Transgender Bathroom Bills

Is there any rational argument in favor of Transgender Bathroom bills? Will they actually do anything in terms of reducing sexual violence or meaningfully improve the comfort and security of non-Transgender occupants?

It seems to me like these Transgender Bathroom bills are simply designed to make life hard for Transgender individuals.

Why can't they just go to the bathroom that fits what they look like

Why is this shit even an issue, it's a fucking bathroom where you shit and piss

Wouldn't be an issue if they could pass.

Make traps great again.

Then you get into these nonbinary dumbasses and its a whole cluster fuck

these tbphwypham

They still resemble one gender more than the other, at least to the extent that they could go into that bathroom and not raise any eyebrows

This issue is so far downstream people are confused.

We shouldn't be accepting this "transgender" bullshit in the first place. The active and incessant media push to normalize trannies in the past two or three years has been so successful, it's taken for granted that it's something we need to find a way to accommodate. We don't need to accommodate them in any way except providing psychiatric treatment or locking them up.

We should push for "ending the sexist system of bathroom segregation"

Both sides are dumb.

For one it's preposterous to think you'd be able to force passable trannies to use the bathroom of their biological sex, or that any place would even be able to enforce that.

But at the same time it really only effects those trannies that don't make an effort to pass, so it's pretty pointless to protest the bill seeing as how nobody's really going to enforce it anyway.

Sure, but I'm saying if they feel like they're the opposite on that particular day and go into the wrong one then we got issues

Haven't single occupant restrooms been a thing since forever?

Have u heard of ze alien attackus?

What you're saying is that if I look more like my friend than unalike, I should be able to use his ID. That is, if I can "pass" for him, it's okay.

Daily reminder that "trans people" literally do not exist and that autogynephila is a furry-tier fetish.

You wouldn't play along if a furry told you that they will kill themselves if you don't pretend their fursona is real, would you? Of course not.



Wtf is this new alien meme

Do you have the real image?

these are great for large capacity events like sporting matches and conventions

They're not meant to reduce sexual violence, they're meant to set tone and not enable mentally ill freaks to mutilate themselves. The more you pander to trannies the more effeminate boys chop off their dicks instead of manning up.

This, can someone here explain?

When Sup Forums stopped working for a few hours some faggot decided to meme that it was because someone posted an image of a real alien, and other people just went along with it.

>It seems to me like these Transgender Bathroom bills are simply designed to make life hard for Transgender individuals.

It seems to me that trans people just want to make life harder for the rest of us.

Is this honestly what they want?

Call me crazy, but I think this "woman" should probably be using the men's room.

In reality some faggot was trying an ARP, and the site going down had nothing to do with it.

That isn't the issue though. No one cares what passable trannies are doing, the issue is since these days you can just say you are a female, Apache helicopter etc and no one can question you without being called a bigot, regular men who want to go into the women's restroom are welcome to do so under the law.

The stupid part is how so much concern is put into less than 1% of the population. All public bathrooms are gross, any normal person makes a trip to one as speedy as possible and does their best to not look at others.

You are crazy. this """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""woman"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" needs to be publicly executed

>have vagina
Go to women's room
>have penis
Go to men's room

>someone asks why man is in the women's room or woman is in the men's room
Then they explain their biological sex to the person and tell them they are playing dress up

Why? For what purpose? If it's about making everyone involved feel more comfortable, I'd argue that all parties would probably feel better if this "man" used the woman's restroom.
If it's about protecting people from sexual assault, where do you think "he" is more likely to be sexually assaulted? In the men's room, or the women's room?

>let's make millions of americans feel uncomfortable so that we can cater to a a small percentage of americans with mental illness.

Seperate bathrooms by gender are a thing for the same reason Trespassing laws are a thing. Using the wrong bathroom/ being on somebody's property without consent aren't harmful by themselves per say, but those things are illegal because they almost always precede actions that are harmful, and give legal authority to remove that person from the premises.

Some man in a dress wanting to piss in the women's bathroom or use the women's changing room isn't really a big deal by itself. But for every one man in a dress you have you'll have 5000 creeps who are in there to watch women dress/shit, and now because you decided to cater to 0.2% of the population you have absolutely no ability to legally remove that person until they start tugging one out right there or something.

On one hand, I'm glad Trump is doing this because it's the sane thing to do, but on the other hand he's depriving us of the leftist asspain we'd get to enjoy when they can't do anything about the naked guy just sitting around in the women's changing room with a towel over his lap.

I can't believe i have to explain this shit to people.

for what reason?

>Is there any rational argument in favor of Transgender Bathroom bills?
No, nor should there be I don't think. I mean it's bad enough already that we have to share bathrooms with niggers who make a shitty mess and vandalize it with shitty cRap music lyrics, as if they are stuck in the late 90's forever and ever or something. Not only that I imagine that perverts would do the same thing that niggers tend to do and never flush the damn toilet. I've been in fist-fights over than last one and even spent the night in jail over it since I'm "white and ray-sis"


That faceberg meme really triggers my neurons.

All FtM's pass as manlets easily, they should definitely go to the men's bathroom. It's not like they're going to rape anyone or make men uncomfortable. If they went to the women's bathroom, it'd just weird people out.

Men should only be allowed in the female's restroom if they've taken estrogen for an extended amount of time and have no sex drive or physical strength. Putting effort into resembling a woman should also be required.

Fuck nonbinaries, though. There's only 2 genders, fucking pick one.

The bills are misguided but are designed to serve the majority of the public instead of a tiny minority that, frankly, is getting too much attention (and for an issue nobody really cares about).

And no, the Democrats don't care, either. They just needed a new political weapon to use on Republicans after they lost muh gay marriage.

It wasn't an issue before the LGBTOMGBBQ activist types and the Democrats threw away the gay marriage club they had been beating the Republicans with for years. They had to replace it with something.

But most sane people don't agree that tranny bathroom laws are the same thing as fag marriage laws.

Unisex bathrooms solve every problem

Keeping perverted, insane 6'2' 210 lb men out of women's rest rooms

Common sense


I hope women enjoy taking shits now while weirdos are sitting in the next stall jacking off to them