Tbqh the Soviets did Russia a favour by smoking these inbred fucks

tbqh the Soviets did Russia a favour by smoking these inbred fucks.

Here in Britain we still have the misfortune of being ruled by their equally inbred cousins who live in luxury while they let niggers and Muslims take over the country. The fact that the IRA got one of these dickheads is the one good thing they did.

It was jewish komissars sponsored by the British and German crowns who used Lithuanian peasants to execute the royal family before they for rescued.
May the blood of the royal family be on them and their children for 1000 generations.

>It was jewish komissars sponsored by the British and German crowns who used Lithuanian peasants to execute the royal family before they for rescued.
Based Jews.

Taking out the trash in Europe and in the middle-east.

>t. jidf

Wtf i love jews now

Just to think, they almost got rid of the curse for killing Jesus(100 generations), and then they added another 20 million martyrs to their belt.
There is a special place in hell for jews.

Ah but you see hell doesn't exist.

Or so they hope.

Every action has an equal or greater reaction. You didn't think all of those murders would have no consequence?(maybe not in this life, but the next one for sure)
The synagogue of satan is being uncovered as we speak.

Lets give it up for based Yakov "Romanov Childer Brain Spiller", "Taking out little ones with miniguns", "Royal rugrat regicide", "Taking a sawed off to every Romanov", "Bullet in the back of every Haemophiliac", "Moscow monarch mangler" "Kid killing kommando", "Minor mutilator", "Nicky's nipper incinerator", "Tmosk tyke torturer", Yurovsky

Yehuda, literally the name of the Antichrist

>You didn't think all of those murders would have no consequence?

And thus far that seems to have held true. Well except for the ones implicit in it that got executed by Stalin.

Brilliant. I just thought of another one.

"Christfag crucifier".

I know several people who are grandchildren of hardcore communists. They are all cursed. No luck in life whatsoever, drug addicts and alcoholics, and all because they are paying the price for their grandparents sins. Not to mention retarded and disabled children they all seem to have.
Karma is a bitch, and she barely got started on them.

>Not to mention retarded and disabled children they all seem to have.
I think that might have more to do with the fact that their parents are drug addicts and alcoholics.

Regicide is the most heinous of crimes. Monarchs rule by divine authority. The kikes who killed him will have a special place in hell for sins including but not limited to:
1. Atheism
2. Being kikes
3. Regicide
4. Kikes
5. Communist kikes
6. Treason
7. Treasonous commie kikes who literally kill babies

Fetal Alcohol Syndrome spanning several generations makes for some pretty fucked up mutations.
Ever read about the Ukrainians who gave birth to genderless or hermaphrodite children after Chernobyl?

Yeah, it's fucked.

Ukrainians in general are pretty fucked though so I guess they fit in okay.

>Monarchs rule by divine authority.
That's very funny.

Gahddamn, I can actually agree on something with a brit.
Hell must be freezing over.

>t. Abdul al-Corbyn

Tbh if the Bolsheviks had been pragmatists and were willing to change up their approach to things based on results instead of being rigid autist communist ideologues the Soviet Union could have turned out fine, much, much better than it ended up being. They basically could have implemented something similar to NatSoc or Strasserism.

This post was powered by petrol.

>Monarchs rule by divine authority.
Nah, that's flawed reasoning. They can rule with the Mandate of Heaven, but we should acknowledge that monarchy is the best form of government without needing to bring religion into it.

>monarchy is the best form of government

>Jewish or Arabic
>Can't into government
Neck yourself old boy.

Actually I'm Irish.

>Can't into government
Monarchies are pretty shit. It's all about that fascism now.

>Actually I'm Irish.
Close enough.