>white >men

Why are white men so fucking ugly and effeminate?

>pale skin
>light hair
>feminine feature
>balding in their 20s
>no sense of style

No wonder white women are going for ethnics these days.

Other urls found in this thread:


>and still conquers the world and has super oppressing mind powers
It's called: you have an inferiority complex.

t. Abdelmahjid Mubarak Mustafa Mohammed al-Haida

Triggered cumskins


>White """men"""

I think I just threw up in my mouth a little.

Balding is a fucking serious issue

You can't seriously be this dense. This is like dog shit dense.



Swedish "men" are the biggest pussies in the world. Is it true you menstrate anally?

Ugly cumskin.

Le triggered shitskin


I got the balding thing around 25. Luckily I have a nice head, not a thumbhead.

It's true. We white men have the Cuckold Gene. Black men have the Warrior Gene. We are not even worthy to gaze upon the faces of these powerful, muscular Black Gods that walk among us. We are their Slaves and our women are their Playthings. And this is how it should be.

You're just another balding white cuck.

Shit genes, ugly, pasty skin that burns in the sun, literally subhuman.

You really think the average white man looks like that ugly freak?

Blacks and arabs are NATRUALLY masculine. Cumskins have to lift weights and read books on how to be men. Fucking pathetic betas lol

Good bait senpai, good bait. If you took a second to stop raping little boys I am sure you could google it yourself.

You trying to rustle some jimmies with your patheticly obvious bait posting?


also, sage


Africans are naturally skinny and weak.

Seen a little nig ruin his rotator cuff DB pressing 45s LOL

Are you mad that swedish boys get routinely raped by blacks and arabs?

It's hard to tell boys from girls in Sweden.

>cant manage a country
>rapes boys
>rapes in general
>monkey genes

very stronk maen

I wholeheartedly agree with you. Ultimately the only place for white "men" is to serve our superior Black and Middle Eastern Masters. We must become their Slaves, Servants and Fucktoys. Every white "man" must be ready to sacrifice his pride, dignity and even sexual liberty to service the Superior Race of Black Men.

Ahmed is to triggered
Okay i'll bite it. Nordic men were probably a lot more handsome than any other black man or shitskin
Too mad because got rejected by a white woman?

You seem more agitated than I am, boy.

And yeah I suppose, goats and men both have beards so I assume you take wrong on them aswell.

>white men are effeminate
>white men are oppressing us

pick one

Blacks don't even need to lift weight to look better than 99% of whites.

Why do you think white women are getting blacked every day?

Did you assume my skin color?

the early morn memes are strong with these lads.

The ONLY attractive white men are guys like Brad Pitt and Ryan Gosling that you see in movies.

Most white men are fucking ugly balding skinnyfat beta losers with glasses.

Joke as much as you will but Swedish women are being fucked by blacks and arabs as I type this.

OP doesn't genuinely believe shitskins are better.
Sandniggers just happened to have oil in their land that we take.
Africa had plenty of slaves for us to take.
China has lots of children to make our clothes.
We own the world.
No contest as to who is the master race.

Many baits, many keks.



>when every country you've ever been in control of is third world
Yikes user I'd be insecure too

I believe that blacks have a slightly more athletic build because of selective slave breeding. Also, blacks from Africa are more physically fit because they literally have to be physically fit to function in a third world farming and hunting society. Truth is they are stuck in the times. Whites created a society where they dont have to chase down an animal with a spear in 2017. I know in college almost all blacks in sports were on steroids. A lot of blacks in highschool even used steroids in hopes of getting a chance at college or pro sports. They couldnt even rely on education to excel in life.

A British guy gives his opinion.

That's really weird, i live in a mostly shitskin country, and the non whites are really ugly.
Also white woman are the ones who most dislike non whites, i say that by personal experience.
Turn that proxy off, Ahmed.

>8 posts by this ID
Get off the internet muzzie monkey

The more I lift the more im unimpressed by the buff black guy meme.
They are always entry level guys just covered in oil and stuck through photoshop. With small arms and dyel bodies.

I love a slightly light tan white man with deep brown here

And yet we still steal yo wimmin whiteboi

I don't know who these guys are but they both look like manlets. They are maybe 6 feet tall, but the muscles make them look like manlets. Meanwhile, a skinny 6' man looks like a fucking tower.

this. The physical genetic differences between whites and blacks are miniscule. They amount to the top percentile being a couple 10ths of a second faster than top white percentile ect. ect.

My point is that the problem with whites is our culture which no longer pushes boys to be athletic. Where as black culture is obsessed with athletics (even though they all mostly suck at sports).

Whites have to work slightly harder for muscle tone because they store fat more easiliy than blacks.

Those fucking digies
Praise kek

Yo dont steal anything but ladies underwear.

>nigger/shitskin comes to Sup Forums
>rages on muh white male

Inferiority complex? Shit, I had one, if I were some subhumand from Africa, or the Near East.

message to msm

Lol wot. Blacks are skinny because they are poor. Till they get hold of kfc and balloon up to a fat faggit and die early.

Lol wut.

this is another silly bit of shit. The white woman is the most desired on the planet. What happened was, in the past, no blacks got with white women. White women wouldn't toucch them.

Now, some blacks can get white women. No one is imporessed that attractive black men can score random white women. Its "shocking" because in the past NO blacks could get any shit.

Now they get some slight shit. Suddenly its a huge accomplishment that some blacks can fuck white women. Like they have gotten one rung closer to white men, who have always been able to fuck all races of women. As though its an accomplishment for a black man to have a small amount of access to white women. It merely shows how low blacks are that when attractive black men can get average white women everyone freaks out

>retards catching this bait
never change Sup Forumstards

>op has made a duh warrior gene thread
Yeah some warrior gene if you lose every war you ever fight.

>Balding is a fucking serious issue

Agreed. Normally we don't bitch about it, because we aren't like leftist snowflakes, but there is a HUGE stigma against balding/baldness. If you are an actor, for example, you can kiss your career goodbye unless you happen to be named Jason Statham.

Also, it DOES seriously affect how girls see you because they tend to be shallow bitches when they are in their twenties/thirties. Sure, confidence overcomes it, but my point is it is much more of a liability than skin color or gender.


Are you a faggot? Women dont care. Plenty of actors are bald.

Yup. The vast majority of blacks I've seen are with fat or otherwise below average white women.

Some people get in debt to a car for 20-30k.. You can go for a full head of hair at 10k and its 100% successful, and getting better with time

He's right though, Europeans store more fat more easily because it helps us stay warm.

>they are skinny because they are poor.

Poor people inthe west tend to be fat. Think of poor people is oz, do they tend to be skinny or overweight?

>being this retarded.

Either you are a troll or you are retarded. The so called "warrior gene" doesn't mean they are a good fighter, it just means they carry a gene which makes them more prone to uncontrollable bursts of aggression.

>Why are white men so fucking ugly

>He's right though, Europeans store more fat more easily because it helps us stay warm.

the Jews

You shouldn't force it it like that. It makes it so obvious it takes the sting out of it.

>Either you are a troll or you are retarded. The so called "warrior gene" doesn't mean they are a good fighter, it just means they carry a gene which makes them more prone to uncontrollable bursts of aggression.
Wtf are you doing using an austrian proxy for you dumb nigger.
No one believes what you are saying you pos nigger.

We were great once... But through our politeness towards other groups of people brought... a... certain wrongness, that everyone denies exists. After that, while we still tried to hold control, we were called racist, and now... after a while of being called racist, we've been forced to hate ourselves, and deny we have a culture.

Whites (even bois like Milo the pedo) all love BBC!

Colonisation only happened because ethnic women opened their cunts for White cock and ethnic men let themselves get cuckolded and went picking cash crops while White Man went to town on ethnic cunts.

Be careful not to make halfbreeds like our paki OP here though, OK?

We are being slid because of the CNN leaks.

Try google mate.


Fuck up you twelvie cunt.

The only thing MODERN white men have conquered is a large pizza by themselves.

Modern white men have lost total control of every white country in under 100 years. You have nothing to be proud of.

Fuck your dumb.

>calls someone who provides evidence dumb while resorting to just ad hominem

