums I was amazed so many people spoke English. And I hate the repressive PC world, so when the bantz ended and talk began, I felt connected to the world more than I ever had been. Also the sheer creativity, even the shitposting, come as you are attitude had a profound effect.


dafuq am i doing here?

Time moves very fast. If you want to do something, do it today not tomorrow if you don't want to live with regret.

fun for kids 8 to 88
slide thread

You're never too old to pursue knowledge. Just go.

66 female, and my President is 70. MAGA.
I'd love to see the young anons have a kick ass patriotic country like us oldfags here did. I started at pol a few days after Trump announced. I'm retired (post-NEET?)

nope, if you have any relevant work experience you're set for smooth sailing, at least that is what I expect for myself

Finally someone older than I am.


22, suck my dick oldfags I was born old

Old heads pls stay.

I like that we have elders here posting.

Shit, there wasn't any VCR's when I was a kid.
We had to find Dad's glossy mags.

I remember Hustlers first 2 years, my step dad got them every month. I was about 14.

The 70's were great though. All the girls were on Birth Control, no aids, no condoms, mad teen pussy to be had everywhere. I lived in Gainesville as a teen, big college, free concerts, it was awesome

21 here
>no degree
>no job

you've made it
I hope in 20 years' time my payg pension system still exists but I'm not holding my breath

tits or g--
nevermind user, carry on

im 18 im pretty old

get off my lawn

Honestly, regardless of the 'truth' and 'counter-culture' that Sup Forums users say is the primary reason people use this site I think it's because it's funny that people stay here. You get into the other parts when you consider that it's less moderated than most boards, but it has to be entertaining first.

>tfw used to shitpost on Darkode and got hacked for it

I'm 21. I've been here for 5 fucking years. I feel too old for Reddit. Too much angsty liberal crying.


>feels old man

go to japan as exchange students