White nationalism is a cult

>be loser at school
>black kids were nice to me
>south asian kids were nice to me
>piece of shit arrogant white chads bullied me
>white stacies were meanest to me, black girls just ignored me and south asian girls were relatively nice.

why should i care about the white race Sup Forums? even now, i get on better with non-whites. every white i meet is a pretentious arrogant faggot. why can't i have a chinese girlfriend and non-white friends? what is so bad about diversity and so great about white people that actually affects your life?

>muh heritage
dont care

Other urls found in this thread:


I want to interbreed my seminal fluids with her slanted eggs

>I was bullied so the obvious superiority of white culture is a meme

I don't hate minorities and had plenty of minority friends too. Doesn't mean I want the country to be flooded with brown people.


>why can't i have a chinese girlfriend and non-white friends?

Absolutely nothing, unless you object to me only marrying a white woman and having white children and not having any non-white friends.

You sound like quite the loser.

Nonwhite nigger or sandnigger or kike of self-hating faggot detected. Fuck out of Anglo Saxon land you shitskin nigger.

My mum told me if you fuck a tranny hard enough he'll get pregnant anyway - life finds a way.

shill threads saged

I have faith in you and your based mum.

there is no "white culture".

Your mom sounds like an interesting woman.

Yes there is you fucking filthy sandnigger

White man, stand up for your race. No one else will for you.

i'm white but i grew up in a city. every problem in my life has been because of "fellow whites".

>be a loser at school
Get in where you fit in, undesirable.

Nice try nigger, fuck off from ANGLO SAXON LAND you parasite.


there is no "white culture", there is different cultures associated with white people. only an american would believe "white culture" exists, there's no such notion here.

Just stop with this shit.

funny it was the complete opposite for me

I've never experienced racism from whites, but certainly experienced it from Mexicans and Blacks

Sup Forums is just massively depressed adult virgins who need to feel superior to someone so they don't commit suicide

cults prey on these type of people all the time

They are all White Culture you dumbass.
What are Germans? What are Poles? What are any indigenous people of Europe? They are White. They are not niggers, they are not sandniggers, they are not beaniggers, they are not riceniggers, they are WHITE.
So yes there is such a thing as White Culture you fucking NEET.

The traitors must be the first to die. Your ancestors look down on you in shame at how weak you are. All they fought for their whole lives comes to you as a birthright and you squander where you come from and turn your back. Even Christ himself must judge you harshly. I feel only sorrow for your family. For you there is no pity.

You don't matter OP. You'll like anyone who is nice to you. You're weak by your own admission. Go and cower to whoever you judge will be your protector. That is the cheap price of your allegiance.

>My mum told me if you fuck a tranny hard enough he'll get pregnant anyway

Obviously, otherwise you wouldn't be alive

Whites expect more of you

As with all other "group" bullshit, it's just an arbitrary grouping that's designed to manipulate you towards some goal. In many cases, it's towards a bad thing.

But white nationalism at the current moment seems like it stands for good things. It's basically a proxy for "American interests", so you get the lunacy of a black guy who agrees with the alt-right because he's culturally American.

we are just racially aware and want to do something about W.G. of course you anti-whites will ridicule and slander us for loving our people.

that's why racial pride is stupid. what race are you?

they probably wouldn't be so depressed if they didn't have such retarded ideals. non-whites have been nicer to me throughout my whole life.

So by your logic shouldn't OP WANT to be here because he's a giant loser?

Fuck off you fucking kike damn

All cultures of white ethnicities are white culture, just like Manchu and han and taoist culture are all Chinese.

Saving your shit thread you faggot
I had black friends before, if you love them so much go live in a majority black area and see how they run it and treat you. That is what made me racist.

they are europeans with their own cultures. "white culture" doesn't exist in a unified way. a polish worker is less like a white brit then a 4th generation black carribbean guy.

*tips fedora*

Exactly Comrade. These faggots are probably antifa upper middle class NEETS that live in secured segregated communities. Fucking hypocritical faggots. They know niggers and nonwhites are savages yet they protest against the intrests of their own people and side with subhuman-tier people that would kill them and eat them if they lived in a third world country.

nigger invader detected

i bet most of Sup Forums is from all white areas which is why you have this fantasy in your head that all non-whites are just these savage beasts that hate you.

Marry an Asian but not a bonger or one with out a real career. I used to try to drop red pills on my asian wife and she looks disappointment that my parents didnt train me better. Based as fuck.

>obvious superiority of white culture
I work in a liquor store and half the customers are white degenerate alcoholics who don't bathe

I want to deposit my sperm in "her" butthole


Christ isn't white, my ancestors were raping indians and their slaves doubt they give a fuck.

>white culture
People from other races can have the western culture too (2nd and 3rd generation immigrants)

Like I said, I lived in a black majority area. I worked with them, I lived with them, I was friends with them, I loved them. I listened to what they said, what they believe, I saw how they act, and I became disgusted. You should live in Baltimore yourself rather than lecture me about what I believe, I lived it, and I have been harmed enough by this naive social conditioning that destroys society.

American white culture IS the melding of black west africans and eurotrash.

People all have their differences, but united we stand, divided we fall.

Unlike you i actually live in a nigger and spic infested shit-tier city. I know the savagery and anti-white racism that nonwhites enact upon white americans.
That is why all my life growing up i had to learn how to fight and be a man or else i would get punked like all of these other white beta cuck faggots.
I am an Aryan Man and i will not cover before any filthy fucking nigger. My race has been a warrior race and i will not let any subhuman try to punk me.
Fuck you for being a cowardly anti-white faggot you piece of shit.

Breddu gud

Yes, He is.

> Implying niggers are white

>I met a group of black people.
>I can speak about all non whites in the world

I live in New Mexico and am white.

Believe me, when shitskins have a majority population like they do here they are truly savage beasts.

He is white actually you faggot

i think its actually that most of us have experienced both
white people are fucking amazing
non whites are fucking shit

you cant have a hardened view like this without experiencing both sides

Maybe that's because you work in a liquor store in a majority white country.

>asking Sup Forums permission about your personal life


> Because nonwhites in Western Nations are equal-tier with the indigenous white population in terms or intelligence and behavior.
> Muh ((( Civic Nationalism )))
Fuck off spic.

While I would personally consider that degenerate I suspect around here you'll get a pass.

dang, how much money did you pay to get that picture

You should try living in the hollers of appalachia and sit in on the retarded white churches of let's convulse on the floor and deny that dinosaurs are real. I'm more afraid of poor white people than poor blacks, and I'm white. Black people know that if they break the law not even that hard, they'll be served justice swiftly. Black people always face justice when they break the law. Poor white people slide by all the time. I've seen juries drop the charges on shithead alcoholics doing petty burglaries because the evidence was arguably circumstantial. I know that my all white peers would've sent a black man of similar shit upstate.

>anti-white racism
That's what happens when you obsess about race, if you mistreat POC, they are eventually going to hate you too.

Shills everywhere

Go get your dick sucked on Plebbit with that lame shit.

You sound like you'd be just peachy if your daughter came home with a GOALD TEEFED nigger.

>south asian girls were relatively nice.

Y u lai


>shill thread
>chink slut as image
Every time.

Whatever you say. My only guess is you are a hebrew and thus nothing more than an outcast in Gods eyes. Those without hope often cast aside truth in favour of liesure and greed. Such are the hebrews.

> Because all non-white nations are utopian advanced civilizations.

Bullshit. We didn't attack anybody. Racism was dead and the Jews revived it to try to genocide whites. Blacks are the biggest racists in America.

No, a lot of us have actually have experinced niggers and dune coons in real life and thus know that all non-whites are just these savage beasts that hate us.

They can be equal. Many non-whites get successful in your white nations. Look at your top universities. They are very racially diverse. Look at your high-tech CEOs.

If you're friends with blacks and south asians you probably aren't in "regular" classes (classes for idiots) but among the high end blacks and south asians
so you don't mean the niggers, you're meeting the ones who are actually smart
you however just have more whites around you so you're likely to find more that are assholes

Go to Africa then if you hate Whites so much you cuck.

ok fine its our fault
theres only one solution

why do you think im lying?

Not gonna lie, former white guy here, I gotta say, seeing white people get fucked in the ass has been HILLARIOUS

National Socialism > White Nationalism


>White nations have always been utopian advanced civilizations.

Do white americans actually learn about their own people's history? Western economic and social prosperity is new

It literally is that simple though. You have way better opportunities in America if you learn to deal with more types of people. The criminal element is always unreliable, and it's in every group of people. Hanging out with black people is fun. Going to Mexican family barbecues is fun. I'm not saying that different races don't act different, or present different forms of cultural manipulation, but fucking chill out on this shit because you'll burn out never having had a good life.

You guys are really all so cool, pointing out the problems in other races while most of you are underemployed, lazy fucks that shouldn't breed in the first place.

No, I can recognize patterns, when I put away the idiotic thought process which I was taught by "tolerant" ones like you.

Mexicans act a certain way, black Americans act a certain way. Countries and cities are the result of their citizens. Social trends and population patterns exist. You can judge groups without condemning individuals. Tribalism is global, natural, and ingrained in humanity.

And there is nothing wrong with whites having a area of our own and looking out for our interests, anyone who says otherwise is a racist.

>I can't believe white people invented the nuclear codes

>if you mistreat POC

Mistreat in this context means "fail to give enough free stuff to", correct?

>Racism was dead
You know that's not true. Many americans are culturally very racists towards mexicans and blacks.

Maybe is more your ancestor's fault. You currently should promote better race relationships instead of all that white nationalism propaganda, if you want to stop the anti-white racism.

>palpable ignorance to history and economics

" Many nonwhites get succesful in YOUR WHITE NATIONS"
They need to live in WHITE CIVILIZATION and need to be educated by whites, and use white inventions, and learn White behavior.
They wouldn't amount to shit living amongst their subhuman-tier race.
This proves that the Aryan Race is the Superior Race and reality fucking shows this.
We DON'T need nonwhites, non-whites NEED US or else they would go extinct and live in Mad-Max Apocalyptic Style Societies.

Anecdotal stories about how children at school treated you does not represent nationalism you fucking cunt.

If you can look at the world at large, and people older than 12, you'll realize that non-whites are mental about their race and culture, and despise whites. White nationalism is to preserve our culture and pride from other races.

You know that parody image where all the beautiful people from other races are compared to some ugly fucking troll to show how stupid white supremacy is?

It's true. But not in the way you think.

See, pretty people always have it easy. Race is irrelevant. THEY'RE the ones you remember. When you say "every white I meet," think back. Admit it to yourself. you're only remembering the pretty ones.

It's the average people you need to be paying attention to. The ones who DON'T get special treatment. The ones who DON'T have egos the size of city buses. Then look at their accomplishments.

The white ubermensch is not the hollywood ideal. It is not the most sexually attractive. It is the collective success of millions and millions of perfectly average people accomplishing things no other race has accomplished.

Think of any major historical figure and what they've accomplished.

Now google them.

UGLY AS SHIT, 50% of the time. Indescernable from any random Gary you will meet in your life 49%, and that last 1% goes to the handsome and beautiful. And their accomplishments are usually summed up as "being handsome or beautiful."

Give it a try.

Don't get hung up on what arrogant, pretentious faggots think or say. They're irrelevant.

And if you're more concerned about who's nice to you... then you're in the wrong fucking species.

You should read about the British Empire, the Spanish Empire, the Roman and Greek Empires, France, Germany...it is not new. It stretches back OVER 2200 years. You must be brand new to Sup Forums if you think that lie can get anywhere here.

Chinese demand for silver is the only reason North America got super prosperous, that and disease wiping out the people that actually had their shit together here.

The Industrial Revolution as a white thing only lead to globalism, which if you check the temperature of the ocean annually, is going to end the species.

No. Most racists are racists for a reason. They live in places where blacks are numerous.

>Maybe is more your ancestor's fault. You currently should promote better race relationships instead of all that white nationalism propaganda, if you want to stop the anti-white racism.

i dont care about stopping antiwhite racism
i wish to defeat it by lessening the amount of your kind here

>Social trends and population patterns exist
Of course, but you can't judge entire races by that logic. You can, if anything, only talk about people in certain geographical regions, from certain cultural backgrounds, age, etc.

I can't understand tribalism because i'm from a mixed-raced nation and that doesn't make sense for us at all.

>you'll realize that non-whites are mental about their race and culture, and despise whites.
yeah ok my school was probably 35% non-white, i live in an area now which is maybe 50% white.

>Aussies proven bantmasters once again

I live in New York CIty. Everywhere I go I'm expected to be a numale and apologize/discuss and admit my "privilege." The minorities (who are actually majorities) use sheer numbers and they're nonstop whining to force politicians and people into giving them special privilege, all the while complaining about how much better whites have it. Cancer.

poor white people are definitely way more embarrassing than any other race

>poor black kid
>fit, athletic
>doesnt afraid of anything

>poor white kid
>fat, whiney
>just does drugs he buys from minorities

whites are also way more likely to be alcoholics which is the most shit tier drug ever

National Socialism = White Nationalism you NEET.
> Implying N.S is Shill ((( Civic Nationalism))).
> Forgetting that National Socialism was invented mainly for the Aryan Race.
> It works so well that shitskin nonwhites can TRY to apply it to their own nations but won't succed.
> In order for N.S to work you need A) a homogeneous society.
B) Average racial I.Q to be about 95+
> That Excludes about 80-90% of the Global Population
> Get Rekt

>having a area of our own and looking out for our interests

"OUR" interests? White people are millions, they all have different political views, opinions, needs and interests. Believe white people have common interests is like saying tall people or blue-eyed people have common interests.

Hi user, Chad here.
I'm sorry.

>parents hated you so much they let you go to a vibrant school

You mean history filled with Great Advancements in everything that there is to know?
What has YOUR race done to advance humanity?