Defend this pol, I fucking dare you

Defend this pol, I fucking dare you.

America is a police state. That ship sailed years ago. You freedomfags are toast. Sorry to say.

I don't see the problem
if they've got nothing to hide why hide

we still have lots of guns, unlike you leaf maple syrup nigger faggots

They're overcompensating for the TSA's major fuck-up just a few days ago, that's how it works in a bureaucracy, faggots.

I've seen this type of shit on a fucking greyhound bus from boston to new york as early as 2009

Tell that one to the brits
there's not a place they can go without a CCTV camera being shoved up their ass

>going to an airport
>not expecting to show your id several times

what did they think was going to happen?

You mean people are doing their job? It really makes me think.

Holy shit they also check everyone's ID at the bar. Fucking statist pigs.

> Can I see your ID?

You can pull that shit in the US? Is that even legal?
If I tell that to a Guardia Civil he takes me to a back room takes his dingo and puts it inside my anus

Bad feels. Can't travel down the highway with out my papers getting check every couple of miles now can't even travel on domestic flights with out my papers being checked.

They did that on I flight I was on recently. But I'm tall and handsome so they let me through without checking a thing.

Wait don't you have to show ID to board the plane in the first place? Something doesn't add up here.

What fuck up was that?

you are all idiots. They had information that someone on that flight has a warrant for their arrest. Please think before you post you faggots

i doubt they're checking "every passener," or else there would be a lot of angry people stuck in that airplane for a long ass time.

t. poorfags who have never actually flown anywhere


>we still have lots of guns

Why don't you use them for anything useful? I mean think about it:

>be american
>go to airport
>get harassed by authorities
>go to high school
>get harassed by authorities
>go to sports stadium
>get harassed by authorities
>drive down road
>get harassed by authorities
>drive through border state
>get harassed by authorities "immigration checkpoint, Sir!"
>go to Washington landmarks
>get harassed by authorities
>protest elected officials
>get harassed by authorities

...but I guess since you still have guns, it's okay.

Doing good work those lads.

You shouldn't worry about people travelling on a plane


It is only illegal if you are already being detained for questioning. If it is a passing conversation, then you can refuse. It will likely arouse great suspicion, though, and present you to a situation where it would be illegal.

This is when they are leaving the plane.

Trigger liberals easy mode.
> go in liberal jewbook page
> "LOL, OMG! You won't believe this, ask Siri, "Who is the current president of the United States?"
> prepare for asspained replies

This, ladies and gentlemen, is how actual fascists states are created.

A bunch of security gate agents didnt show up for work or something. A security checkpoint was completely unmanned, like a dozen or so people looked around and just walked on through.

the planes were CGI on 9/11

>Be American
>Government starts actually oppressing you
>Shoot them
>Be Leaf
>Government starts actually oppressing you

But you don't have to worry, the day of the rake will come far sooner then Trudeau's cuck forces.

? You have to show id to get /on/ the plane in the first place. I don't know what the deal is but there's more to the story, I'm sure.

Well Americans have the right to have their IDs checked on a result basis in order to ensure the constitution is being upheld.

>nu male profile pic
yeah this checks out

The airport and airplane are private property, you agree to the terms when you buy the ticket.

It was a joke you autistic faggot.

doesn't look like they are using force also who the fuck cares they checked every passenger so it's not like the left can claim discrimination

Yes, so there must have been something that happened to make them check again. Otherwise why waste time?

>Defend this pol, I fucking dare you.
Is it possible that this is an interception of a criminal?

Maybe if there weren't faggots who break the law so much they wouldn't have to. Don't blame them, they're just trying to keep people safe, blame the faggot criminals which ruin it for everyone else

>you should be able to fly without ID
>police never have the right to identify people

full retard

Meh, no problem. I usually keep it handy for a flash along with my wallet, I usually want these things because people jack your shit in lines all the time. It's nothing to flash an 'official' some ID. Get off your fucking high horses. Even the highest commanders in your fabled dream military have to show identification from time to time. Who gives a fuck?

And if you don't want to flash ID or think we shouldn't have to, again, get off your fucking high horse there buck-o. You're not more important than anyone or anything else. This is merely us as a species doing something more efficient that we should have done for a long time. Inventory.

>Checking ID
>Asks Sup Forums to defend

Are you really this retarded? I mean, Common Core much?

Maybe they suspect there's someone illegal on board?

In theory, that's how it should work. Here how it has worked in practice, so far:

>be american
>government starts oppressing you
>bitch about it online
>defend second amendment
>government issues more oppressive legislation
>bitch about it online
>incumbents get reelected
>one guy goes to protest with a rifle over his shoulder
>amazingly, the oppressive legislation still gets passed
>amazingly, Bush gets a second term.
>amazingly, Obama gets a second term.
>amazingly, you think that the government and its enforcers are intimidated by your semi-automatic weapons.

Seriously dude, I'm with you in spirit. But everything that's happened over the last 8-10 years makes me think Americans are too pacified and comfortable to EVER rebel or have a civil war or major assassination. Knowing you guys, the next assassination will be committed by an SJW because some politician signed something opposing trans marriage at the state level or some shit.

>defend this pol
Defend what nigger?

Right, but why is a government agency responsible for protecting/defending private property of a for-profit company at the expense (and dignity) of the citizens and taxpayers?

So goddamn close

>doing anything interesting or yuge
el em ay oh

>go to airport for my flight
>put my stuff on the thing
>go through detector
>get pulled to the side
>lady hugs me for a bit looking for stuff
>let go and get my stuff
wtf i was raped and my rights were violated
also one time one of the people looking at the passports and putting in stamps took a while longer than what the previous people had to wait like wtf how could they do a thing like that??

I literally want a free, federally-issued National ID for shit like this, so...

Completely honestly asking though: What's a potential negative outcome of this? If everyone had ID that is. I think I might honestly be missing something.

Unless you're a Muslim degenerate you have nothing to fear. m a g a

yeah but the hot smoke from the other buildings badly damaged it and it could no longer support itself

That black dude in Dallas did something interesting, but for gay ass reasons.

look at that force they're using!!!! omfg

I like how you don't mention WHY they were checking everyone's shit.

They received a lead of a committed crime.
Visibly checking licenses to double check they didn't allow a suspect on the flight.

2ez. Fucking libs

Kek confirms

hey maybe if there hadn't been dozens of airplane hijackings since the '60s which culminated in that one time those planes crashed into those buildings this sort of stuff wouldn't be necessary

It might have been a poor choice of words, but I think the implication that it was an involuntary ID check.

omfg they are doing their job, NOOOOOOoooooooo!@

Thanks. Was going to post boobs in thanks but thought better of it.

>Flying isn't a right
Keep trying faggot.


Literally kingly asking her for her passport and documents. Why do liberals over exaggerate

whats next? they give trump the nuclear codes? ffs

As opposed to what, a voluntary one?
>hey officer, do you mind checking my ID? thanks

it's an airport. you could be asked at any time.

Honestly this. While the right to armaments is fundamental to the security of a republic the leaf is correct. People always talk about "I would totally fight tyranny" but they never actually do and the few who do are treated as lunatics and terrorists.

Generally its fine here. Only cities and shops have CCTV the countryside and older non chain shops sometimes don't have CCTV.

>An ID-check on an airport
How is this humiliating in any way?

I welcome it, honestly.

They check it at Check-In, when entering Boarding Area, and before actually boarding the plane. After landing you show it at Migrations in case of international flight. What is one more check, just in case?

The leaf is on point you sperg

Cost and getting people to participate. A lot of people live under the radar and can survive just fine without any official ID.

Great! Let's keep going steady then.

"if you have nothing to hide" retards are the worst, they don't understand anything

Makes sense.

Is upholding the law indefensible where you at Tyrone?
Sheeeiiit nigger.

Yes of course it's a conspiracy as the building was completely unscathed.

I don't need to defend it, there's nothing wrong. Why don't you explain why it's bad.

It is the equivalent of demanding one's papers in Nazi germany to prove you are a citizen. It is done randomly, without probably cause, without due process. In essence, the problem is that it implies guilt until innocence is "proven."

Citizens are supposed to be able to travel freely in their own country without harassment from authorities.

weird how everyone is defending it after you dared them. You shoulda triple dog dared them homie.

PS: you gotta go back.

sounds good!

Not that I want it to happen... but another huge terrorist attack would shut all these people up so fucking fast.

I don't have to defend anything, our agents are obviously defending the country for me. God bless.

>sir are you a citizen of the United States?
Yes, here is my I'd
>ok thank you, carry on

Liberal faggots that fight everything for the sake of fighting are the worst, actually.

First post best post. Sadly true.
But right now they're after spics and muzzies. Once we get rid of them won't need so much police.

Can someone explain to me why checking ID is such a problem?

>like a dozen or so people looked around and just walked on through.

Illegals move around domestically dumbass. Any opportunuty to eradicate them is cool with me

Yea, but here you are supposed to be able to travle freely to other eu-countries, but they still do random checks every now and then, I fail to see the problem,

I mean this is one flight I don't see the big deal about it, if you are flying anywhere you should have nothing to hide at least I would hope.
Cunts acting like it's full on police state over there.

Good idea.

Sir, have you ever used drugs or broken the law?
Sir, come with me. We're going to bring you over to secondary to ask you a few more questions.


>Buzzer goes off because of metal on my boots
>Take them off
>Some guy pats me down
>put my boots back on
>continue on my way

Literally this is the most hassle you will ever get and it takes a whole 3 minutes.

Lol dignity

Illegal spics have no dignity

IDs are racist, didn't you hear?

uh they checked the id of everyone who got on the plane to fucktard

Some wood putty and a can of paint would sort that out.
I've seen shitty Baghdadi building that are practically shells still standing strong.

we gotta move 11-20MM people south, so i imagine they're grabbing up the low hanging fruit now so the numbers look good for the first month.

That's your second post?

The pic you posted is perfectly ok. That is a fact and literally not open for debate.

It's not harrasment, if you are a legal citizen it takes a moment, if not then he didn't have that right in the first place.